Mr. Holmes [2015] : Fulfilling The Promise on Ownself

in #moviereview6 years ago (edited)


“One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.”

~Rita Mae Brown

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”

~Mark Twain


Notes : 99% of this articles was uploaded to my currently taken down blog. This article is an English version for this Bahasa written article of mine.


Mr. Holmes, a joint production film by AI Film, BBC Films, FilmNation Entertainment, Archer Gray Productions, and See-Saw Films, released on July 17, 2015 in the United States. The premiere took place in Berlin, Germany, on February 8, and was released to the public in the UK on June 19, 2015. This movie is distributed by Miramax and Roadside Attractions.

One version of Mitch Cullin's "A Slight Trick of the Mind" novel.Source

The movie Mr. Holmes [2015] is based on a book written by Mitch Cullin 1, A Slight Trick of the Mind 2 [Doubleday, 2005] . It's about the famous fictional detectivec created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 3, Sherlock Holmes 4 , in his old age, with a common thing faced by people of his 90s age: memory and physical condition problem.

Trailer di YouTube

Plot Review

The story took place i 1947, when the famous Sherlock Holmes [portrayed by Ian McKellen], at the age of 93, have retreated to the English suburbs. He hired a middle-aged widow [Ms. Munro, pirtrayed by Laura Linney] to take care of his daily need and the home. Ms. Munro has a son from his marriage that ended because her husband died during the war, Roger [played by Milo Parker].

Sherlock dan Roger, bersama mengungkap misteri di balik ingatan Sherlock.

Sherlock spent his time by raising bees. Roger faithfully accompanied him. In addition, Sherlock tried to enter the world of writing by writing down a details of his own past adventure. During these times, his stories were always written by his colleague, Dr. John Watson.

He tried to rewrite one of his stories that, too, had actually been written by Watson. Sherlock did not feel hapy about the writings of 'Watson's version'. Sherlock does look shiny in books and on the big screens that are all thanks to Watson's work to bring in a great detective figure, but still, Watson has added quite a number of fictional aspects that make Sherlock feel strange to the characters in the books of Watson's writings, and -then- the films based on the books.

Anytime he introduces himself to people, they tend not to believe that Sherlock is the real Sherlock, they tend to expect as Watson' descriptions in his books, a brilliant man with his distinctive hat and pipe between his lips. "If I may choose, I would prefer regular cigarettes rather than pipe," Sherlock told Mr. Umezaki [Hiroyuki Sanada], to illustrate an aspect of his disagreement with the images that Watson built for him.

Sherlock had promised himself that he would not die before completing his writing. The problem is, senility really has prevented him from remembering the details of the case he wanted to write about.

When he finally finished his writing, after going a series of incidents that gradually returned his memories to the details, he was now consciously aware of the reason for his retreat to the countryside. And what's that? You have to 'witness' the movie yourself, my friends

Note: Throughout the film, Dr. Watson [Colin Starkey] only appeared on the screen in no more than one minute.

My Opinion

For Sherlock Holmes's fans, this story can be considered an alternative story from another perspective that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle never wrote, but has been brilliantly presented by one of his fans, the famous writer Mitch Cullin, and it is a tribute to Sir Arthur's brilliant work . A very entertaining script for Sherlock fans, I think, and has been filmed with good quality and will entertain drama enthusiasts who want a light drama to pass the time with.


Only recommended to the fans of Sherlock Holmes, as well as the ans to the genre of drama, crime, and mystery. Viewers who seek for action, sophisticated visual effects, and science fiction, will certainly find this is boring.


  • Genre: Drama, Crime, Mystery
  • Cast: Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, Hiroyuki Sanada, Milo Parker, Colin Starkey
  • Director: Bill Condon
  • Rating : IMDb 7,2/10 | RT 87% | metacritic 67%
  • Production Company: AI Film, BBC Films, FilmNation Entertainment, Archer Gray Productions, dan See-Saw Films
  • Distributors: Miramax dan Roadside Attractions
  • Runtime: 1h44m
  • Box Office: +USD25mil


  • 1Mitch Cullin is an American writer. Born on March 23, 1968. Has written as many as 7 novels. His novels have been translated into more than 10 languages.
  • 2A Slight Trick of the Mind is the seventh novel by Mitch Cullin, published by Doubleday in 2005.
  • 3Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, complete Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ, DL., is a physician and concurrent author with British citizenship. He was born on May 22, 1859, and died on July 7, 1930.
  • 4Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective figure created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock and his partner, Dr. Watson ran a Private Investigation office in London, and gained high popularity. Sherlock and Watson's adventure stories have been adapted into many forms, from stage performances to television series, in addition to the wide screen of course.

Source, Reading Suggestion

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(All are written in Bahasa)


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The film is fantastic. There are many instructive lessons. Thank you for placing such a post

Thanks for dropping by with a comment.

@xawi, here comes the English version of my previous article. Ahan. 😀

Hey dear @xawi. Your hot NeoChoco is ready.


mr holmes,???? pilom barat yg kha sang nyeh?
tp kok koment sendiroe ya??
haaa .... slm fresh sllu

mr holmes,???? pilom barat yg kha sang nyeh?

Ya. Seperti saya sebut di artikel, judulnya Mr. Holmes. Apakah itu bisa disebut "kha", itu tergantung selera. Hehe.

tp kok koment sendiroe ya??

Iya juga, ya. Sepi. Mungkin sudah pada komen di pstingan sebelumnya yang berbahasa Indonesia : Seperti saya sebut di bagian awal artikel bahwa ini adalah versi terjemahan ke Bahasa Inggris, sebab teman saya @xawi yang orang Pakistan tidak mengerti apa yang saya tulis di sana.

TerimAksih sudah mampir bang @fauzan11.

@aneukpineung78 Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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