Human Programming - Control of Genes

in #luw6 years ago

Far from the towers of the big city, on a beautiful island in the middle of the Caribbean, the famous American cell biologist Bruce Lipton receives scientific enlightenment.

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Looking at his research, he suddenly realizes that the cells control human physics and behavior. This moment alters his life. He understands that these studies will change both his life and the lives of all human beings.
If our genes control us, then our life is predetermined by conception and just the programs unfold .....
Here we come to the reality that the environment, our environment and our perception of it, can actually rewrite our genetic code. It does not change DNA, but changes the reading of DNA.
Suddenly it becomes clear that we are not limited by our genes but by our perceptions and beliefs about the world. This information is taken in, becomes a program, and influences the genes.

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But if, after a diagnosis made by a doctor, we think nothing can be done, then we become a victim. When we think we are a victim, then we need a savior. Someone has to come and save us. Of course no one will come and do it for free and ... So builds an industry that will save you from the thing. This is something that we can actually control within ourselves. That is why it is very important to understand what science has already learned but has not done so publicly. Two-thirds of all medical treatments, surgeries, medicines are through the ugly effect. That is, the human mind, its system of belief, finally determines whether the pills or surgery will affect the improvement of his health. Many people are aware of the placebo effect, but very little knows the opposite effect. The difference is that the reverse effect can hurt us or even kill us. The difference is what we will believe in placebo (positive faith) or in negative faith. Both are equally powerful, but they lead in different directions.
Attempts have been made with knee operations for the same knee motion problem. In one group of people, a real operation was done. In the other, only incisions were made without performing any procedure of the operation - a fake operation. After that, they had a record of their operations, but these non-essential surgeries had recorded real operations records. During that time, the doctor explained how everything was wrong with the knee. How the surgery was successful and it will recover completely.
They followed the results. All patients with operations and those with fake operations completely recovered.
The doctor realized he had made a very good and precise placebo effect, and the patient's mind turned out to be the healer himself. This is not a joke. These are proven medical practices. Here we talk about the power of perception, the power of faith, the power of our minds that can overcome everything.
Практическото значение на това е, че всички ние имаме способността да регенерираме нашите тъкани и органи. Всеки от нас е изпълнен със стволови клетки. Стволовите клетки ремонтират всяка повредена тъкан, но ние не ги използваме, а фармацевтичните компании.
When the patient hears that he is seriously ill and can not be cured, the healing process in his body can only stop because of his belief. If this diagnosis is complemented by a death date prognosis, a program of belief is created and the body will eventually die to this end. Our body has spare cells that will repair or replace everything on which we focus our attention. But if our intention is already diverted, because someone has told us that we are terminally ill. For example, we are told that the heart tissue is not regenerated. We now know that it is regenerating. The same applies to brain tissue. There is nothing in our body that can not be corrected.
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The only limitations are not cells, but our belief in something. We are programmed. It sounds like a bad joke, but it's a reality. We are born in families where every time someone gets sick they lead him to a doctor. This is a program. You can not cure yourself. The doctor treats you. We have a system that will cure us without a doctor, but the program says .. "No, no! I can not self-heal! The doctor will cure me! "Our thought, our perception that only he can do it.
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And if you have noticed that many people have healed on the way to the doctor or when they are already with him. This is because when you overcome the fear that you have created and they are calm that you are in the right hands, then the innate system is working to work.
It is really important to understand that our limitations are our beliefs that have become programs. When circumstances arise, they are included and deployed.
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Много добра тема ,хареса ми.

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Страхотна публикация !

Благодаря ти! Радвам се, че ти харесва любимата ми тема! Аз лично съм си правила програмирано самолечение и то на сериозни неща. Проблема изчезва до 10 минути и важното е, че не появява.

Любимата ми тема👍🙂🍀това са неща които трябва да се учат в училище и дори още от детската градина за да се програмира мозакът ни,но ония отгоре нямат полза от това ние да знаем

И на мен ми е любима. Понякога дори си мисля, че прекалявам когато говоря за това с приятели, защото не всички са готови за тези промени.

Благодаря ти!

съзнанието е голяма сила


Интересна тема и вярвам че има истина в това но си мисля как например има хора които са умствено изостанали(всеки е виждал дали по телевизия,дали на живо,дали има познати или роднина)та такъв човек изобщо не разбира от това какво му е втълпено и какво казва доктора.тогава защо не се регенерират неговите клетки

Това става на подсъзнателно ниво. Това, че човека нещо не е наред умствено не означава, че подсъзнанието не приема това което се говори. Ние приемаме много повече информация, чрез 5-те си сетива (а те дефакто са 7), но обработваме с мозъка само няколко процента. Останала отива в подсъзнанието, складира се. Излиза наяве, когато ни е необходимо. Тогава се сещаме, че някъде нещо сме видели с периферното си зрение, или сме чули, но не сме обърнали внимание. Тогава за нас не е било важно.


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