HDD-MINING MY BizNess! - New Breed 0f Cryp0_Pt.2

in #money8 years ago (edited)

is yet to be mentioned here on Steemit 0nce again! B0i do I(we) l0ve this crypt0-space! Just so many great things going on it's ridiculousness! So, with that being said let's get right to it! First, here is a link to my Pt.1 in case you missed it - https://steemit.com/crypto/@tradz/hdd-mining-my-business-new-breed-0f-crypt0pt-1
I was currently working with 1855 of plotted space on my D.Drive(pc storage) and was upset that I couldn't make full use of my 2TB so, I decided to plot some space on my C.Drive as I had plenty of space on there as well. Now, I am mining exactly 2Tb(200GB) of plotted space for the mining of '3urst'. Here are the results, definitely checkout Pt.1 to compare the results -

These two transactions here yielded me over 1,344 Burst and was ALL from mining via the 'Burstcoin.biz' Pool. I'm mentioning this because I now get paid daily payments from my assets as well, except for 'WorldMine' Asset as it pays me 0nce a week . I was surprised to see the difference in the amount of coins I was receiving just by utilizing a bit more space ;)
NOW I am in the game! NOW I can really work with this. 1,000 Burst this morning was around 0r close to .70cents(usd). Here is the current price(far right corner) - http://burstcoin.biz/faucet

Here are my Stats on my 'WorldMine' Asset. This is a weekly payout and so received this first payment on the 13th of this past Friday along with everyone else's first payout to this asset as it's fairly new -

When I was making 30-60 Burst a day from mining, it was cute to see some small change & then seeing myself reinvest into the assets that the Burst-team/members put out for us to grow interest off of BUT now that I am going to be making half a dollar + a day(1,000 +Burst);(.50cents+) , I am now thinking of what to do with the m0ney! My initial plan was to use this money to purchase Steem so that can start trading Steem like our main guy Craig Grant ;). I also was thinking to continue reinvesting into the assets that can be purchased within the Burst Wallet as well. BUT now am thinking of something I've thought and wrote about awhile back and that is - https://steemit.com/mining/@tradz/mining-my-business-pt-3-create-profit-from-cryptos...
Yes! I shall reinvest into purchasing Hash-Power ;) Yes! you heard correctly, purchase hash-power directly from the miners via Nicehash. So no more need for "Genesis-Mining"! 0ne thing that turns my cheek away from such companies such as "Genesis-Mining," is the daily payout. It seems that the price isn't right for the amount of hashes and or daily payments received. I've been hearing lot's of ppl who do it but the ones who are satisfied are the ones who have been with them for a very long time and are just simply adding on to their daily payment(s) by accumulating more "hash-power" which is good BUT
THIS IS A 'MUST' LOOK@ IF YOU ARE INTO MINING AND OR CRYPTO, PERIOD! This is HUGE and will update on my mining purchase status and pay0uts for the amount of m0ney I put up. Let's see where this goes from here on out, can't wait to see my daily payments come time the end of the year ;)

AGAIN, I am sorry for not posting a video but I have to now go through this learning curve of all of this stuff I'm doing with this mining thang and afterwards I will set some time aside to learn how to record these videos so that can start recording myself.

Zcash -
Monero -

Whatever you choose, NiceHash has it ;)



Do you have a list of good Burst Assets to buy shares of? I could really use some daily payments aside from my mining.

Nice to see someone else into these new breed currencies ;)
Honestly I want a piece of all the assets as they are all looking like great investments well, half@least ;)
My first choice would be to look for daily payout assets if you are looking to go Daily. I have CC-Miner 100/1000 which are terrific. And I have 'WorldMine' which pays weekly but is definitely one you should own. I missed out on 'BurstCasino', I heard it was@100 maybe less when 1st coming out then it went to the moon to around 1500 and is now floating in the 900 or 700 area I believe. btcdragon is another casino asset you may want to scoop up as well. I'm not into casnios but hey, casinos equal transactions ;)
Here is the link to see the descriptions - http://util.burst-team.us:8888/asset
Also, 'Burst4All' looks to be a great one. Yeah just take some time to read up on them and you will know which ones best suits your needs. I would like to hear from you every now & again so, followed ;)

Nice update damn good profits on burst coin. Now I wish i could get my hands on a spare HDD and go with burst. For now although your right burst pays better. I'm going to leave the drive on StorJ. Love that project. Bet asap I can get the cash to set up on burst. By the way ie won't update so burst wallet will not completely work or I would be trying it out as well.

Thanks, been super busy, might see if I can get a Burst wallet a different way!

I'll be waiting f0r the updates.

So last night before going to bed I was thinking maybe I was a bit over my head, yes a bit too excited about the 1,000 + burst payout knowing that it won't reward me 1,000 + burst a day. But@least I'm now in the hundreds area. Just received 315+ burst for my most recent payout.
So, I will now start to hold on to the coins till the end of the week(s) to decided what I want to do - either reinvest into burst assets 0r convert into btc and send on over to 'Nicehash' to purchase 'Hash'. So many choices! Considering the fact that I will not be receiving 1,000 on the daily, I may just reinvest into Burst Assets. My forex trading shall be the one to assist me with purchasing of hash. Will update to notify Burst Fam ;)

That's what I need. I need to create a system that works for me that generates a steady stream of crypto. I followed you and will deff keep you posted on my findings and new developments. Thanks for the asset tip I'm gonna look theses up.

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