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RE: Love It | Shove It : Homestead Edition

Your homestead seems really lovely. You're so lucky to have that stream on your property! I'd love to hear the story about how you built your cabin. Your post caught my attention, because back in October, my husband and I bought a hilltop in the Texas Hill Country. The view is spectacular. We don't live there fulltime: We have our home and family in Austin, TX. It takes a little over an hour to drive to our hill. We head out there to camp about once a month, and stay for two nights. We're planning a weeklong vacation out there next month though--I am beyond excited! At first we stayed in a tent, but now we have a travel trailer up there. We're getting our electricity hooked up, but we don't have a water well (a neighbor had to drill 600 feet--it cost $20,000). Anyway, I'm very new to Steemit, and I'm going to follow you. I hope you write more about your homestead! My husband and I are DREAMING about building a cabin. I've been writing a Wordpress blog about my hill here (I'm thinking I should move it to Steemit!):

Here's my hill:
2017-10-21 009 (2017_11_15 14_40_50 UTC).jpg


Move to steem It.. or do both. You will probably get more interactions here! And I for one want to read what you have to say!

thanks so much! welcome to steemit! i think you'll like it here. thanks for sharing so much of your story; i cannot believe the wells cost so much where you are! holy cow! our well was much deeper than that and came nowhere near that wishes to you on your hill :) sounds like a fun dream !!!

We've got straight up caliche and limestone. Can't dig more than 6 inches without hitting rock! I guess that's why the price is so high. For now we have 55 gal water barrels that we fill up, transport them in our truck, and use a water pump to move the water to an empty barrel on the hill. We can also pump the water into the RV this same way. Working so far!

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