Follower Appreciation Post! <3 25 SBDS ... 5 SBDS to 5 of my Most Loyal Supporters Part II

in #mene24k6 years ago

It is time for Part II of my Follower Appreciation Post series!

I so enjoyed rewarding some of my most loyal followers here on Steemit in part I :

I made a promise that I would be doing more of these in the future. It has only been 2 days but... the future is here!

5 loyal followers are getting 5 SBDS each for their loyalty and support of Menē, Goldmoney, and me!

First getting the SBDS is @goldfashioned:

More than a follower @goldfashioned is a friend IRL and my partner in crime here on Steemit. If you follow me , you should be following him also. I have rarely seen such a passion for all things gold related in someone so young. Here are a few of our projects we created together:

Thank you @goldfashioned, I can’t wait to see what we come up with next! ( please double check this post for errors as usual:))

@thedamus ! Come on down and get your SBDs!

This passionate Steemian and member of #steemsilvergold has been a massive supporter of Menē. He even held his own Menē related contest and got a mountain of referrals! To learn more about the Menē referal program:

@thedamus is someone you want with you in or out of the foxhole. He will support you with a dramatic flair and style that you might not expect! He even sent me a 2017 #steemsilverround:

Thanks @thedamus for being you!

A face I’m sure everyone is familiar with here on Steemit is @papa-pepper. He is a wild adventurer and home steader. He is also a force of nature on Steemit. I have actually learned a lot of what I know about Steemit from @papa-pepper. The reasons he is on this list is because of his support wearing this Goldmoney shirt in places Goldmoney has never gone before!

He isnt afraid to get his hands or his Goldmoney shirt dirty and I love it:


@franklinolas is getting 5 SBDS. This guy comments on every single post and has started his own poetry series promoting Menē


Everyone has different talents here on Steemit. Even if you don’t have fancy equipment or means to make production level video or photos, if someone is willing to put in a sustained long term effort into helping me, I like to reward them:)

I am also giving 5 SBDs to @kp138. He is always been there with a kind word and support, cheering on Menē 24k without every asking anything in return. This is the kind of quiet, steady loyalty I love!


This concludes Part II of my Follower Appreciation Post Series! Everyone mentioned here is getting 5 SBDs. I will do more of these in the future.

I love consistent loyalty and successful promotion of Goldmoney and Menē, so I will be keeping an eye out for future reward candidates :)

My invite link again: For $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up here in 30 seconds:

Thanks for reading!



Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.

To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

What is Menē 24k gold and platinum investment jewelry?

I will let famous Steemian @coruscate explain:


Thanks GM! Did ya ever here about the time i:



Ah ah ahhhhhh!!! I love to count the ways i love Menē and @goldmatters! This time we’re counting up to #1163 😜👍


Whoa!!! You’re not messing around:) nice order !

I think the ⚡️ might have struck lastnight GM... 😳😳😳

Ooh I hope I'm on the list! I've been rocking with GM for awhile now.. If I'm not I guess I have work to do. Gold brothers for life 👊😎

Thank you so much for the love brotha! It is my honor to support 2 of the greatest companies out there :) can't wait till we shoot our next golden video!! (triple checked)

Lol thank god someone is checking

@goldmatters you and Menē are both strong people magnets. Hard to miss out reading your post or the lure of Menē both are irresistible

Thanks @thetimetravelerz! Its been a while, glad to have you back:)

@goldmatters I am always a message away whenever you need me I am here for you unconditionally and no questions asked ;) Actually quite often I think I should start creating content to help you promote Menē would love to pitch in

Thats a great idea! Check out my post about the referal program :):) is

So your focus area would be a) to promote Menē
b) Promote the ref program
In that order of importance

yes:) I was mentioning the referal program as an added incentive for you to benefit :)

That was really nice of you. :)

Thanks! I have some awesome supporters

@goldfashioned, @thedamus, @kp138, @franklinolas and @papa-pepper. Thanks guys for being a part of this family!

Yes! I am lucky to have great supporters:)

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thanks so much for mentioning and remembering me in your FOLLOWER APPRECIATION POST3, I am so excited. I will always be loyal and be supportive to #mene24k in all means including other social media and platforms.
My regards goes always and all the time to @goldmatters for the inspiration i inherited in him kudo to you sir.


Thanks for your constant support:)

All appreciation goes to you for your support and generosity on my post...
Hope i try with picture of #MrsGoldMatters.

You are just the gift that keeps on giving. A great asset to steemit and a good guy to boot. As always, thanks for everything.

Thanks Goldmatters. You are very generous and I am sure it will be appreciated.

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