Get Your Original Music Heard! - Any Genre

in #music7 years ago (edited)


Looking for Original Music by Steemit Musicians

Hi all! It's that time again. I am looking for music to feature on my weekly radio show that airs live this Friday. I want to promote your music. If you have a song that you want to have me consider playing on my live show with my audience then please say so.

How to submit your song(s)

All you have to do is either put your soundcloud link (or whatever other equivalent) below in the comments. I will need to download it to use it so keep that in mind. If you want to keep it locked until I ask for the download then that is fine too. The other option is to find me on discord @topkpop#2293 and direct message me an mp3 or downloadable link.

Your song(s) can be any genre. They do have to adhere to just a couple of things though. The music has to be your own original work. If it is a compilation of yours and someone else's then I would just need to get their permission to also use it. Songs that are available to use, so none that are owned by a record label (unless you own it) and would require any royalties.

I feature your song(s) without any cost to you. I promote them through my shows, the recordings of my shows, and in my posts. If you send your song/link you are agreeing to me being able to use the songs at any time I wish, and multiple times going forward for my show and posts. I will be mentioning your song, musicians name(s), and steemit name every time I use to song. This is nothing but great exposure for you and your work.

How do I feature your song(s)?

  • When I choose to play a song it will be either aired live on my broadcast, or on a pre-recorded show. Either way it will be streamed on (as well as related youtube and twitch channel streams).
  • When your song is played (in most cases) your image, song name, musician name, and steemit name will be visible on the stream.
  • In the post-recording post that I put up after the following days after the show, your image, song name, musician name, and steemit name will be mentioned and displayed for all to read.
  • The recorded radio show will go on the playback feed that is streamed on that runs 24/7. This means that my show will be played at varying times/days as a repeat stream.

As you can see this gets your song a ton of extra exposure that it normal wouldn't get.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions.

I look forward to having the change to promote/feature your music

Check out my past episodes of All Play Friday with topkpop (Radio Show)

All Play Friday with topkpop - EPISODE 1
All Play Friday with topkpop - EPISODE 2




Hello this is really awesome of you. I make original chill music, hope you check it out. I made this track downloadable.

I love it! Really chill. I downloaded it. Do you have an image you want to go along with it for when I feature it? Also are those your vocals on it? Cause they sound great.

Cool thank you. :)

You can use this image:

Those aren't my vocals, I produce the music using software (reason 4.0) and usually find royalty free vocal samples to make it spicy, get the tuning and timing right and boom, it adds that human element.

Wonderful! Thank you for replying and love the image

Love it thanks for the sounds indeed cool vibes here. be well

Warm up ppl... Friday is coming soon...

It is indeed!

I don't do music, (well not anything I would record, LOL!) but I think it's about time I started following to see what is going on here! Keep up the good work!

Glad you are following along. Even if you don't do music you can come check out my show and listen to original music by steemit musicians :)

I will do that!

Maybe check this out, you can use a YouTube downloader if you want it. Its also on itunes and whatever else, Spotify also. This was also in my recent post. Its a few years old but its mine. Let me know what you think. My style is even more chillout now then this. I could send you the file I have archived if you need it. Thanks @topkpop I just posted one on dsound recent too and will upload more as I go through my files.

Awesome :) Great one. Yeah, I could download it via Youtube downloader since you are good with it. Would just want an image I could display on screen (just image not video) while I play it. If you have one just DM on discord with it, or post it here whatever works better for you. @krazypoet

Cool thanks girl, I'll send you a pic I have a screen shot.

You can use this for anything! It's original and a lil
I can e-mail you the mp3 version if needed, just let me know, thanks

Well dear @topkpop. I don't want to rush with assumptions yet.

But.. ¿Can I presume that you've been unable to decide yet which one of my original songs to choose for your show is, because each one of them are extremely gorgeous? LoL }:)

Hi! Ooh I thought I replied back to your older comment but I guess I didn't. So I want to feature one last week on my show but I downloaded it from SoundCloud and it showed up on my computer as a text like file. I did it twice and the same thing happened each time. It was the first one on your downloadable links you gave me.

Oh! well @topkpop, maybe must be some confusion here. Because I have no songs to be found on SoundCloud. Perhaps, the ones you are referring to are from someone else.

In this comment on your first post you can find the right links to my original tunes. If any of those songs is of your interest to feature in your show, just tell me which one is it and I'll check if everything is working fine to download the tune. :)

Sorry I meant dsound links. @por500bolos

Ah! then OK. In fact, I never tested to download one of my songs from DSound before. I'll check this right now. ¿Would you care to tell me which is the name of the one you want? So, in case I have the same troubles to download it as you, I could find another way to send it to you on time for your show. :)

@por500bolos I tried to download the Tiptoe dance one, I did it again just now and it did the same thing.

Friday has gone, but what a great support you give to anonymous musicians! My son is also a musician, but he's not on Steemit, at least until now, as he is finishing college and has a lot to study. But if you find it possible I could post his originals here and hope you can promote him. He would be very grateful. What do you think about this?

@topkpop this post was presented at the most recent Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. I have written a post to share your featured post. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

Finally, have a very Merry Christmas or whatever you may celebrate at this time of year.

This is cool @topkpop .. I might gi back to writing songs.. hmmmnn

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