There is nothing positive in being negative ๐Ÿ˜‰

in #motivational โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)
Being and/or staying positive is a full time job. You start that job as soon as you open your eyes in the morning and you are not finished until you get to bed and fall asleep. There are breaks you take but not because you need them, more because you let them happen to you. Those breaks can, if you are not careful enough, make you quit your positivity job and start at a new position within the firm called negativity. Your work hours will be the same but your paycheck will not. Stick with your positivity instead...

There will always be ups and downs, life is like that, but what we do when those ups and downs happen is what counts. That is what defines us, our ability to choose how we act and react.

"All you can change is yourself,
but sometimes that changes everything."
Guy Finley

Ghandi said that you should be the change you want to see. There is such big wisdom in those words and they can be applied anywhere and everywhere. I am not saying that you can not try to change others, an honorable mission indeed, just like any other, but you are destined to fail miserably if you do not accept the fact that people change when they decide to. You are just a minor factor there, almost unimportant.

You can use the same actions and the same words and get different results with different people. This is because it is not, and it never was, up to you. It was always up to and about them. It will always be up to them.

Try to take some pressure and responsibility off your shoulders. Sooner or later you will get tired of trying to fix everything up. Take a break. Have a nice nap and when you wake up try approaching the situation differently.

"We cannot
cure the world of sorrows,
but we can
chose to live in joy."
Joseph Campbell

It is easy to allow our surrounding to define us. Not allow. Wrong word there. It is easy to decide to let our surroundings define us. Everything about us is our responsibility and our decision.

Nobody makes you angry, you DECIDE to use anger as a response.

People do not give you bad feelings, they do not create them and they do not hold any power over you. That is your doing. You can be a victim of your world, or you can be the creator. The choice is yours, it always has been. Sure, there are bad things around and some people are pretty stupid, but there are also amazing things and wonderful people all around. They are lacking in your attention because your focus is on those that make you mad/sad/scared etc. Wonderful and amazing people deserve your attention. Give it to them.

It is not fair to ignore the good things and good people. It is not fair that so much lovely stuff that we have in this world is being neglected because we choose to keep our attention on things that bring us down. Appreciate those lovely things. Love, smile and be happy about them.

There is nothing positive in being negative

If there ever was a perfect sentence that is obvious in its meaning and pretty much self-explanatory, then this would be it. There really isn't anything positive in negativity. Nothing good is hidden. There is no chocolate there, no wine, not even a single ice cream. Your mind, body, and spirit do not get anything constructive, meaningful or beneficial from negativity. You are wasting your time. Wasting it. Every moment of your life counts and every moment should be a happy one. Why? BECAUSE IT FEELS GOOD. As simple as that.

One of the simplest ways to be happy is to let go of things that make you sad. Nothing is worth doing if you are not happy while doing it. Let go of that anchor that is holding you down, change your thoughts and your attitude, put a big smile on your face and decide to be happy. Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of traveling, it is the path itself. Remember that life is only as good as you make it. Let's make it a good one!

You have just been sprinkled with my happy fairy dust.
It should keep you going for a while.


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The feelings are just one thing, that's true, that one we can chose, but we can lose so many other things because of some toxic relationship, bad friend, abusive partner... Our job, friends, personal happiness, family... name it. Think positive gives an advantage because there is a little to no loss of energy to irrelevant things, but then again we might earn a title of being unemotional as well. Depends who is watching and depends, on the other side, should we care ( not).
Stay well!

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Earning that title should not concern anyone. As long as you are happy and satisfied with your life and spreading that happiness and love around, who cares what others think. :D

There is a lot of positivity in this post and I like it but I can't agree with all you wrote.
The most of us can't always choose to stay positive or to turn negative, there are things we can't control, there are things that make us unable to control ourselves. Very much depends on your life experience, your present situation and on people around you. You live in a city that is much bigger than mine, you can actually choose not to see the same people every day. That's impossible here.
We all can produce positive and negative energy in ourselves. And we receive positive and negative energy from our environment. I produce only positive energy in myself because 80% of the energy that I receive from outside is negative. So I have to produce only the positive energy just to make a balance.
I have a key to stay positive: I don't take 80% things that happen around seriously. Too much "serious" causes you stress. Being #whysoserious makes me relaxed. It compensates my lack of sleep.

I produce only positive energy in myself because 80% of the energy that I receive from outside is negative

See? You chose so. You could have been negative, but you did not. The choice is always ours. There are sad people in happy situations and happy people in sad situations. Those situations do not define us. I agree that they have a certain impact (we are not robots) but we are the ones that choose how great that impact will be. Keep being #whysoserious ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

The unpleasant situations will definitely come, we might not be able to control that, but we can take charge of how we react towards it, in a positive way of course. There is sure no positivity in negativity. Great post.

Thank you for your kind comment ๐Ÿ’š

You're welcome.

Hola @zen-art me gusto tu frase "No hay nada de positivo en ser negativo" tienes toda la razรณn.

Gracias para tu comentario bonito ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

Very well said! There is definitely nothing positive in being negative. I totally agree that it is our choice to be positive and we are the ones that control that. Itโ€™s so easy to let our circumstances determine how we act. Thanks for a nice read :)

I am glad you enjoyed it ๐Ÿ’š

wise words :-)

Thank you, so sweet of you to say that ๐Ÿ’š

Wonderful post. I'm used to them from you. Very much spot on.

I think for me, anger is a primary response, on the level with fight/flight. People, places and things piss me off from time to time, particularly if my safety is in any way threatened. It's how I react to that anger that is the key for me. I have the choice to accept it or reject it. Choice one wrecks my day, choice two allows me to go on about it.

Thanks for a really good post that puts the responsibility squarely on me. As for the premise? Truer words were never uttered than "There is nothing positive in being negative."

Of course, sometimes you get angry, who doesnt? I agree that it is what we do with that anger is what counts just as the decision to stay or not to stay with that anger and hold it as a weight. Every emotion is important, we need our smiles and our tears, our anger and our happiness, we learn from every single one. The key is to aim for happiness and always have it as a companion on our life's travels.

The best way to live in my opnion. There are more than enough negative people out there. It's always better to rather be the one spinning the positive ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

I could not agree more ๐Ÿ’š

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Thank you lovely luv bug ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

pleasure :)

I agree wholeheartedly with this post! I grew up in a home where happiness and positivity was and is a real and tangable was wonderful. Didnt mean it wasnt tough sometimes, but it never stewed too long.
After getting married, I realised that this is not how all families seems that in some homes, the glass is half empty is actually a thing!! It is so sad to see. It's posts like these that can be shared, that dont offend, and are not me preaching.
So for the post, that will be shared even on another platform if you dont mind(they are not on Steemit)?

You can share it whenever you want, it is my pleasure to spread happiness and positivity. Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ’š

Thank you. I did so :)

Keep well

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