HDD-MINING MY BUSINESS - New Breed 0f Crypt0_Pt.1

in #crypto8 years ago (edited)

CHECKOUT this Intro - Developers f0r 'Burst' are Serious! Main one being "Crowetic(team-leader)". Just go on YouTube and search "BurstC0in" and you shall find a nice collection of vids.


Apologies on my behalf! I had planned on recording a vid for this post. Time was just simply not on my side this wknd;( Soon I'll be posting vids on these series, promise! So, let's talk about this new breed of Crypto currency shall we! This to me, is the best finding since I found out about bitcoin and digital currencies(Mar '2014'). Everyone including myself was solely focused on Bitcoin this and Bitcoin that! I even used a whole paycheck once('2014') to buy half of a bitcoin when it was floating around the $400's and half later to acquire one whole bitcoin. During those times, I wasn't able to hold on to the investment as I was constantly getting into bad situations(financially) and so, ended up converting back to USD to survive;(
BUT NOW! I'm in the midst of being in the right place and@the right time! I feel like telling the story on how this finding happened but I believe it's best to save this for Pt.2 in video format so, stay tuned to these series....

I l0ve and am attracted to Burst simply because of it's look and feel. The developers seem to be excited and highly motivated! And I especially l0ve these c0ins for the fact that it SOLVES A PROBLEM! "Bitcoin" Solved a problem 0r problems in many ways that I feel there is no need for me even explaining(do research if new to the game). "Steem" Solves a problem with Social Media and now we have something else MAJOR in my opinion that is definitely going to and is changing the game and that is, HDD-MINING! Energy Efficiency - https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/can-cryptocoins-environmentally-friendly/
You want to look for problem solving investments that will change the game. This is the reason for my excitement with 'STEEM' AND 'BURST' ;)

This article came right on time for the new year. Makes me feel that I am definitely in the right place@the right time ;)
Also, Burst is Dirt Cheap which is what makes it so fun for long-term holding because you don't need much capital to have lots of it. And if your only about short-term(money now) then perfect! You can easily set yourself up for a nice daily, weekly, monthly payout(s) by getting involved with their built-in 'Asset Exchange' within the BURST CLIENT let alone mining it with loads of internal/external Hard Drives. "Sky's The Limit!" I currently own 3 Assets - CC-Miner100 / CC_Miner1000 / WorldMine
PicS below:
First, mining pay0uts! - I started out using "Pool.Burst-Team.us" and here is the highest amount(61+) _
- 61+ Highest
Do not switch pools right away if do not like the results within the first two days. Give it a wk@ the very least. It has to catch on to your system. Wtch as it progresses! Anyway, I went on over to the 'Forums' to ask what was the best 'pool' for me, and I was recommended to try out a few but decided to go with "Burstcoin.biz(pool)" - So I mined with Pool.Burst-Team.us for a total of 6 days and Burstcoin.biz now for 3days. Here are the results thus far -

1st Day - -

2nd Day - -

3rd Day - - 128 + a huge difference!
1,000 Burst C0ins equals around $.50(usd). You can really make some money in this if you have lot's of space. Long-term you'll be making money regardless! I WARN do not fall asleep on 'Burst' and or 'Storj' for that matter but that's another Coin for the next pt. in this series ;)


CC-Miner100 -
Highest Payout Thus Far based off the m0ney I put back in 4rm Mining and purchase-

THE FIRST PAYOUTs ARE ALWAYS EXPECTED TO BE THE LOWEST AS IT'S ADJUSTING TO YOUR SYSTEM - This g0es for the 'Asset Exchange payouts' and or the mining payouts for mining it.

CC-Miner1000(Big Brohter) -

Haven't yet gotten paid for 'WorldMine' as it's a Weekly Payout. So yeah I'm re-investing everything I mine and even purchasing some with my own extra little change. So far I only have put in not even $5 lol Can not wait till I start purchasing a bit heavier so that I really get some great results. Just think for a sec! I feel the same with "STEEM", buy low sell high but this is really dirt cheap! We are talking Satashis(small amounts of bitcoin). Gather up a whole lot now for really no cost if you mine and when it becomes $1.00 one of these days, it will be like bitcoin hitting a $1000. YOu can have a nice chunk of money just off the dollar mark ;) Stack up you've been warned!

This is exactly where I want to be@! I'm tired of being late to the plate so here we are! Funny how all this talk of Btc, Eth/ETC, XMR, is sounding 0ld to me. Like I tell my family, I am the FUTURE! I got my ear to the streets so to speak.

Here is also a link from one of the members here on Steemit who is also actively involved in 'Burst https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@britvr/btc-down-and-altcoins-up

0ne last thing b4 I wrap this up.
"ASSETS" are similar to Steem-Power(Steem) - The difference is that with Burst, you can
take it out whenever you choose. Some like the idea of locking an asset(s) so that they can't be able to touch it within a certain amount of time but if your disciplined you can fight yourself to not touch it and if decide to, @least keep half inside for LONG-TERM.

Adam G.(#1 Hustler)

Crowetic(Burst Team Leader)


Damn great review sorry I missed it when it came out been rather busy. So far looks like it's doing pretty good generating coins for you. My Storj update I hope to make soon. But my new had is only storing about 800 MB data out of 2 TB. So not much in terms of it storing info. Hear the drives spin up a lot at night tells me the data is being accessed a great sign.

Believe me! I've read about STORj and I do like and believe in the coin but '3urst'! W0w! Especially when you think about the built-in Asset exchange, hands dwn!
Updates are coming within the hour ;)

Can you send a link to the asset exchange I might be able to acquire some that way atm, hdd is maxed out on Storj, and 10 GB or less on C wont be enough to start with from what I read on Burst. Yeah Love Storj, that is why I shared I will not change it over to Burst, got in kind of early and would rather let it sit.

You will have to download wallet(upper right side).
STORj is indeed a keeper as well but you can make so much more with Burst and use some to buy STORj. 0r if you like or prefer STORj over anything else @least mine burst and sell for STROj so it's like your basically mining STROj ;)

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