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RE: Love It | Shove It : Homestead Edition

As someone who has had Lyme disease most of my life, I can agree about the ticks. But they have far more than just 1 co-infection they can pass on, they have at least 13 last I knew. I urge anyone getting bitten by a deer tick to ask their doctor for a cycle of doxycycline. Best be safe than live like I must.

I love your #2! I wish we had the same zoning/laws here.


wow! sorry to hear about your lyme disease. have you heard of stephen buhner's lyme protocol in his book healing lyme? there are also a lot of web resources. it has helped late stage chronic lymes... and god... yes those little guys are so nasty with allllll the coinfections!! thanks for sharing the thing about doxycycline! wishing you the best....

yes we love #2 and was a big part of us moving to this place <3

I've had this, apparently, since the 1960's and it's deeply entrenched. It hit me neurologically and most of that will not repair. I did 18 months of antibiotics and none of the protocols had any effect at all.

I started growing the best nutrient dense food about 8 months prior to DX in 2008 and it has been the ONLY thing that has worked. Most of my symptoms I will always have, but at least I can garden and raise animals as I can.

Wow thanks for sharing you journey. I’m so glad you found something that worked for you!! 💙

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