Follower Appreciation Post! <3 25 SBDS ... 5 SBDS to 5 of my Most Loyal Supporters Part III

in #mene24k6 years ago


It’s time for Part III Of my Follower Appreciation Series!

Read Part II:

If you have been a loyal follower to me and have gone to extraordinary lengths to support Goldmoney, Menē, and me you may be on this list and receive 5 SBDS from me!

This time I am awarding :


To see why @welshstacker is getting the SBDS you just have to watch this video:

He has also been a long time supporter and is very deserving of this award! Thanks Welshie!

@Alphasteem is getting 5 SBDS!

I mean come on, she BAKED A MENĒ CAKE FOR ME!


^ Watch and see the process here, this is amazing content!

@Nomadicsoul is getting SBDS!

Not only did @nomadicsoul participate in my Karaoke video, she has taken a keen interest in Menē! I know when she gets some Menē she is going to take it to a few wonders of the world, and show her Menē 24k a good time!


Are Steemians sensing a pattern here? The Steemians on this list have gone WAY ABOVE and beyond to help my mission, and thats why they are being rewarded for their loyalty.

Just like @Ironshield :) This Menē enthusiast is enthralled with Menē and again he helped me with my Karaoke video, being one of the very first entries and kicking things off right. Since then he has shown big support for Menē and been super supportive:) Enjoy your SBDS @Ironshield!


And finally, I am giving 5 SBD to @paolajane (Paola you better share with @spenceryan! :)) This Steemit power couple produces EPIC content including this video:

I am forever grateful for these two for traveling to the Goldmoney Toronto branch and filming this!

This concludes Part III of my Follower Appreciation Post Series! Everyone mentioned here is getting 5 SBDs. I will do more of these in the future.

I love consistent loyalty and successful promotion of Goldmoney and Menē, so I will be keeping an eye out for future reward candidates :)

For $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up here in 30 seconds:

Thanks for reading!



Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.

To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

What is Menē 24k gold and platinum investment jewelry?

I will let famous Steemian @coruscate explain:


Congrats to the winners! I like this idea @goldmatters. You are always rewarding your friends. You've got a good heart!

A gold heart.

What. An. Honor. To be on the loyalty list for @goldmatters. Thank you so much for the good mentions and the SBD. It's greatly appreciated! Keep talking investment jewelry and Goldmoney, it's the future of our economy for sure! @ironshield

The honor is mine :) thank you for embracing Menē with such passion :)

Thank you Mr. @goldmatters. Very nice of you!

Your cake is totally famous now at Menē!! :)

Oh wow! Woo hoo! Menē rocks 😁

I’m a sucker for Menē shout outs!!!

WOW!! THANK YOU. I really appreciate that you think I am deserving of this. Thanks for being a great steemian and spreading the word of goldmoney and mene 24k. The sooner everyone realises GOLD and silver are the only real form of money the better off we will all be in.

:) totally agree!!!

Wow, thank you so much!!! I totally wasn't expecting this at all.

I will DEFINITELY take it to a few wonders of the world. I wish I had some now so I could take it to Halong Bay!

I’m counting on it! :):)

Congratulations They are very talented people who help the gold professional @goldmatters 😄

Congratulations to all the winners, thanks to @goldmatters for your generosity. Well appreciated.

Thank you for your loyalty!

You are so kind, with love, we will spread gold message.

Congratulations to winners......

Let’s do it!!

This design is awesome. So luvly

Hi Goldmatters. Didn't know about the cake. That is bribery lol.

I only wish I could have tasted it!

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