My $10/Day Side-Hustle Challenge To You

in #money7 years ago (edited)

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Earn $10 A Day From Your Side-Hustle, You Have $10. Invest It, Become A Millionaire.

A lot of people are complainers. They complain of not having a meaningful life, or not being able to buy this thing or that, or that their lives are not fair. They, rightly, feel something is missing out from their life.

What they don’t realize is that the thing they are missing is inside themselves. Little do they realize that the reason they have failed to meet their expectations is that they have an external locus of control. They blame everything and anything but themselves for their unwanted situation.

It gives them an easy excuse, a ‘victim mindset’. Because if the things causing them to have problems in life is not within their control then how can they be blamed for it?

Screw that bullcrap. I am responsible for where I am in life, good or bad – no one else!

I hope you feel the same way too. This is called having an internal locus of control, that you are responsible for what happens in your life. That your decisions have accumulated to you being where you are today.

You know what gives those with an internal locus of control a focus – goals. Set some damn goals and work towards achieving them. But even if you have set a few goals for yourself and haven’t been able to achieve them yet, it could be because those goals aren’t compelling and powerful enough to drive you towards them.

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What are Compelling and Meaningful Goals?

A goal is an objective that you want to achieve. If your objective is to just pay your rent and bills, you will end up doing just that and nothing more.

If your goal is to earn enough to buy 10 new shares of XYZ this month, you will end up fulfilling this goal (and maybe earning some delicious dividends for decades to come).

Your goal might be to earn 5,000 STEEM before the end of the year. If you truly focus and put that goal as your main desire, more often than not you will reach it.

Whatever your goal is, you’ll somehow convince and force yourself to achieve it. If you don’t want to just scrape by in life and want to do something great, you need to set truly meaningful and compelling goals for yourself.

A meaningful goal is one that adds meaning, value and empowerment to your life- one that transforms your life and makes you feel truly proud of yourself. A compelling goal is a goal that pulls you towards itself. Imagine being near a magnet that is so strong that you have no choice but to be drawn towards it. Naturally, when it draws you towards it, you’ll involuntarily move towards it and it won’t stop until it has completely captured you. That magnet will use all its force to bring you towards it and in the end it will be united with you. That is exactly the power of a compelling goal. It draws you towards itself like a super-strong magnet and it doesn’t let you rest unless you have accomplished it.

If you wish to do something truly brilliant with yourself and transform your life, it is these two ingredients you need to infuse into your goals: to dream and think big. Set meaningful goals and make them compelling enough for you to become drawn towards completion.

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How Compelling and Meaningful Goals Help Us Succeed

When you convince your mind that you must achieve something, it becomes completely involved in that goal. Your brain unleashes its potential and works at full power to achieve it.

But if you tell yourself you have to just pay your bills and make sure to have food on the table, your brain will stay asleep, comforted from the warm glow coming from the TV screen.

Similarly, if you fully convince yourself that you must make an extra $5,000 in a month, your mind will find ways to help you achieve that.

Back on his old Personal Power days, Tony Robbins talked about a woman who needed to make $100,000 in 7 weeks. Although Tony Robbins did not, at first, believe that she could achieve that goal, that woman’s unwavering belief in her goal made him believe in her goal too. He asked her to keep visualizing that she had already achieved this goal. She was extremely confident in her belief and had made that goal a must-have. After 7 weeks, she won a lottery and that whopping $100,000 too.

I don’t know if that story is true or not, but if you have read ‘Think and Grow Rich‘ by Napoleon Hill, it’s pretty easy to see where Tony Robbins got a lot of his early stuff from.

I don’t suggest to anyone that they can just THINK themselves into winning the lottery. If that were true, every broke-ass lottery ticket buying person would have won by now.

No, a mindset driven for success is important, but it is just the first step – YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION! You cannot just wish for your goal to be achieved, you need to work to make it happen.

Most people never take action. They don’t do the work that it takes, they don’t give forth the effort. That is why they remain where they are.

But you know what I hear when I ask why? Excuses.

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When I write about my side-hustle income, there is not one damn thing on there that is ‘exclusive’. What I mean is that I do what anyone can be doing.

Last month I earned money by driving for uShip, writing for SeekingAlpha and Steemit, taking some merchandise photos for Easyshift and Field Agent, and selling stuff on eBay.

The one that requires just a little bit of special knowledge is writing articles for SeekingAlpha. Everything else is unskilled work that anyone can do right now! So why aren’t you making hundreds of dollars extra each month? What is your excuse?

If I only had time…
If I only knew how…
If I were more confident in myself…
If I had some help…
If I knew the right people…
If I were free to do what I wanted…
And the list goes on.

Punch those thoughts in the face! Do you know what an excuse is? It’s just a box you have to check off before you get to your goal.

If you don’t know how to do something, learn how! Check.
If you need help, get help! Check.
If you need time, find ways to free up more of yours! Check.

Fix your excuses then work towards your goal.

If you stop at your excuse, then you better be content where you are in life. If not, you need to be hustling to get where you desire to be. Just hoping and wishing to be better off, but not actually doing the hard work to make it happen, is not enough.
Don’t come whining to me about how unfair your life is, I have no empathy to give to you.

The $10/Day Side-Hustle Challenge

To kickstart you towards a better life I am putting forth a challenge. You pledge to earn $10 every day, on average, through side-hustles.

Why $10?

Because $10 invested every day will make you a millionaire. It will take 40 years at 8% interest, but you will get there.

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The thing is I don’t think it would take you that long if you start hustling. See, this $10 is just the start. It will get you going, which is the hardest part. I know that once you start a hustling lifestyle you will start to find out you can earn much more than just $10 per day. And that’s good because in 40 years $1 mil will probably have the buying power that $250K does today.

Every dollar brings you closer to financial freedom. You want money so that you can be financially free? Go and get it!

Most people want to be well-off. Most people won’t ever be because they don't take action.

Did you know that the poorest households, those that make less than $13K/yr, spend 9% of their annual income on lottery tickets? That’s about $1,000 each and every year, give or take. That would turn into $300K in 40 years if it earned 8%.

The lottery is a fools game. It isn’t going to be handed to you, you have to go out there and get it.

What if those households saved up that money for a year and used it as seed money for their own side-hustle instead? Might they come out ahead compared to playing the lottery? I think so. They might fail a few times, but eventually some idea of theirs will succeed.

Most won’t ever know because they have excuses instead.

I won’t hear any excuses from you guys. Just by reading about personal finance and personal development you show you are way above the average person.

If you already make $10/day or more from side-hustles, pledge to increase it by another $10. If you are reading this and not earning $10/day in extra money I hope you are content where you are. Otherwise, what’s your excuse?

Go forth and hustle.

Anyone have the compelling and meaningful desire to take me up on this side-hustle challenge? Leave a comment below and tell me what you do to make extra money. Also, be sure to check back here towards the beginning of every month to see how much I hustled.


Hustle mode on :).

Though I kind of forced myself to start hustling as I quit my job so I will need to hustle around to get 15 a day just to survive.

So I accept your challenge. I have one more month at the job and the hustle is fully on.

$15 a day shouldn't be so hard if you don't have a pesky J.O.B. to take up all your time. Good on you for taking up the challenge though.

Yeah, exactly what I'm thinking.
Now I should finally have enough time to, if nothing else, at least learn new skills.
And even just by freelancing and working let's say 1 or 2 hours I should be able to hit the dail goal.
Maybe some of it can come from Steemit, too (started a new "channel" and will also finally have time to post on this one) , and then there'll be time to explore other ideas and also improve my life which took a backbone this year unfortunately.

The lottery is truly sad state of affairs.
You put your locus of control outside of yourself... and then you hope for luck, outside of yourself, to bring you a windfall.
The entire thing is self defeating, even if you win.

And all of the lottery winners are generally fatter and broker then when they won.

#1 Have a mindset to succeed
This is very important, if you don't have it, work on getting it.

For me, succeeding was trained out of me by my narcissistic mother before the age of five. Sure, I can do things. Many things that most people can't, but anything that pushes my boundaries in "success" is met with terror.

Terror is not like fear, it usually has a part that is learned helplessness. It has to be untied, unwound, healed, before you have much success moving forward. (I really should have a post to link to on this. :-(

(For most people, it is just fear of being successful. Such as becoming a rich person, and it is more likely for a camel to go through the eye of the needle that it for a rich person to get into heaven. etc)

And I hate compound interest charts. Because they never work. I know of no one that is making 8% ROI. The money in a savings account is always making a negative real rate of return. (because inflation, etc)

Everyone I know who is really making it, learns to create that $10 side hustle. Then, once you learned how to do that, you can make a $20 side hustle. And once you know how to make money, making money gets easy.

Most real money people are looking for 100% ROI.
And in reality, all you need to be wealthy is to spend less than you make. Then, you are always accumulating wealth. And this is where the side hustle usually makes all the difference.

Yeah, I put this challenge forth to those that haven't hustled so that they get started. That first step is the one that the majority of people will never take. Those that do though, they often find themselves seeing ways to make money more and more. The hustle will open you up to the possibilities.

I love this invest the extra $10 in something and move to becoming a millionaire idea. Looking for ways to implement it right now. Thank you for this idea and for suggesting to read Think and Grow Rick- it's an awesome read.

I figured it would be useful for all the other stuff you write about too!

You got it buddy! I grew up in a poor immigrant family that started out with nothing, not even knowing the language. We made it by hard work and SAVING. There is an interesting question: Would you take $100,000.00 right now as cash, or would you rather take 1 cent today, but the amount doubles each day for just 1 month? Start doing the math and you will probably choose the $100,000.00 cash. Continue doing the math to the final day and you may be surprised. If you have time, it's on your side when it comes to savings. Don't spend your money foolishly; invest it into something that will make it grow!

First, don't spend your money on stupid ass shit. Second, hustle to make more money to invest so eventually you can chill. Simple plan, most want the stupid shit and to chill instead of hustle.

I am Self-employed for 2 years being a translator. I know the hustle. I also own a blog where I promote other peoples products for commissions and of course Steemit.

These are my hustles.

I like hustlers, they are makers, I hate people that only talk and don't get shit done.

I am sure I can learn some things from you, if you want to hustle together every day and help each other you contact me and we will get started asap :)

I like your site, you are Philip?

Fuck yeah, we can work together! I gotta drive to L.A. and back right now, but after that I will get up with you.

Yes that is exactly my name. Eagerly waiting for your message :)

Respect the hustle!

Love this post. Couldn't agree more with your point about setting goals! I was lucky enough to have my side hustle turn into my full-time passive income business that supports a family of 5! Alot of it was luck, but I'm a believer that you make your own luck. Here is a bit more about how I did it.

Hey, thanks!

I checked out your series there and it is really good. I do like my Steem delegation for passive income though! :D

Or have a mindset to want to HELP others. It will go a long way and feel that much easier.

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