We Need A New Word or Short Phrase

in #marketing5 years ago

So, today I thought I would take a break from creating DRAMA and my mind has been spinning on Marketing Related topics.


How do we SELL Steem to non-crypto people without setting expectations of immediate Earnings?

This post from @niallon11 is what got me thinking about this. While he does a great job of describing it, we need a shorter version. Sometimes called the elevator pitch.


My view is that Steem Markets well to people who are Crypto-Curious and we have had successful times in the past of attracting and onboarding "Normies". By Normies, I mean people who do not have a lot of crypto experience and are looking for a way to get into what they tend to call... "Bitcoin". What we didn't do after attracting them was retain many of them, which was in part our failure, for setting poor expectations, but also the bear markets played a role.

Many blockchain projects are trying to find ways to be attractive to "MainStream" people and I'm of the opinion we have a lot of it in place.

I want us to attract new users who come here to blog, play games, share music and photos and when suddenly one day they realize they have been earning and they want to figure out how to take advantage of that they have the motivation to learn how to sell, trade and buy crypto.

It's a bad idea as we learned in the past to tell them to come here and EARN. That brings them on with an expectation of immediate earning which sets them up to be frustrated and angry.

So, how should we talk about it? What can we call it? (compensation for creating engagement)

Consider this a brainstorming exercise there are no dumb answers.

why does that always sound like a dare?

Let's talk about it in the comments!

I want to get back to blogging on this account, so please make sure if you are interested in DRAMA that you have followed @dramatoken.

If you are interested in saying hi or talking about crypto and Steem, come join us on STEEMCHAT on



The world is not ready yet, imagine in my town in the Philippines. No matter how I told them about this crypto thing. They don't listen because they don't want to understand it. It's hard if someone's not interested on it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think thats what @whatsup is saying. We need to sell the DApps and not the crypto. Show them the social network!

Since we're just brainstorming...

Optionally add the word "blockchain" or "cryptocurrency" in front of, and the word "platform" or "ecosystem" after any of the following:

  • incentivized collaboration
  • motivated collaboration
  • stimulated collaboration
  • boosted collaboration
  • enhanced community
  • enhanced collaboration

I really like incentivized collaboration.

Me too. It's my favorite, but I don't think incentivized is technically a word.

Update I stand corrected. My browser's spell checker doesn't like "incentivize", but websters has it.

Posted using Partiko Android

It should be a multifaceted approach that has overlapping features. First, we need to identify who is being targeted. Then one can set the expectation to meet that target.

Are they:

  • A Blogger? Explain how it aids blogging here for organic traffic.

  • Curious about crypto but fearful of the James Bond protocols and dealing with exchanges?

  • A gamer who may be interested in a game app here? ( Toss Drugwars out of that pitch though due to their mishandling of initial expectations verse what they are now offering).

  • Into fitness, check out Actifit (despite not doing it myself as I don't use apps, I mention it at least once a week to someone as an easy way to tap into a crypto faucet).

  • Anti bank crowd? Put your money in SP and draw interest that compounds while being able to grow it from simply curating or delegating and the possibility of it rising as a token is also in play.

  • Anti censorship crowd? Come where your words are immortalized. (If you look at my posts back a little bit probably over half the links are scrubbed now)

  • Lottery players? Better odds gambling your fiat here in Steem. You still have a small chance of losing to get that thrill of danger, but the odds are much better you will get a winner.

  • Like drama? We have our very own drama coin to help one find where all the fires are taking place to be a spectator.

I barely scratch the surface here, but there is so much to offer here, something for everyone. :)

Yes, this is true and I've been thinking a lot that Marketing, Onboarding and Support, should migrate over time to the apps.

Steem is a blockchain.. it should onboard apps. The apps in turn should market and onboard people.

In the meantime, I want to keep and value the current community, but I don't think it is a reflection of our future.

The world is not ready for crypto. There are many technicalities and barriers to entry. We cannot separate earning from steem--that is our major selling point. We cannot compete with other established social platforms and gaming sites. We do not have the funds and the technical know-how to compete, that's just the truth.

Creating awareness

We are going about this wrong. Putting the cart before the horse. People need to know steem exist and the projects that exist here. That's the first step. This won't increase the number of newbies drastically but it can bring in some investors. The second step would be to improve on our existing achievements. When people are ready to adopt this relatively new tech called crypto and blockchain, steem would hopefully be one of the best alternatives for those curious enough to try it out. There will certainly be a few curious minds every now and then but expecting the number of new onboarders to drastically increase is kind of unrealistic -- it can happen but the odds are not in our favor.

Posted using Partiko Android

You make some excellent points.

Our internal expectations also matter.

We can't. I don't think we could ever completely separate steem from the earnings...however when I look at blogs that have managed to thrive without offering users anything, it shows there is hope for something similar with steem

Yeah, those who have been successful so far are those who just keep grinding it out.

I think the trick is to to tell people they can do on Steem what they're already doing on main stream platforms - play games, write, network, vlog, meet new friends etc. Make that the primary objective. Anything they earn on Steem blockchain is a nice bonus. That's how I started on Steemit when I was already blogging on WP. To date I'm still resisting from falling in love with what I've earned here, so if everything bellies up one day I won't be heart broken.

The more I try on convincing someone to join us, the bigger the failure. I think we need to act with reverse psychology...

I hope I haven't missed all the fun...on discord. Joining asap.

What like.. nah you won't fit in, you will hate it? And then they join up in spite? Haha. Hmm... it's sooo complicated. I haven't convinced a single person to join.

Posted using Partiko Android

Something like:51596300_1978592509113788_1495236831959056384_n.jpg

This is a free background a fellow steemian created for free use. For mobiles and PCs. Now the next time someone asks me "hey, what is this image?" I'll probably reply like "fuck it, these stuff aren't for you" maybe this will trigger their curiosity because when they asked me and I explained...details ruined it in the end. Perhaps they can make their own research and see what this is all about. Just saying....

Did I miss you in discord? :) I helped with a few other things today and it kept me out of the chat quite a bit.

haha... Don't join Steem.. Just don't.

Oh I missed this contest...
anyway I remembef some big DRAMA when STINC decided to change the logo, color, etc. LOL
Big Hug
Steemitri The Mannequin


Here's your DRAMA. Don't spend it all in one place!

To view or trade DRAMA go to steem-engine.com.

I think we should be selling Steem primarily on the freedom to post what you want and the fact there is very little advertising. Throw in some top quality contributers and its a great place to hang and 'do social media'. I'd personally push the combination social media/blogging/community ticket and let people find out the multitude of ways they can use Steem based on their own personal preferences.

Steem - Rewarding Social Media done the way you choose without giving up your soul

Its tough to be concise!!
Rewarding suggests its satisfying and not just fiscally rewarding I think.

We are going to have to reign in the flaggy whales.

I see it as getting paid for our attention. Whereas other social media sites use us as consumers based on the attention we provide, here we have an opportunity to earn it ourselves.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah, but dang that earning word.

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