Love It | Shove It : Homestead Edition
At the homestead there's a lot to love and there's also a lot we could do without!
Thanks to @ameliabartlett for tagging us!
Love It
1. Wren's laugh.

It brings my heart delight to see my ever-so-kind, gorgeous, ever-so-perfect & never bitchy sweetheart chuckle with delight. Laughter is the best medicine and she's got a cabinet-full.
2. I love that we have freedom to build whatever we want.
In the county we live in in Missouri, there are no building codes or regulations so we don't have to pay an architect or engineer or be limited in what we can create. We can also have a humanure system and not have to worry about a septic. Yes!
3. Ini's baby blue eyes.

I love the color of his eyes like a clear blue sky! They look great with a blue shirt.
4. Access to clean water.
We have a beautiful creek running through our property which we bathe in regularly - you can see to the bottom. We fish regularly in local waterways and visit some of the largest springs in the US which are really close to our home! We also have a deep well with pure fresh water which we're so thankful for! Water is a human right and we would wish this for all beings.
5. Enjoying autonomy of inter-sufficiency and provision of our own needs....
...Through growing & storing food, building structures, water, and good neighbor relations. As creative omnivores, it's a beautiful thing to engage with genetic biodiversity.
Shove It
1. Ticks.
Of course, #1 topping the list. I'm sure if you've encountered these tiny creatures in the spider family, you have an active disdain for them as well. They sometimes have spirochetes (google that one) that carry long-term, mysterious, and difficult to treat diseases that slowly debilitate people. Oddly enough, sometimes they also pass on a disease that makes you allergic to red meat - WHAT?!
2. Closemindedness.
3. Living in the 4th dimension which is Time.
In permaculture when considering landscape design, we talk about the obvious 3 dimensions of space and are careful to include the 1 dimension of time. This time thing really is a bitch; everything takes longer than you think it will and some things seem to drag on forever. Anyone have a time machine yet?
4. Healthcare & FDA limitations and legalities on herbal medicines and practices.
Washing Ashwagandha Root Wren Grew
I mean, c'mon we have to declare all of these healing medicines dietary supplements and can't make statements about their healing potentials. Whatever!
5. Lack of organic matter in the soil.
We're not complaining here, but we live on the top of a hill with very little organic matter and a lotta rocks! We're working towards building it up, but it takes time (see Shove It #3). It also gives us a chance to work on our mantra:
Organic Matter
Thanks for reading ours! We nominate you if you want to participate in this!!
Join the fun!
The rules are simple!
List five things that you love
List five things that you really dislike
Use the tag loveitshoveit
You can tag whoever you want to get to know better! As many people as you want!
And remember anyone can join!
Your homestead seems really lovely. You're so lucky to have that stream on your property! I'd love to hear the story about how you built your cabin. Your post caught my attention, because back in October, my husband and I bought a hilltop in the Texas Hill Country. The view is spectacular. We don't live there fulltime: We have our home and family in Austin, TX. It takes a little over an hour to drive to our hill. We head out there to camp about once a month, and stay for two nights. We're planning a weeklong vacation out there next month though--I am beyond excited! At first we stayed in a tent, but now we have a travel trailer up there. We're getting our electricity hooked up, but we don't have a water well (a neighbor had to drill 600 feet--it cost $20,000). Anyway, I'm very new to Steemit, and I'm going to follow you. I hope you write more about your homestead! My husband and I are DREAMING about building a cabin. I've been writing a Wordpress blog about my hill here (I'm thinking I should move it to Steemit!):
Here's my hill:
Move to steem It.. or do both. You will probably get more interactions here! And I for one want to read what you have to say!
Thank you!
yes exactly!! <3
thanks so much! welcome to steemit! i think you'll like it here. thanks for sharing so much of your story; i cannot believe the wells cost so much where you are! holy cow! our well was much deeper than that and came nowhere near that wishes to you on your hill :) sounds like a fun dream !!!
We've got straight up caliche and limestone. Can't dig more than 6 inches without hitting rock! I guess that's why the price is so high. For now we have 55 gal water barrels that we fill up, transport them in our truck, and use a water pump to move the water to an empty barrel on the hill. We can also pump the water into the RV this same way. Working so far!
Heck yeah! I love all of this (and would agree to shove what you shove as well). Your homestead looks like a dream. If we ever roll through in the slow rolling home, we'll be sure to reach out and say hi!
aww thanks Amelia!! please be sure to reach out if you're in the area :) which coast are you near?
As someone who has had Lyme disease most of my life, I can agree about the ticks. But they have far more than just 1 co-infection they can pass on, they have at least 13 last I knew. I urge anyone getting bitten by a deer tick to ask their doctor for a cycle of doxycycline. Best be safe than live like I must.
I love your #2! I wish we had the same zoning/laws here.
wow! sorry to hear about your lyme disease. have you heard of stephen buhner's lyme protocol in his book healing lyme? there are also a lot of web resources. it has helped late stage chronic lymes... and god... yes those little guys are so nasty with allllll the coinfections!! thanks for sharing the thing about doxycycline! wishing you the best....
yes we love #2 and was a big part of us moving to this place <3
I've had this, apparently, since the 1960's and it's deeply entrenched. It hit me neurologically and most of that will not repair. I did 18 months of antibiotics and none of the protocols had any effect at all.
I started growing the best nutrient dense food about 8 months prior to DX in 2008 and it has been the ONLY thing that has worked. Most of my symptoms I will always have, but at least I can garden and raise animals as I can.
Wow thanks for sharing you journey. I’m so glad you found something that worked for you!! 💙
I love the laugh of my lover too. And am so envious about your lack of building regs!!! And stream... your loves almost cancel.out your shoves! A lot to be grateful for xx
<3 soo much to be grateful for... we left the list a little funny/more shallow today, but there is so much related to freedom, autonomy and empowerment that we give thanks for so much. thanks for stopping by today <3
I love you guys!! So envious of your life (minus the ticks). Do you take interns?
aw! we're fond of you too! yeah, we call it the tick tax as our taxes are soooo low for the land, etc, that it's really the only negative (except the backwards thinking in our rural area) where we live. we will be taking interns this summer for the first time! we both learned by traveling and spending time at lots of different farms/communities/homesteads & we plan on sharing in kind :) let us know if you're ever in the states ;) <3
Oh wow I as actually joking about the interns. That's brilliant!
I will definitely let you know as I am sure you could teach me a thing or two (or 10).
I really do like your loves and shoves. Wish I had that beautiful water. We don't have a well. Live in a little rural community but have a common water source that is treated. YUK. I cant even drink it. BUT TELL me: how do you tag someone? DUH, I'm so tech challenged.
haha thanks! you tag someone by saying @mistermercury. basically you just put an @ before their name! you can make a link (maybe you already know this) by putting [x] brackets around the word you want and (link) parenthesis around the link.
like this. sorry to hear about your treated water source! thanks for stopping by! <3
It's a challenge. Really no kidding. I have the brain of a poet and mystic, and was born before your generation that seemingly gets tech info by osmosis while they sleep. Anything more complicated than a roll of toilet paper can, and usually does, baffle me. I'll try your instructions above. If it works I'll send one of my carrier pigeons to let you know! Or perhaps a smoke signal.
hahaha please try the digital smoke signal ;) as another tip, you can google @ginabot and i would highly recommend trying her out as she connects you ethereally to all of the smoke signals sent your way (i.e. if someone tags you, she'll give you a heads up ;) otherwise, we can really see the smoke signals on steemit! <3
Can't stand the tick! We got guineas right we moved our property to help with the tick problem but I Fox pick the guineas off one by one.
i know! oh no to hear about the guineas! we try to wipe them out by catching the "seed tick bombs" and carrying tape around with us to catch thousands at a time! we also feed our dog the "tick pill" that kills them when she has them on (otherwise it'd be breeding heaven) and we feel like that works! thanks for stopping by :)
LOL This is great! I am still giggling. Yup Ticks- a definite no go. Giggles and blue eyes, definite keepers! Great job you two!
aw you're so sweet momma! glad to give you a laugh :D we were in a silly mood <3 thanks!! love you
Thank you very much for approving my witness! In Saint Petersburg, Florida where I am gardening we have a lack of organic top soil also because nearly everything is sand!
Hey Jerry thanks for stopping by! Yes I imagine sand is difficult to grow in ;) and you’re welcome; I appreciate what you’re doing on the blockchain and wanted to support you! <3 blessings
This was great. Amazing how i felt immediately more relaxed stepping into your world for a bit.