Getting There Without Drugs by Dr. Buryl Payne; Natural Medicine Contest 7/31/19.

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

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Let me tell you my story about how I stumbled upon this book. I had quite a divine experience 12 years ago regarding this book. If you've been following me long you will know that I'm one of these people who doesn't believe in accidents anymore. Stumbling upon this book is one of the reasons I believe this. I was meant to find it.

12 years ago back in 2007 was when I started collecting all the old esoteric books I could get my hands on. A couple I've shared with you already. At this time 12 years ago I was living at my Dad's in Sarasota Florida. On the corner of Bee Ridge Rd and Cattlemen was an old bank that went out of business and later became a Goodwill Bookstore. This is where I found Dr. Buryl Payne's book.

I remember the day I found it. I had no knowledge of this book or even who Dr. Buryl Payne was. When I go looking for books I have a vague idea of who or what I'm looking for. In one back room of the Goodwill bookstore is where they kept their first editions and other rare finds. On this one particular day I saw this book on the shelf jumping right out at me. It was up right standing out one one shelf away from the other books with a small sign saying rare first edition blah blah, etc. Just looking at the cover before picking up the book this overwhelming feeling came over me. I started getting tingly inside. Something somewhere was trying to tell me something. I NEVER experienced anything like this before ever when it came to buying a book. I still haven't!

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When I started looking through the front of the book. It contained Buryl's picture and this card with some information regarding the book. The Goodwill bookstore wanted $25 for it being a rare 1st edition. At this point I'm already excited to have this book in my hands as I started going through reading the Table of Contents and then the forward. Just what was written in the forward alone was worth me paying the $25 for this book. I immediately went home and started reading it.

The thing about this book is that it is more than just a book. It isn't a book you are going to pick up and read all in one day in a few hours. Each chapter contains instructions and techniques used to expand your consciousness without the assistance of psychedelic drugs. Each of these exercises takes time to master. Think of this book as a stairway and each chapter is just one more step up the stairway to Heaven. After getting through the first couple of chapters I wanted to know more about who Buryl Payne was and how he came to publish such a profound book.

This book being published in 1973 I would assume being the year 2007 Buryl was now really old or even passed away by now. I immediately found Buryl's website: At the time Buryl was alive and well in Santa Cruz California. Sadly I must deliver the bad news now that Buryl did pass away two years ago in 2017. In fact, upon writing this blog I made this discovery because it has been years since I picked up his book or kept up on his website to see if he was still alive. Shame I know :-(. Here is the link to Buryl's obituary I found:

Turns out Buryl was quite an amazing teacher. He was in the field of medicine and biology. He has an M.S. in physics and a Ph.D. in psychology. He even discovered that every one of us in fact has our own unique Spin Force. He invented a device called a biofield meter that he used to measure everyone's spin force. Don't believe me? Google it! I did it for you HA HA:

On his website there was an email and even a phone number to contact him. I decided to send him an email introducing myself. I'm sure if I went through my old emails from back then I could even find the actual emails that I sent him. In so many words back then I let him know that I was just some random naive 23 year old searching for truth wherever I could find it. Being an awakened soul just two years before learning about all the conspiracy stuff going on in the world from 9/11 being an inside job to secret societies to the fact that everything this corporate fascist government has been doing has been unconstitutional since the Civil War I was so happy to have found his book. Like I said, I don't believe in accidents anymore.

Sure enough within a day or so I got a response from Buryl. He didn't say much other then the fact that he was happy that I made the effort to contact him regarding this book of his that has been out of print for decades. He wanted to know how I found it especially being all the way in Florida across the country from him. He even asked me for my phone number. I was hesitant to give him my number at first but as I thought about it I figured, why not? Sure enough not long after that, Buryl called me! In fact, I still have the California number he called me from written down in my little phone book that I've kept in my wallet for the past 15 years or so.

Here's the PROOF!!!
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PROOF I still have Buryl Payne's number.

When he called me I didn't recognize the number because it was California so I let it go to voicemail. His voice was so slow and shaky from his age I couldn't understand what he was saying. All I could make out is that he was in California and if I had long distance to call him back. So I called the number back and he answered. I said that I didn't recognize the number and asked who this was. When I heard him say his name I almost collapsed dropping the phone. I couldn't believe it! I was now talking on the phone with this great teacher and master who published this amazing book I found. How many book authors that you had no knowledge of can you say made an effort to contact and talk to you personally on the phone like this? That says a lot! At this point I was speechless. I was now shaking hard trying not to embarrass myself while on the phone with Buryl. After this I maybe had 3 or 4 more phone conversations with him regarding his book and other current events he was working on like the Spin Force and stuff. I want to say we kept in touch for about a year. The year after in 2008 was when I lived on my sailboat and I remember contacting him to ask him if the biofield meter would work on a sailboat? The last conversation I had with him I remember he said my boat was too small for the biofield meter. A year or so later I remember getting a newsletter he sent out from his website saying that he had some sort of brain disorder that wouldn't allow him to speak anymore. He was asking for thoughts, prayers, and for all the support he could get while he was going through this. Which to me meant sadly that Buryl was really as old as I thought and wasn't going to be around much longer. I mean come on, he was a college professor back in the 1960's. So I was shocked at all that he was still alive when I found his book. I often visualized going to California just to meet him and sign my book before he died. The entire time that I lived on the west coast from 2012 to 2017 I never did get the chance too. The two trips I made to California was for work and we never did travel to San Francisco and Santa Cruz. Passing through Ukiah and Sacramento was the closest I came.

At this time back in 2007 during my spiritual journey down the rabbit hole searching for truth I was just starting to dive deep learning about psychedelics. I was wanting to try some. It was just the year before in 2006 that I tried cannabis for the first time. What is ironic about this book is that this book, that teaches you how to get there without drugs made me want to start doing drugs HA HA. My hypothesis was, ok so these teachings really do work without drugs so what if you practice them while on drugs? Huh? Would that enhance the experience even more? I had to know!

This is what lead me a couple years later to having sex on acid with my ex lover. To me, love making is the best natural medicine one should ever need. To me, it is the most divine most intense experience one could ever experience whether you are on drugs or not. Which is why I did it. You know me, do the most radical most extreme thing that I could think of, this was it!

Now as much as I condone the use of psychedelic drugs, I don't condone sex on acid. You might end up putting on all rainbow shit and make a big dipshit out of yourself for all of the world and Steemit to see HA HA. There is a rainbow glitch somewhere in my DNA now as a result. I've got a neuro thread in my brain too somewhere that is still going off having an orgasm HA HA! Which is why I say, HAVE SEX ON ACID AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

Special thanks to @naturalmedicine for having this contest. As a result I most likely never would of been able to share this book and my experience with you. Like I said I don't believe in accidents anymore. There is a reason I joined up with Steemit and have shared this story with you ;-). If I can offer any shitty spiritual advice it would be to get you a copy of this book and start practicing. In fact you can find a copy right now on Ebay for only $15 with free shipping. Which is $10 cheaper then I paid 12 years ago HA HA.

For the longest time I would tell people that this book is the word of god. The word isn't found in the book but the techniques help you find the word of god that is within you in your own consciousness. It was Dr. Timothy Leary who said,

"The only way out is in."
~Timothy Leary

Which goes hand in hand with "as above so below." So even if you are a religious fanatic reading this, that shit is in the Bible!

I'm also going to use the @weedcash tag because I want all you degenerate stoners out there to read this and maybe get your hands on a copy of this book. I mean, what better book about @naturalmedicine to write a blog about that is better than this one?

Thanks for looking and reading my story.

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!!!
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PROOF I had to get there without drugs to get there with drugs HA HA. Oh the irony!!! sigh The paraodox of our age.

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Your post made me remember a great scientist.

“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”
― Carl Sagan

That is quite something - the amazing connection to Buryl coming through a book in a goodwill bookstore! It opens a whole new dimension to our connectedness and teachers appearing when the student is ready.
I had a near death experience once where I came back because I had more people I needed to connect with and lessons to learn!
Thanks for sharing your story!

I'm glad you liked it @porters. I really regret not ever making it to California to meet him in person. By 2010 or so I had too much going on in my life that I stopped keeping up with his website so I never knew if he was able to cure himself of the brain disease before he died. He made it to 2017 so I hope he didn't suffer for almost a decade. Buryl was a great man and I'm glad I found his book and got to share this story. It is the least I could do growing distant after all these years.

This is quite long to be honest, but it is worth read. I had never gone through a review which has been written in the way you had written about. Rather than a review it is a personnel story on fond memories and a short description- But whatever it may be it really lifted the mood of reading in the morning.

I will go through the links which you mentioned later because from your write up I too have an urge in me to know more about him.

It is important to spread the awareness about the content of the book globally or especialy in the places where this practice is misusing than as a final resort.

Any how thanks for this nice blog, Cheers

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @angelro! Glad you liked it. I could of written more but it would of been even longer of a blog so I figured just keep to the most important information regarding the book and my experience finding it. I hope you are able to locate a copy of this book and practice the techniques to help you with your own self-discovery.


How amazing that you were able to have a personal relationship with such an inspirational and enlightened teacher. Thank you for sharing this manual for self discovery. Hopefully when I get back to the states I can get a copy. I don’t believe coincidences are inconsequential either. ✌️

Glad you liked it :-). You won't be disappointed. If you can get a copy of the book for $15 it will be the best $15 you ever spent.

That's awesome that he called you.. I've never heard a famous author call me

What a great experience inside of an experience. I think it is so fantastic that he reached out to you. I also think you made his day. People love to know that what they do matters, that they touch other people. I am glad you shared this.

Thanks Beth glad you liked it! I really do regret not being able to ever meet the man in person. I feel like I should have. I hate that they took his website down after his death. He had some good information. I'm still really interested in the spin force but I don't think he ever had any books printed on the subject. He sold a PDF file on the site but me I want an actual physical book.

The post made me laugh, it was very entertaining! Greetings and hugs♡

Oh my god... I have been trying to get around to reading this post since you posted it but just haven't had time. Absolutely loved reading it. What an amazing story. All the better for the fact that he contacted you and you got to talk to him. there are some books that literally jump out at you when you need them the most. but this one seems extra special.

As for sex on acid? Oh dear I have some stories to tell that I probably don't want to share on the block chain .... needless to say they have been some of the most memorable experiences of my life. Sacred, earth, sky, underland, the blood that flows from heart to the world... oh. Plus... what the fuck was that???

Glad you liked it! Hope you get your hands on a copy of this book.

Oh, and great call using #naturalmedicine and #weedcash ... WEEDCASH.IO pulls those posts on theirfront end. Such a great marriage.

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