Back at it again. 'Affiliate Marketing!'

in #marketing6 years ago (edited)

A Brief Story of Waybeyondpadthai

Before I started going wild on the Steem Blockchain, I had actually created the website called that I was planning on making it a niche site. It would focus on Thai food info and probably anything Thai related contents. Not like a casual / fun contents like I have been doing (really?) nowadays.

People don't know what they're doing or are meant to do from the very beginning..


This is the new look that I have been working on quite some time recently..

T R A V E L | | E A T | | S T E E M

Affiliate Marketing

Of course, one of the ways I was planning on monetizing it was 'Affiliate Marketing'. It's such a nomad dream! Espectially, looking on Pat Flynn's website (If you're one of those nomads, Don't tell me you don't know Pat Flynn!!! ), it's totally a dream! Day dream, that is!

So the idea came to my mind.. I apply for whole lots of affiliate sites. Like, Travelpayouts (Flight and hotel), Agoda (Best deals on accommodation), AirBNB and all!. Turned out, it's not just having the aff links, put it on your site, people click them and bamm! Commission!!

Believe me it's much much more!

Oh! actually this post by @captainbob kinda reminded me to get back to the thing


Some problems always come along with the affiliate marketing..

Traffic is a bitch

'Traffic' totally plays hard to get. You need to put some effort to get it and obviously, I didn't put enough effort into it. There're some certain ways that I might be able to do to get it this time though!

I will be focusing on a few things..

SEO : Search Engine Optimization!

Really!!! This is a pain in the butt! Though, I will be spending the next few days trying to add 'Keywords' on all the posts! (Which are not many so far, really) and since I'm in Thailand, I will try to hunt down all the keywords about travelling in Bangkok.

Audience from Youtube

This sure helps as @adetorrent told me so. In order to do that so, I will also need to do something about it.. Oh my! To do list will never end!

Word of mouth

I know, this might sound like an old-school one but imagine, if I go vlog somewhere or take photos of something, people who are around would totally want to see how 'What I create' would turn out!

Online courses

I will actually have to study some online courses that my friend (who's trying to build his own website as well) told me.

Why do we do this ?? I actually think it's such a great way of making some extra money or even main income if we could do it correctly. It's also really a 'PASSIVE' income so to be honest, nothing to lose anyways.

I also started to put some aff links on all my post as well. Hope you don't mind and yes! feel free to click it if you feel like travelling or shopping on AMAZON !

** All my post and even on the main menu have the links that would bring them to the Steem blockchain. Of course! Steem is home!

Let's see how the effort would take me on this affiliate link journey.

* Serious question : Do you also use the aff link? If so, which one do you use, amazon/ booking / agoda, etc and how do you drive traffic to your contents!?? Please do share :)

Check out my previous posts!

The famous Lungshan Temple in Taipei - Try Chinese herbal drinks ! Oh man!

Vlog! We met in the Bangkok's rain x @maneki-neko - Steemians' Hangout

My Entry For SteemFest Ticket Giveaway *Please go tell them (comment), you want me there! :P


It's so compact and affordable. Yes! It's great for vlogging as well :)
Great sound creates great video contents so yes, the mic needed
This thing makes my life so much easier.

㋡ Check them out on AMAZON

㋡ Oh! Best deals on FLIGHTS and HOTELS

All copy and photos are original content by me.

Lots of lots of love,
Mo ❤

We would love to talk to you ! Come say Hi ! on Fundition Discord server | eSteem Discord server


here comes the website! congratulation! :)

I have been having this for more than a year! But thanks anyways :)

oh ok.
so basically you upload there what you upload here?

@mamalikh13 Some of them yes :) Check out the site so you get an idea

alright! I'll take look to see what you have got in there :)

May i have you discord? I want yo be your friend

A niche site can be a great source of passive income, but creating enough good content and optimizing the site surely takes some time.. I have a niche site in German that now ranks quite well in Google, but I wasn't able to make significant profits of it yet. Steemit posts rank much better in Google than most niche sites, so there might be some potential there! I have been using Amazon affiliate links in my Steemit posts for a while, but never had any sales coming through - have you had any luck with your affiliate links?

Do you mind telling what's the site exactly?? Leave the link if you could.. I would love to have a look. I have no luck with affiliate links thus far. All commission I got from Travelpayout is from myself LOLOLOLOLOLOL (They allow me to use the link so) and yes, I actually agree with @adetorrent here. Steem is real quiet at the moment.

It would also take time and a lot of effort (and when most of Steemians really try to create something real so the world trust the site enough to click when it's ranked on Google.. - Something like, pinterest or reddit.. Make sense? When you wanna search for something and then go on google, type in 'where to eat in turkey steemit' LOLOLOL) Then, the affiliate links might also work well on your steemit posts!

I will just put them affiliate links on my every post anyways. Nothing I would lose, really.. Thanks for your thought and looking forward to seeing your site!

My niche site is, an old project about gerbils that I used to be very passionate about, but since my own gerbils died years ago and I'm now allergic, I haven't produced any new content in 5 years, just updated the template a bit and optimized one post and placed the affiliate links.

Probably the best way to use affiliate links is when people click on them with the intent to actually buy the product, I have used affiliate links in my recent post about stock photography and get a per-sale referral reward for two years if new contributors sign up through it and sell photos and in the next parts I will make sure that they have all the resources to get some sales. I'm not writing the guide primarily for the affiliate income, but if I can make some money from it the better.

Although traffic is getting less, is still in the Top 2000 websites on Alexa, that's much higher than any personal blog could ever get. On the traveller's discord we get new people almost daily who have found us through Google since our Steemit post comes up as the first result when searching for "travellers discord". If for example my stock photo post would rank well in Google and many people would start selling their photos through my affiliate link, this would be much more profitable than what I could get from my personal blog.

Awesome! Good to know and I will sure try harder and OMG!! Your site looks professional!!!!!!

Thanks, I wrote the template myself but it's far from perfect, when I find some time I will optimize the site more and rethink the placement of affiliate links, I will see if that can bring any notable income..
Btw, I heard from @eoj that you are in Bangkok; I'm here as well until Monday!

Omg!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back in my hometown for the family reunion oh noooo!!! I would totally love to meet otherwise! :/

Too bad, maybe next time, I might come back to Bangkok in March - if you are in Taipeh during the next months let me know, I will be studying there until January!

I just came back from there so totally not going again so soon haha! Do let me know if you need some recommendation. I got so many places I love!

There's is basically no traffic at all on Steemit at the moment. Even the most popular posts get few than 100 people looking at them usually, compared to well established sites like Wordpress or Facebook where you get hundreds of thousands of viewers/readers.

Well, as I just wrote to @waybeyondpadthai, steemit is still in the Alexa top 2000 sites which gives it way more traffic from Google than any new personal wordpress blog, although followers have been less active recently..

@waybeyondpadthai very good luck , postingan yang luar biasa.please Upvote me @putra01 blog.

I also started affiliate marketing back then ( a freaking looooooooong ass name haha. It doesn't exist anymore though. I've learned a ton though!

These are the tips from me to you 😉

  • check out (he's one of the best for SEO) and
  • make a lead magnet for your email list
    -> get an auto responder (like mailchimp)
  • create different accounts where your audience hangs out (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, twitter, quora, Reddit, etc.)
  • look into guest posting
  • tools for SEO optimization
  • I would highly recommend the book "dotcom secrets" (amazing book on creating sales funnels)
  • make YouTube videos for gaining traffic (get tubebuddy for SEO optimization for YouTube)
  • look for related niches on YouTube and apply the $1.80 strategy

Hope this helps :)

Winny out...for now 😉

Hahahaha most of the things you told, I've already known. I just kinda suck at it. Though, I'm gonna push it harder this time! and it MUST work! It will take my days and nights for months though. I will be focusing on Bangkok and Thailand as I'm here! Come back and have fun with me here!!!!

One day I'm going back to Thailand anyway, mo :) I still have some unfinished business here in Germany, but once I'm ready, I'll go for sure!

Winny out...for now ;)

Traffic is the main thing. 90% of my affiliate traffic comes from ONE YouTube video that somehow resonates with the audience. That one video has made me hundreds of dollars in passive affiliate income.

Send me the link to that one adudetorrent smith

Oh! Adeeeeee!!!!!!!! I just got an idea how I could rank it on google!!!!!!!

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