Sad and painful Saturday.

in #marlians5 years ago

Saturday - October 12, 2019

source I changed it with help of photogrid.

I went to bed at 7 pm last night and came out at 8:30 am

About 5 hours I slept well the rest of the night I suffered from pain. At 4 am I tried to turn on my right side. Within 2 seconds I started sneezing and my nose ran like...
Back on my damaged back, head turned backwards so I can breathe.

8:30 am
Sport clothes needed to be washed and some trousers plus one of my summer dresses. The holes literally fall into it just like my pyjamas it is over 18 years old.

I washed the dishes, hung the laundry outside (I need a washing line somewhere else in the sun during now till March) there is no sun at the present one.

I hung two blankets outside. I will give them to my daughter for her dog. They are fine. My pup thorn two of her blankets into pieces as she stayed with her during the summer (I stayed in hospital).

My first post is my Diary Day of Thursday, October 10, 2019.
Too late.

I posted it on Weku first, next via SteemCoinpan and edited it with @partiko.

Next post: the announcement of the winner of my contest which is @wendyth16. She shows beautiful photos of her cat.

The downvote issues @olivia08 had are solved. 👍

Next post. The new contest Looking back/Look forward.. Theme October, autumn or perhaps a (local)celebration.

I posted it via SteemCoinpan and also on Weku.

After that I made a new post "contests running" for @team-ccc.

I also made a new post with "What the letters CCC mean". I saved with what the participants of the Monday contest came up with plus added some of the entries.

*1 pm"
The bus-kid made a cornflakes chocolate heart by itself. A bit too much cornflakes, but not bad for a first try.

I wrote a combined entry for a ccc contest @marblely hosts (my favourite shape) with the prompt garlic breath and my review of the IPA beer for #BeerSaturday hosted by @detlev.

A good shape

I was not drunk as I wrote and and not sober as I edited it although it took me long.
Had to search for an ealier beer post and its link. Posted it with @actifit with my other account.

Filled out the app eetmeter. I had my tax of calories and am over my tax if it comes to carbohydrates which is 7 a day. 🤔 I will not eat anything more today.

First day we use the gas stove to heat up the place a bit (read: where we sit).

I payed the prizes to the winner/participants of my contest

A gift for @gertu who had a hard week. She is shocked because her vote is even at 100% worth zero. I checked my other profile and noticed the same.

My other profile I started to use for upvotes of palnet content. It was said 25 SP is enough. I have more, also delegated. Now my vote with that account is useless too. Is it because the VP is not 100%?
Is there anyone who can explain this to me?

@fitinfun @abh12345 I think you have more knowledge as me.

  • How much SP is needed to give a 100% upvote some value?
  • Why/when was/is the value of an upvote changed?

Are Steemians less willing to vote on content written in English?

A friend (let's say acquaintance of long ago) contacted me how I am doing. People mainly do if they need something.

At least the drunk ex is happy I wrote I forgave him. Will this stop his drunk, bad poetry about god and the devil addressed to me every hour of the night? By now we are 16 years later.

5 pm
Entered two contests (macro and landscape) of @derangedcontests. I will not win them anyway and did not write a post about them first. There is no need to be the first to enter since the prize is an upvote which you can only receive at the end of the contests. 🤔

I posted it with my other account @wakeupkitty.pal

@•°• Kharma♥Scribb... gave me a great, long answer. A Steemian that took time to explain about bid bots and @booster.👍🏻

I use my photos for more as just one contest. They also show up in my diary.

I powered down for the first time. The payouts for the contests has to come from somewhere.
I will sponsor @chrismadc2016 his contest too with 3 SBI. Make sure to join it. It is something @gertu could join too. She is a doctor by the way and great in explaining and promoting.

5:40 pm

  • Do you like bed tea (What is bed tea? A special brand?
  • Cryptocurrencies had their best time.
  • Have you tried @playdice.
  • @abbak7 - daily SBI giveaway
  • Do you think Russia threatens America.
  • Is Steemit your preferred blogging platform.
  • @axeman - token and monstercard giveaway.

@stever82 giveaway - pal or monstercard

6:15 pm
Tea time.
The chocolate cornflakes heart is gone.

The youngest took the laundry inside.

@gertu has no earnings. What to do to change that? She joins many contests, is not too lazy to write...
She has only 56 SP. 🤔

Delegated SP to her. Anyone around here who can give her some SP?
Anyone else? Although she lives in Venezuela she is a daily writer.

7 pm
To much pain how to kill time?
I switched the heater of. A blanket is fine.

Finished my tea plus bottle with 2 liter water. If the water pours into my throat at a certain spot it irritates and makes me cough.

7:44 pm
Answered some comments.

@bxlphabet told dpoll is a plus. An easy daily post, informative, useful answers, dpoll upvotes, a way to meet great Steemians.

7:50 pm
I took 0.5 mg betamethasone. 😭
No rain coming up so this cannot be the reason for my incredible pain in my face. During the day it only became worse.

10:21 pm
Last post of the day A bright day

The pain decreased a bit I will see if I can catch some sneezeless sleep. I take the warm water bag and a bottle of water with me.

Tips to give newbies and others a hand on Steem(it).

Please, ask for help if you need some.
You can ask me, @fitinfun has many tips and lots of experience and there is @steem-aide.
You are free to join a community but there is no need to do so to make it here.

Join with everything you post a contest!

Contact for free

Use @partiko's app or chat via the app Discord. Both will not cost you SP.

Use for extra SP to be able to post/reply! If you are low on SP. SP will be delegated to you for 48 hours.

You can delegate SP with

Promotion Discord server

@voxmortis - Promotion Discord Server. Join the group via the link in the post - upvote a post in the list and leave your link.
Each week two paricipants make a chance to win an SBI share!

Who takes care of your dust?

  • @dustbunny does!
    Have a look at this account and delegate SP to this bunny.

  • @dustsweeper is back.
    You transfer Steem and Dusty takes care of your dust.
    If you delegate SP too you can earn a bit extra. See HERE

  • Met @catnet yet?
    There are 3 kittens who come to wipe dust if you own CAT. 😍 Have a look at this account.

The primary function of holding CAT is to bring the kitten-bots to deliver cuddles for you.
More fun things to do, like the CALL-A-KITTEN service, will be added in the future. Your CAT stake will be good for more than one thing, eventually. Also, any income with the program, posting-rewards and token-sales, will be used to further grow the project.
See here.

Join the daily 5-minute freewrite

See @mariannewest for a daily prompt
and @freiesschreiben (Deutschsprachig) and help yourself to improve your writing skills and to a subject to write about. This is not a contest!
The @freewritehouse has contests to join. One of them is recommend a freewrite.

Engagement League

Join the engagement league @abh12345 is hosting.
If you do, you will hear once a week a lot more about your work and engagement level on Steem. Comment, upvote and who knows you win. There is set a big prize for the winner and several smaller prizes.

Join the CCC contests!

CCC stands for Curation Circle Creed
There are 4 weekly contests and you earn for several reasons. For joining for example. Check the prizes they are not each week the same.
As a new member you get paid too .
It is a great way to earn in a fast way and to collect SBI shares. You only need to write 200+ words and answer the question.

@team-ccc is the account where you can find info about

  • the Community CCC,
  • contests running,
  • the members and more.

Use Partiko

How about giving it a try yourself?
With my lousy, unstable connection it is the only app that still works most of the times. I can post with it and the notifications show an overview with who voted, commented and mentioned you.
You earn points if you use it for posting, commenting and upvoting (partiko points can be traded into Steem).
There are extra points if you watch a commercial of a few seconds.

With Partiko you can edit each post and if you edit it you can add as many tags as you like.
Try it. There is nothing to lose

Do you like photography?

Appics is a great app. Go to and ask to be an 'early bird'.
Please, add text to your pictures. A good post has text no matter if it is a meme, photo, drawing, actifit report, etc. With Appics you can comment and upvote and earn token too.

Posting with apps

If you use @actifit, @partiko or @appics to post you earn too.
@actifit will reward you if you did 5000 steps at least (reward and upvote).
@partiko gives you 30 points for posting.
@appics has it's own token too.
There are more apps that will reward you if you use them.

More tips you can find at @wakeupkitty.pal.

Use them to grow especially if your connection is fine and not as slow as mine.

Each day I write a diary #forthechildren.

If I can I use SteemCoinpan for posting
Note: SteemCoinpan wants you to use three tags!

  1. sct
  2. sct-en (or one of the other languages)
  3. sct-diary or an other subject.
    Posting via SteemCoinpan saves me the first tag plus I can use more tags. Your post will automatically show up on

Diary Day #25 - October 7, 2019
My Monday

Diary Day #26 - October 8, 2019
First time freezingTuesday

Diary Day #27 - October 9, 2019
What a Wednesday

Diary Day #28 - October 10, 2019
Too late.

Diary Day #29 - October 11, 2019
A bright Friday

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
the latest update <<< please click to read.


@gertu has 68 owned SP and 154 delegated SP. Combined together, these should make her able to post and engage on a daily basis. I've been through this at just about 50 SP during the HF20 hardfork. It was harder back then.

Aside from that, she has 50 Steem sitting on her wallet. I am not sure if she plans to liquidate that then it is fine. But if not, I suggest that she use it to power up. Leaving Steem in the wallet without further plan on how to use it is like staling the resources you have.

Either way, I have delegated 70SP to add to what she already have. That should give her more bandwidth to post and interact in the blockchain.

It is really very good of you to catch all of these, @wakeupkitty! That tells me you have great engagement with a lot of people. Keep it up! 😊

I sent her Steem and 100 SP so did olivia08. Gertu lives in Venezuela and needs the money too to survive there. Not that she is making much. I know what she earned in 5 months was not even 10 dollar. I do not know if it was harder at that time I have been there too.
The problem is to be seen/noticed and before the latests HFs there were some options who do no longer exist.

I hope she will have a boost for a time and will do better after that and can do without help.

Any idea why her vote is zero? Is it because her VP is not 100%? I believe this upsets her most of all.

Thank you for your generosity. I gave her some tips to try for 1 month. I hope that is enough to push her over the hill. Happy Sunday. 💕

P.s. I hope I can keep it up. I engage as much as possible but I have my limits too.

Her vote is zero because of low SP. At the rate of Steem lately, around 2000 SP are needed for $0.01 value at 100% upvote. You can see more details of her account here: I compared that with blaogao's account that gives me 100% upvote with value of $0.01 and noted that blaogao has 2.1K SP.

What I can suggest to @gertu is to focus more on using her voting power to curate which basically means to upvote other posts that she thinks are of good quality. She may need to limit her commenting while whe is earning so that her SP is reserved for VP thus she can upvote more. Her upvote should be close to after 5 minutes from the time the article has been posted to maximize her curation rewards. I do this using SteemAuto. I am not sure if she is aware of this.

So you mean my vote became useless too? Since when? At 100% I always had 0.021 or so. So we all vote without a reason now.

For me it is hard to curate I have a slow connection, she is many times without power and has a slow connection too. If this is the case I better leave Steemit for what it is. I bought Steem 3 times to give a better upvote and cannot afford more.
I need the money for my children and to save if my car is broke. I did not made a cent here and can not keep feeding Steemit who does not give a damn about the little fish. 🤔

I do not know the exact ratio between the SP and the vote value but the higher SP you have, the higher value will be your upvote. That has been and still is the case eversince I joined Steemit in June 2018.

There is still value in our votes even if we see $0.00. That is because the value is truncated (I'm not sure that this is the right word) up to second decimal digit only but the true value is up to (I think) three decimal points. I know this because I have observed many upvotes on my posts with all $0.00 if I see each of them on However, there is already an accumulated value that my post is showing either $0.01 or $0.02.

I am not a crypto expert and anything that I say about market movement is just my opinion. With the rate of how Steem price is dropping in the last several months, it should be regarded as investment in long term perspective and not as source of daily income. If Steemian looks at it as source of daily income then yes, staying on the Steem blockchain can be very frustrating. I suggest that it should be taken as hobby for now and not totally walk out from it.

You don't need a very good network connection for the auto-votes. I am not sure if you are aware of it but just set them up through and SteemAuto will do the upvoting for you even if you are offline. You just need to set the limit of your SP so SteemAuto won't drain it too much. I set the limit for mine at 80%. That means SteemAuto will stop upvoting your fanbase when your VP hits 80% or lower.

I will have a look at Steemauto. I wonder how voting/curating works. If 30 people vote at the 5th minute I think the big fish is seen as the number one not the small fish.

Let's wait and see if some Steemians know the answer.

I do not need to live from this and am happy I am not but we both know many started with Steemit for that reason, a part could and people in Venezuela without any options try hard.

For me it is a hobby but not my life and my income is already a pension for one single person the minimum not for 4 people and double costs for living. My children and me staying long enough is my first priority not investing in Steem. For me there is no long term. Only know and perhaps 3-5 years.

Thank you sofar. 👍🏻💕

If 30 people vote at the 5th minute I think the big fish is seen as the number one not the small fish.

I wouldn't consider the status or size of wallet the curator has because it is a matter of timing when the curation happened. It is a race of who comes first, not contest on how big wallets are. I don't know but I suppose the system can capture up to milli or even nanoseconds of when the event happened.

Yes, I know people are here for different reasons and I know about the situation in Venezuela. I just wanted to somehow set expectation for people, specially those who came here for a living, not to be so frustrated with how the Steem price has been doing. That is with the hope that they do not totally abandon Steemit and still hang around. After all, Steemit is the most established social networking platform that rewards the users as far as I know. There are more out there but are still finding their space in the crowd. Maybe worth trying too...

There are more and I think if you need to live from it it is better to spread your chances. Personally I never check the value of Steem or other cryptocurrency. It would give me stress too and I already lost a lot of money. The obly good thing is I only invested what I could miss.

The fact people count on a (high) income is because Steem(it) is still advertised this way. I still read people say that is the rrason they joined and I read content about all these great items they bought with it.

It is better to see it as a bit extra if...

Happy week, thanks for all the explaining and answering and help. 😘💕👍🏻

Posted using Partiko Android

Have a nice day wakeupkitty

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @wendyth16 I wish you a great day too! 💕

Hi! You have received a vote at 18.72% from @tlnt account for use the #talentclub tag.

Talented authors receive extra rewards with the TLNT token, check yours in:

More info Here, happy weekend ;)

Thank you so much! 💕

Congratulations @wakeupkitty! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You received more than 40000 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 45000 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your Steem Board and compare to others on the Steem Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:

The new SteemFest⁴ badge is ready
Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Thank you for the update. 💕👍🏻

Posted using Partiko Android

How are you now @wakeupkitty? I hope you are in good shape now.
God bless you!

Posted using Partiko Android

It goes up and down. Took medication again but only for two days. I do not want to go back to it. Feel a bit better plus good sleep without sneezing. Infections over for the biggest part but keep feeling dehydrated plus my skin is too. 🤔

Sweet of you to ask. Hope you are doing fine. Happy day my friend! 🔆💕

Have a nice day too. Take a rest and drink more water..

Posted using Partiko Android

I will be in bed within 30 minutes time, I nearly drank 2 liters water. I do most days plus tea about 1.5-2 liters. Happy day. 💕

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