Healing Burnout WIth Brew, One Sip At A Time! (My Entry for Natural Medicine Fortnightly Challenge)

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

It's been years since I've had this burnout. At the beginning, it was super intense, and even just 10 minutes of physical activity drained me to the point that my immune system could crash and I could get sick. These days, it's not as bad as that, but my energy reserves are very low.

I don't take medication because I'm allergic, I don't take natural drugs because I don't react well to them, I don't take caffeine as a boost, because I react badly to it and it induces a panic attack and massive migraines. So I have no choice but to do this the natural way.

I recently hit a plateau with my healing. I'm not losing energy, although I've been more drained lately since I came back from Mexico, and I don't gain energy. I lose energy quickly, I am tired a lot.

Burnout is adrenal fatigue. It's linked to my anxiety and my CPTSD. But EFT therapy alone cannot heal me physically. I have adapted my treatments and therapies, my Bach Flower Remedies, and my nutrition, to no avail.

I've always been good with brews in the past, as in my body reacts well to herbal brews. So I researched a few herbs that are good for adrenal fatigue. I found one new one I had never tried before: Licorice Root.

As with any new herb, I tried it on its own to ensure that my body would respond well to it. I have an apothecary of herbs at home and there are several that combines with Licorice Root could make a good mix. I knew that if I was going to mix herbs and make a brew, it would have to be herbs that would be compatible with Licorice Root, compatible in my body. Sometimes mixing herbs together doesn't do anything or one herb contradicts another.

I experimented a bit. And then I found the Recipe that works for me. It boost me when I drink it, it allows me to feel sleepy, not just tired without the sleepiness as is my usual, helps me sleep more and fall asleep more easily, and over time after taking it, I gain more energy and am able to get more done and be more physical in my daily routine and life.

As with any herbal brew of this sort, I make enough to drink for 3 days, 2 cups a day. Then I wait. Sometimes I can only go a few weeks before I need more. Sometimes I can go a couple of months. I think it depends how potent it ended up being and that depends on how heaping the spoonfuls of herbs were and how much water evaporated.

Recipe and Method

  • Licorice Root
  • Nettles
  • Chamomile
  • Echinacea
  • Lemon Balm

Licorice Root is good for Adrenal Fatigue and the immune system.
Echinacea boosts the immune system.
Nettles are for weakness and fatigue. It's also a tonic full of iron.
Lemon Balm is good for nervous tension and also for depression.
Chamomile calms and soothes, is good for the nerves and irritability, and is great for insomnia and sleep problems.

  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Measure tea spoons of herbs equal to the amount of water you have. It's 1 for 1. 1 heaping tea spoon for 1 cup of water.
  • Put Licorice Root and Echinacea stems in.
  • Turn water down to simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  • Then add flowers and leaves. 1 teas spoon for each cup of water you have.
  • Turn heat off and let steep for 20 minutes.
  • Now it's good to drink.

I've been experimenting with this Recipe for a while now and have had it quite a bit. It seems to be a good recipe for me, I feel like I nailed it, the combination of herbs. Ever since I began taking it, it's been helping and I've been feeling better and as though I am slowly gaining a bit more energy or at least not losing as much as before when I am low. It's not going to heal the mental part of this burnout which is caused by CPTSD and is linked with a fear of falling asleep, but it takes care of the physical symptoms and gives me a natural, drug-free and caffeine-free boost.

This is my entry for the Fortnightly Challenge by @NaturalMedicine. The original post can be found here: https://steemit.com/naturalmedicine/@naturalmedicine/home-remedies-join-in-the-fun-of-our-fortnightly-challenge


My chiropractor has told me to drink licorice for my adrenals. Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to make this tea. Nice post!

Thanks! I'm happy to help with inadvertent reminders any time ;)

Hi, I have never tried licorice root, but I have tried chamomile. This calms me a lot, helps me sleep relaxed and alleviates my allergy problems. It's good to know that natural medicine helps you heal. Regards.

@binkyprod, In my opinion, in a way universe made not working mechanism everything for you and helped you to move towards Natural Way and i think that it's a blessing in a way. Stay blessed.

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It absolutely is a blessing. It's a way to connect with nature and my body in ways that we are not taught anymore and I do feel nature is teaching me to love and respect myself better.

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Great to hear these words.


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Aw, thanks, helpie! :) I appreciate that. Cake looks good.

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Medicinal teas are one of my favorites! Lovely entry and I'll save this recipe for future use. I don't have licorice root in my cupboard but I've long been meaning to give it a try. I appreciate that you mention trying each herb individually to learn about how your body responds to it. We are all unique and not every herb suits every person!

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Licorice Root is naturally sweet, so it makes for a good tasting brew. Chamomile with it ensure that the harsher taste of nettle and echinacea are subdued. The aftertaste is one of my favourites from any brew.

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Hmm... I have all of that except the licorice and nettles. May have to pick some up and give this a try. Thanks for the recipe

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It's my pleasure!

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What an interesting combination. I never would have thought, that such combination can help you get more filled with energy. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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It's my pleasure! :)

I make a half gallon of tea most mornings. Certainly work days when I must leave home.
The tea consists of the peel of one lemon, two level teaspoons of Kratom, ten or so fresh cannabis leaves and an equal number of catnip leaves and three teabags of green tea. Then sweetened with a lot of honey.
I get chronic backaches and would have a hard time functioning without this tea.
It takes the pain away quicker than aspirin and other analgesics.n

Sounds like quite the infusion. It's great that you've got something your body is good with and that is good for your body. And it's definitely not something you'll find at David's Tea lol

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Infusion. I like that much better than concoction. Way classier. I’m gonna use that. Thanks.

Awesome. Herbal teas are the bomb. My man's been making me what we call TRIPLE RELAXO (lol) .. hops, verbena and chamomile. The hops is bitter but I just use a tad less than the other 2 and I've got used it.

Licorice is one of the herbs my naturopath puts in my herbal mix for my adrenal fatigue. This time was a little different as my liver was affected... usually it's adrenals full on and my mix is kava, passionflower, zizyphus, withuania and licorice to settle them. I TOTALLY hear you... I suffer in the same way (not CPTSD But debilitating anxiety) and when it hits... BAM! Hell on earth. Take as MUCH magnesium as you can handle as the body super depletes it when stressed! Have you heard of NAC?

Yeah, I defo could use more magnesium, for a few reasons 😁 Some days I spend so much time feeling anxious and as though it's wrong to feel this way that I drain my energy just by that. Guh.

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Not wrong, beautiful. Just what is. I know EXACTLY how it feels. I'm only just coming down from three weeks of intense physical sensation of anxiety though logical mind knows I shouldn't be.

Check this


Recommended by my naturopath.

Be. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 💚💚💚💚💚

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool. Will check it out. Thanks! :)

Thanx for sharing this knowledge. I know about the Nettles and Chamomile effect but the others are new to me.

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