How Steemit is building my skills - Vocalist Fun

in #music7 years ago


If any of you have been following my blog, you will know that I love to sing. I started off not too long after I got here entering a Karaoke contest here on Steemit (run by @killerwhale), and have since become one of the judges. Well, recently things, due to some friends I have made, went in a way that I was not sure they would. If you were to go back and read my Intro post back in July, you would find out that I said I would like to try songwriting so I could sing and write my own songs. Well, last week I tried that for the first time, and I have to admit it wasn't horrible. Of course, I had to suit my song to a beat as it was a contest, but it was very fun and very challenging. It became additionally fun when it was time to make a video for it.

This week though, I had a friend that was entering another contest and she made these great lyrics but wasn't sure about using her own vocals. So, she reached out to me. I had a lot of fun learning the words, the tune, and giving it my all. I got to play with my lower vocal register which I already knew needed work, and I will continue to do that. So, I sang the song and had fun with it. She submitted it to the contest today, but of course, I wanted to share it since it was really fun not only singing, but also being asked to be a vocal for somebody. Since I love making videos I went ahead and put one together with some clips from my friends Sims game that she plays and sent me.

Lyrics by @simgirl
Vocals by @topkpop
The Sims gameplay footage from @simgirl
Beats by: The Passion HiFi- The Remanded

Going Down in the Streets Tonight - Music Video (The Sims Style)

If you would like to view the contest entry that @simgirl sent then check out here submission link here. It also includes the lyrics as well.

Well, I had a lot of fun doing this, like I mentioned.

My Song last week

If you would like to hear my lyrics and vocals on my song from last week then feel free to check it out, it is linked below.


Stay Tuned...I will be Streaming a live online radio show. Coming Soon!

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



Check out some of my others posts

Laugh with me...Again - Cat EditionHow much humor do you really have?





Nice work!!!! U should spend more time doing this instead of stalking me 🤣🤣

haha! you are a pain. Glad you liked it. Stalker ^-^

I’m like a bruise. Mildly annoying but when u push on it it’s relatively pleasurable.

Haha you are way too funny!

Great lyrics great video and great vocals
This is awesome you need to keep doing more and more

Love to hear that! Thanks. I definitely plan on keeping this up for a while either way 😀

Please do it would be a total shame to stop

Well done! Great tune and animation!

Thank you! Had a ton of fun doing it, it was a great collaboration and so glad I was brought on board

Awesome :) 😙

Thank you, darling! :)

I am so sure you are doing all this on your day off, right?

That was really fun to watch and fun to listen to. You have so many hidden talents! All kidding aside, i like your lower range, it has a nice pitch to it.

Good luck to you. That was so cool to step in like that! Upped and Steemed tip!

haha, I have a day off? News to me lol. Well thank you for the compliment on my lower range, I feel like a need some work on it. I can sing but it isn't as clear and if I sing too much on my lower range it strains my voice...something I am not surprised of because like years and years ago I got a vocal coach for a session or two and she mentioned the same thing. Never knew I would be singing more as an adult, but I do like it.

Thanks for the tip! You are awesome. It worked out well, singing is easy for me, while lyric writing is a bit tougher haha.

Yeah, I was totally being sarcastic on the day off! LOL

Haha, I had a feeling! I wonder if we will ever take days off lol...



I think my emojis speak the best as am speechless

Awwww! :) Glad you enjoyed it :) It was an awesome collaboration to do.

That was an awesome music video. Great lyrics and I loved to vocals on it!! Pretty cool @topkpop!!

Thank you! The video was fun so I am glad she plays the sims. The lyrics I will fully admit was catchy so it made it a lot easier to sing.

This sounds great @topkpop!! I just listened to the video now and you've done a great job. I actually like the Sims video too haha

Thank you :) I try to do my best as a vocalist, always trying to improve at this point. Yes, the sims thing was an ingenious idea that my friend had, and piecing the clips together she handed me were even more fun.

How about the next video can be you singing to the video of Simon's Cat haha ok or not. #bringbackthecats

Haha, I love how you are starting a bring back the cats movement now lol. I am not sure how the simon's cat creator would love that, but an interesting thought. I have real cats but not sure how they would perform under pressure ^-^

Hahaha even better, use your real cats!! They’ve been living the good life long enough, time to get them making some coin for you 😂

Hahaha omg that made me laugh.

I absolutely love this 😊 cool sims and I love your voice and the whole concept. Was almost hard to be still... Lol
Yeay Go Jenny 🤗😘

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