A good shape.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #actifit5 years ago

A good shape.

It all depends on what you are talking about. If it comes to art or old mobiles is organic. The round shapes.


It all looks softer, warmer, natural which I cannot say about geometric-shaped furniture, clothes, and Picasso. His cubism hurts my eyes. Nice try Picasso and your followers but this is no art. Same if it comes to Karel Appel or Mondrian. I cannot help thinking that both stole the idea from a little child.

Rubin's. I like his paintings and figures. No idea how they are called in the English language. I wonder at what time we decided that the best shape is 'skin and bones'? Especially for women, this is not what nature had in mind.

Lately, I read an article about a Dutch guy helping fat people with high blood pressure to losing weight (more like changing their diet to get lower blood pressure).

He wrote an add to tell how fat he was as a kid (you would laugh if you saw the picture he showed) and next to a photo of him as a student where he worked out (grown-up normal to slim shape).
Years later (not so long ago) he had a groin rupture, was operated and looked like shit (he suffered again because his friend in the sauna told him he had looked better).

So this guy with a lack of self-esteem, teaching people how to slim down by eating the right food (garlic or?) to lower their high blood pressure, surfed the internet for help.
He was not in the mood to workout in the gym five days a week and he was also not looking forward to his next groin rupture.

He wrote there is one way to get in good shape, train your muscles to get that six-pack and more. You need to train all muscles (I agree just biceps and triceps and breasts give you the same look as a gorilla).

If you like to know his secret (the guy with the groin rupture showed a picture of himself with a six-pack, no, not 6 cans of beer in a pack, that looked better as when he was still a student) you can buy his video.
He will not give it to you but you get one send by email daily for the price of... one you can watch it while you are in bed. The video that makes your muscles work for 10 minutes a day!

How I know about these ten minutes?
A customer responded to be so happy with it and practiced it while standing in the elevator (instead of taking the stairs).

I truly believe this is the dream of each person with high blood pressure. Exercising in the elevator or in bed for ten minutes a day only, getting/having a great shape (the six-pack) and a low blood pressure is included and... a bad feeling about yourself (because you are way fatter as he was as a kid).

I did not buy the video, not him and unsubscribed from his emails.
To start with I never had high blood pressure but searched for info about the use of salt.
I am able to contract muscles in my body while sitting, standing, walking, eating, laying in bed and so can you.
Sit and stand straight up. Shoulders backward, contract the muscles of your belly and stomach, all of them or only the left or right side.
The same I can do with my butt, breast, all together or one by one. It is all not that hard if he can do it, I can do it you can too. In the end, it is a habit.

Skip the high amounts of carbohydrates and do not consume more as 500 Kcal a day and you will look like him one day, a skinny man with a six-pack. No worries you can still have your beer as long as you do your exercises

Happy #BeerSaturday!

and my entry to
@detlev's #BeerSaturday.

I still have one beer to test you remember?

Here it is IPA.

It is smooth and drinkable (I agree it is drinkable).

4.7% alcohol: For some reason beer with a higher % of alcohol taste better. 🤔

Men, this one is for you or is it only meant for men in the UK?
I wonder what a UK chief medical officers has to do with a variety of American and German hops brewed beer from a brewery in Poland.
Brewery Van Pur S.A.

In Poland they keep it simple.
Ingredients: water, barely malt, hops and hops extract.

They have no intention to tell you more about the aromatic American and German hops.

No calories, no carbohydrates are mentioned.
I asked my app the eetmeter.
It probably has 15 carbohydrates and 225 calories.

This beer tastes way better as last week's "knight" and I am sure it will take your garlic breath away.
It has a long bitter aftertaste and it makes chocolate taste less great.

What I wrote about beer

Time for a beer.

Beer, beer and some beer tips.

"Golden Draak" the best beer so far.

Karamalz - Malt Beverage - Classic

Hurray, it is #BeerSaturday

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Thank you for letting me know. This was a test and I still do not know how it works. 🤔 or how to explain to other people why not. You helped me a bit further.

How can one see if you use a bid-bot?
I heard @tipu is a bid-bot too.
bdvoter gave me an upvote, I never used it, will I be downvoted for it?

Posted using Partiko Android

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This is an interesting perspective to shapes. Yah, some art, I don’t get either. Getting in shape is a challenge and it takes dedication and perseverance to stick to a routine that helps.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks. Well I use the new method, train all my muscles, eat less and try to sleep more. Who knows I get my shape back and feel better next year (+ sixpack). 😁💕

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