What NOT to Do For Upvotes & Follows

in #minnows7 years ago (edited)

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This post kinda piggy backs off my post from yesterday:

As I immerse myself more and more into this unique and amazing community, I am noticing things that as a "minnow" or a beginner you really shouldn't be doing.

I will preface by saying I am still a beginner myself technically, but I feel confident enough in myself to post a few "what not to do" items for you. These items have specifically to do with my title.

I know, I know, you're new here on STEEMIT and your posts just aren't getting attention. Yeah can be frustrating, I feel you. You're prob also lacking in STEEM or sbd to promote your post too. But I truly feel some of the things I'm seeing other beginners do wrong, in terms of attempting to attain a following roots from impatience ultimately. I've said it once, I'll say it again:

  1. Do not spam someone else's post with your unrelated content. If it IS related, then by all means, please share as that is contributory! !
    Sorry (not sorry) but, doing the above is very off putting.
  2. Enough with the "I'll upvote / follow you if you upvote /follow me". You MIGHT could get away with redirecting an author to your profile for an actual upvote/follow if again, your contributing in some way with your comment.
    Saying this isn't contributory at all. Plus you may end up with a bunch of followers but not valuable ones (which won't help your long term success on here)
  3. Responding to someone's post with the whole follow/upvote me bit makes it appear you didn't even read their content.
  4. I also see people attempting a contributory comment that's not actually Contributory. Chances are if an author spent a deal of time on their post they already know it's a "good post".
    The whole "cool post. Follow me and ill follow/upvote you"
    "Cool post " or words to that does not equal contributory comment

So those four are some recent ones I've noticed. By no means am I trying to come across condescending, because I know that usually there's no ill intent behind these types of actions.

Plus, you're supposed to be ENJOYING your time here on this amazing platform. Why rush to the "finish"? You might miss some amazing scenery along the way if you do. I will re-iterate on my previous post, it's OK to feel discouraged just try to remember:


Thanks for reading. Hope to have helped. As always hope you're having a nice day/night and keep steemin'!

Image Source 1: http://projectriskcoach.com/2016/02/06/what-not-to-do/dont-do-it-written-on-white-paper/
Image source 2:
Image source 3:


Seriously! People come on here with the sole intention of making money and not valuing the quality people on here.

You couldn't be more correct

Not a strategy that will be fruitful in the long term, though.
Here you succeed by adding value, there's no shortcut.

kidding;D;D Thanks a lot , those are things that we tent to do, so those are good advices!

Cool post

You have wise advice, and I expect you will go far on Steemit!

This is all a slow building process-- and pretty much all social media is. Elsewhere, people have asked me how I got 16K likes on my Facebook page... and my first answer is always "eight years."

I guess part of it is just that we live in an instant gratification world... and part of it is people getting all anxious and fired up because there's... ta-da... rewards involved.

This is good and real... giving you a re-steem for added visibility.

Thank you very much. I also agree it has A LOT to do with insta- gratification .
PS - I'm also an HSP and love cats!

I wrote a post about this 2 days ago and I coldnt agree more.

Getting "empty" follower, who arent interested in what you have to share here, will get you nowhere imo.Because the chancesyou arent interested in their content either and you have a newsfeed full of posts that you will not take a second look at.

I hope you dont mind if I share my post, if so let me know and I will remove it.


As i said posting relavent info is awesome! Upvoted you comment, following ,and ill check your article out soon!

Thank you for this! I'm new too, but I've been reading up on the etiquette and just the general steemit how to or not to, and I must say that yes, I am frustrated that some of my posts are not doing well, but also it's made me realize that it has to do with who you follow. I have met a few really great people on here who are kind of guiding me along, and these are the ppl who are voting for me and supporting, not the random followers that are just following me for a follow.

I'd rather do it properly and take my time than build fake followers and upvotes

You point out something important, @princessmewmew: Namely that it does matter who you follow. The other day, I came across the profile of someone who'd been on Steemit for four weeks and had 1100(!) followers and was following close to 2000 people.

Wait... WHAT?

I've managed to hand pick 300 people to follow in the course of almost five months. Needless to say, even with 1100 "followers," this person's posts were mostly earning a couple of dollars.

Which brings up another point... just because someone follows you, doesn't mean you're under ANY obligation to "follow back." Follow people who create content that actually interests you, in some way. Does the equation end up a little uneven? Sure... I have 2.6 times more people following me than I follow... but so what?

Good for you! !

Hey that is on point! Now I will try to follow up with an example of a good comment :) !!
Hey, those are excellent points. Minnows can still be good people to give advice to other new users. I made some posts called from a minnow to the minnows, they are full of good things you might want to read. And also @sykochica has the most comprehensive guides for new users! I recommend checking her out and receiving the information overload (it's worth it) !! Look forward to talking more in the future!

Sweet. Thanks I will look for that guide. I also agree that minnows are valuable! And can give great insight. I will also check out your guide as well. Thank you

I'll vouch for @sykochica too. She's awesome.

Totally following her thanks to the suggestions :)

Rome wasn't built in a day - that is the keyword here, word up. I agree with your every single word. Long story short - good content defends itself there is no need to rush like you said. Great post!

Right on. Glad you found this content useful. Thanks for the comment. Full STEEM ahead!

Oh the best one is when someone posts a new blog post that at least would take you 5 minutes to reach and 2 minutes later already has 5 comments that contribute nothing lol.

However this is what makes Steemit powerful is that we can upvote both posts and comments so only those with quality information are at the top. You will quickly seem the spammers be reduced.

Whenever it comes to money however and the more of it the more you will see bots, scammers and spammers. Best to flag content like that and make sure not to comment on it or upvote it.

Quality content ALWAYS wins out!

Ha, that is a good point. Must be a lot of speed readers on here lol

I like to tell people that they gained a new follower when I start following because of a blog. Then I proceed to comment on their post with why it resonated with me. Most of my replies are as long as this one and it seems to be working for me. I have been here less than a week and I've picked up over 100 followers that actually respond. This is a really cool place, but you have to put in the work. Thank you for posting this and you know what.... you earned a new follower. Everyone that is new to Steemit can find value in your advice.

Thank you! Yep there are those that put in the time and manage to be a shiny minnow. :) ♡ i always comment with why it resonated. That's how you pick up both followers and become a followee. We're in this together if we have the right mindset. You gained a new follower as well my friend.

Awesome! Thank you so much. I look forward to more of you insight. Keep up the good work.

Indeed! Full STEEM ahead

On a side note, I really wanted to just reply with...

"Cool post. Follow me and ill upvote you"


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