Adventures in Online Dating: The Frogs I've Kissed #1

in #love7 years ago (edited)


Once Upon a Time I Created an Online Dating Profile
And Attracted All the Creeps in the Land...

I thought it be fun to tell a few stories about my experiences in the online dating world. And no better place to start than the beginning. My first online date...

Frog #1
His profile seemed sincere, although a tad on the serious side. The photo was cute, he had a nice smile. So we chatted on the app for maybe 15 minutes and he asked for my phone number. Being naïve, and totally unsure how this all worked (my last dating experience was 15 years prior) I said sure. He calls me right away, I'm at work, but we chat for maybe 20 minutes. I use the word "chat" loosely. He basically read me his resume, then asked if I wanted to meet up at a local dive bar. It was a place I knew of, but didn't frequent, so figured what the hell, ok I'll go.

We order drinks and the conversation is much better in person than it was on the phone. His smile was still nice, but his photos were probably 8-10 years outdated. I understand we all put our best photos forward, but this was a tad misleading. I'm not in the least superficial and the convo was good, so no big deal. It was pleasant but no butterflies or sparks. The second drinks come and we finish those pretty quickly. The waitress comes around asking if we'd like another and he declines. So I figure ok he's not into it, no harm done, it was a decent night. She brings the $16 bill.

He asked her to take it back and split it!

Now I have zero issues with going dutch. And I have no issues dating somebody that doesn't make a lot of money (I make my own) But $16? More than anything I feel bad for the extra work the waitress would have to go through. I mean, the tip off $16 was hardly worth it. So I say no, it's ok, and I pay the bill. We have a very polite goodbye, go our separate ways, and I assume that's the end of it.

20 minutes later I'm pulling into my driveway and I get a text message from Frog #1 asking if I wanted to come over. Ummm, no. Very next day he calls again, apologizes for the night before and asks if I'd like to go out again. I have no idea why, but I said sure. This time I show up to meet him and he's balls to the walls wasted. And much to my disappointment he's the macho, puffy chest, prove to everyone I'm a man's man type of drunk. Not my cup of tea. He's all over me asking me to come to his house. No. But I offer to order him an Uber to be sure he gets home safely. He agrees.

Over the next week or two there are a few text exchanges, but only polite small talk responses on my end. I do mention to him that I'm on a work trip and would be unavailable for the week. Thinking for sure a week of zero and he'd just go away. If not, I planned to tell him that this wasn't for me. I work a long day, get to the hotel bar with some customers and colleagues and see 16 messages from the dude. Yes, 16. He's asking where I am, if I'm out drinking, if there are men there, and asking me to not bring anyone back to my room with me. Really dude?

I ignore the messages. 3AM comes and my phone rings. I jump up, saw his number, so let it go to voice mail. I have this weird thing that I'm paranoid my alarm clock won't sound if I have my ringer set to vibrate even though I've tested it a dozen times and it does sound. But I can't trust it. So I have to keep the phone on. I'm too dumb at this point to think of blocking his number. So by the 8th or 9th call, I answer. Big surprise, he's drunk.

This is the part that should have scared me off from online dating forever....

He tells me that he's in love with me and wants to impregnate me

I immediately hang up the phone and finally come to my senses and blocked his number and also blocked his profile from contacting me on the site. Done and Over. Phew.

Now, the funny thing about online dating is the suspense. Wondering if you have messages, hoping that profile you really liked wrote you back. So the "game" of it all gets a little addictive. So naturally a few days later when I got back home I logged in to see what sort of attention had come in while I was gone.

I got messages from this guy under FOUR different profiles

Some of them were sweet (in his way) saying that he's very sorry and had too much to drink. Wants to try again and make it up to me. Others he called me a whore (although I never actually kissed this frog), a liar, a tease and anything else he can think of that might sting. On a positive note, I never gave him my last name, address, place of business, etc...

A year or so later I saw him on another dating site with several profiles under different names, with different photos.

So that was my first attempt at entering the dating world after being in a 15 year relationship. Crazy, but I did it reasonably safely and well, I guess we can say I got my first date out of the way.

There were a few more Frogs before I found my Prince. Stay tuned for more!

(Image is from a Google Image search)


Oh my God oh my God oh my God !!!!!!!!!!!
I was never into online dating and you prove me right !!!! OH MY GOD !!!!
Then again, that first part of Frog one (money issues and drinking) I dated for 2,5 years - at least yours was just 2 unsuccessful dates from an online platform... that makes your situation fair and me totally stupid :P
Can't wait to hear more !!! Love the way you write by the way, but I think you know that already!!! Take my 100% and my heart !!! :D Hugs!

Thank you SO MUCH!!! Yeah, I spent a lot of years married to an alcoholic so I’m pretty in tune with the warning signs. I don’t mind (and rather enjoy) a few cocktails. But you can just tell when it’s more than a fun time. He had issues for sure.
The online thing...well, it’s a numbers game to an extent lol. Will work on post #2 sometime this weekend

We need to talk in private...................... ;))))
Waiting for number 2 my God what else we're gonna read !!!! :P :D

Since my sweetheart, Marcia, passed away a year ago, I have learned just how fickle these dating sites are. People truly are not looking for a serious relationship. It is a much different world out there. Folks carry all their baggage of fears with them when they meet someone and that person inherits the crap. It seems like the good ones are either taken o maybe widowed if you are lucky. The widowed have generally proven their value. I met Marcia on a dating site and it worked. However I think she was the RARE exception rather than the rule. Thanks or the story.

I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of Marcia. I can't imagine how hard that must be.
You do have to sort through a bunch of riff raff, and many are seeking something shallow. It worked for you once, and I most likely will again. You just have to know what you want, don't settle, and be patient.

Add a bit of Bloodshed and you could turn that into a Movie Script! ( on the positive side!)

Hahaha right? True story even. I mean, can't make that stuff up LOL

Not nice. I have never used any of this dating sites, but still there sure are frogs IRL as well, lol. Unfortunately you can never know this before you get to now him a little.
For what I understand you found someone nice now (San Diego trip post)?

Yes! My online story has a happy ending. Just a windy road to get there. I really never thought I'd use a site like that, but when you find yourself single again in your early 40s, how do you meet people? I'm done with the bar scene, too far into my career to consider a work relationship. My hobbies (like dog training) are primarily's hard.

Yes that is hard. I got single 9 years ago at 34. And it was not fun going to bars when all friends were married and in relationships. But I met my man in my company at that time
But it's nice to know it ended good 😊

As long as we all find happiness in the end, it’s all worth the journey :)

Are Frogs not supposed to turn into Handsome Prince's when you Kiss Them?, Oh Wait?, Isn't that a Fairy Tale?

Haven't heard of this actually happened, lol

This was very entertaining to read, I look forward to reading about your other frogs. You are so good at sharing your stories in an engaging way Appie <3

Thanks Kitty!

I enjoyed the write up... looking forward to moooore

Thank you! Will wrote the next one in the next few days. Stay tuned ;)

Hi appiepearl, I'm over sixty so not really in the hustle any more. But it comes to mind that the online sites began a long time ago now. I remember the drivers at work talking about them, and crassly about their meets.
Personally, I'm glad I missed having to deal with anything like that, and now the youth come to cry on my shoulder about the narcissists and bitches. My advice has always been the same. One can meet frogs and princesses, toads and dogs, anywhere. The internet just makes it almost certain that you will need much discernment when it comes to the meet, in person.
Look around, where'er when'er all over. Smile on meeting anyone anywhere. Always project self-confidence when in company, and keep doubts for 2nd thinking contemplation when alone. I always was used to try a newly met person's humour (I don't know what you like, but, is it over-jovial, nervous, crass, gross, mockery or how portrayed¿). This of humour and how portrayed, gives one a very good impression of how much of their company one can stand and whether one will want to continue meeting. Their intellect, their emotional state (such as frustration/anger, lust, vanity, greed etc.) will all be visible via their humour. So it seems to me.
Keep on keeping on. 😃 😇

Simon, I'm in my early 40s and never really expected to be online dating. But here I am :) Or there I was, rather. I do look at humor first and foremost. Intelligence, kindness. In some ways the internet allows us to get to know a person very well, since there is typically a lot of chat before meeting. But that is only true if they are portraying their true self. Which happens very little.

Oh my gosh that is hilarious and so disappointing. Good for you for standing your ground and I’m sorry the online dating world was the online dating world. I didn’t have a much better experience either.

Fortunately for me my online dating story ends well. But there were so many laughs and wierdos on the path. I think you just have to stick your guns, accept there will be way more bad dates than good, and hope for the best :)

What?! You got a good one, Share that love story too!

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