Sigil for Our Successful Relationship...
My new boyfriend and I went for a walk in the wilds of Thornton, CO to a secret spot he has, with his dogs...and as we were walking we came across a freshly killed buck... hunting season is over, so clearly this buck was poached from across the river, and it had fallen in such a way that the shooters could not find it. We could not see how it was killed and rigor mortis had not yet set in. There was no blood... there was no way to know how the deer had died...but we guess that it was poached.
Next day, he went back to get the antlers. He's that type of guy - he was raised in nature, hunting, since he was a kid. He felt bad that this 10-point buck was going to waste, and since the deer and elk populations have chronic wasting disease now thanks to the Center for Disease Control in Fort Collins, CO, we could not risk taking the meat...
So he decided this buck was going to commemorate our first walk to his secret spot... He went to Cabella's to get the mount, he got one that has a contraption for us to upload pictures of our adventures, to it.
After he was all done, he hung it on his wall and sent me a pic of it. I asked, "Can I paint it?" - it's obvious to me - a winged heart, which for me always signifies the Holy Spirit, with a Sigil. I looked up the deer symbolism -
Deer Symbolism
"Gentleness, ability to move through life with Grace, innocence, being intuitive and sensitive, vigilance... and in touch with the Mystery."
I made a sigil for us...
It says "Our unified love is aligned with God's will" and I put our names in there.
I started to paint it this morning...I primed it with white house paint and then painted it in oil...
This experience also began a long conversation about why I am vegan...
and we may go on a hunting trip next hunt or not, we will find out. But I will practice shooting all summer...I need to do that anyway, as the encroachment on our liberties continue.
He also gets this painting with the sigil...I always feel my connection to God
What a beautiful painting and a huge rack! Deer here in Tennessee aren’t quite that big.
Love the story! ✴✴✴
I am glad you said so... I was not sure I was able to tell the story... blessings!