DON'T TEXT & DRIVE - My son is the latest victim of distracted driving

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Dear Steem,

This is why you DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE. Don't steem and drive, don't tweet and drive, just don't use your damn phone and drive. Today my son was riding his bicycle with me and his older brother. The speed limit in our neighborhood is 30 mph. My kids are pretty well trained on traversing the streets with their bikes. We used to ride in downtown Houston along with other traffic. 

Today a neighborhood teen was on her cellphone and as we stopped at the stop sign, she did not. She ran into the back of my son and knocked him off the of his bicycle. Thank goodness he was wearing his helmet and pads because he could have died. His helmet did adjust during his fall and he received a pretty gnarly injury. We rushed him to the emergency room where they gave him an MRI and an X-RAY. He's being continually monitored for a concussion. The worst part is that they handed us a bill for $14,000. I have a vehicle that costs less than that and I've had it for years. That's the American Healthcare system for you. I know he is going to okay because he asked the doctor if he would still be able to play baseball. Please resteem, share, tweet, or whatever it is that you do to get the word out. STAY OFF YOUR DAMN CELL PHONES IN THE CAR!!!!!!!

There's Adventure in all of Us

I took you inside our 3rd homebirth experience
I took you gator wrasslin' in Texas
I took you on a day as Urkle
I took you to @ned scott's funeral (RIP)
I took you to #STEEMITGUNCLUB 


...mostly in Texas LOL 

Animation graciously donated to @xtrodinarypilot by @xtrodinarypilot


You didn't get her id or insurance? She should be responsible for that $14,000.

I did get her info. You know this shit moves at a snails pace. Sometimes even slower.

I wish I could upvote this more than once.

This this this a million times this.

@novaatebatman you are welcomed to resteem just to remind people the dangers.

I actually have every intention of resteeming it. Though I was intending to wait until it's been up for several days to draw fresh attention to it.

Strategic tactition. Thanks for the support.

No problem at all! Distracted driving is one of the things that enrages me.

Luckily it isn't frozen before payout yet.

I've resteemed it.

Same question I am asking..

I can't imagine getting that call. Thank you for sharing and I hope he gets well very soon.
Make sure he is not concussed. Tough Kid!!
Sending Good Vibes!!

maybe this well help!! lol



Everyone loves a double rainbow!! lol

Double rainbow is just what I needed. Lol

Using the cell while driving is so irresponsible and should be heavily punished. Lucky that safety precautions are well done by your son (while i say it's lucky, of course safe precaution is not a matter of luck) otherwise the consequences could be much more serious... jesus

So sorry to hear about your son and i really hope hes okay! Seriously people need to leave the phones while driving. I see it all the time and its really frustrating. 😔😩@xtrodinarypilot

Yes frustrating indeed. Thanks for the warm blessings and also thanks for resteeming this post. We always tell people not to text and drive, but no one ever sees it up close what happens.

And this is why I won't even answer my phone while driving. If someone else is in the vehicle with me, they answer my phone. Otherwise? It goes unanswered.

If they keep calling me, I'll pull over, and if it's not an emergency, I'll tell them that I'm driving and can't talk.

When driving alone, I only ever check the GPS (if I'm using it -- I rarely do) at red lights that have just turned red, if I even do that. If I'm someplace where I can easily pull into a parking lot, I do that instead.

The only way I 'actively' use my phone while driving is if I'm using the bluetooth to listen to something through the stereo. And even then, it's just playing. I don't touch it to switch songs or podcasts or anything.

Using your phone while driving scares the crap out of me. I don't ride with people that do it and I don't do it myself. You're putting yourself, your passengers, and anyone else unfortunately enough to cross your path in great danger when you drive distracted.

I hope you have the idiot's information. You have no responsibility for the hospital bill. It's her fault.

I wish hitting someone while distracted driving held a mandatory prison sentence, even if the person isn't killed. Because it's a premeditated act of (at least) assault, in my opinion.

Why premeditated? Because they made the choice ahead of time to drive distracted. Just like drunk drivers that drove themselves to the bar or club knowing they were gonna get drunk and didn't make plans to get home or to their next destination safely. Premeditated act.

These people have no regard for anyone else but themselves and they need to suffer the consequences of their dangerous actions.

Okay, gonna stop ranting now.

I hope your son is alright. That's a really nasty bump. Good vibes for speedy healing being sent his way.

You're no fun.. jk

Good points.. yes, i agree.. she should be liable for all damages.. but it's the insurance who will have the last say.. they fucked me over, horribly.. they will prolly do the same to @xtrodinarypilot... it ain't right

@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
Yeah, I
fucked o

How is your son doing my friend?

Well... Captain Obvious... LOL
He is doing well. there is no internal trauma and he is ok to go back to baseball next week. If you could, please resteem or share offline so people can wake up. We all know, but we all need to be reminded.

Will do. I have 5 kids. This post is close to my heart.

I see it every day on the roadways and it scares the shit out of me. I see some commuters actually reading the newspaper. People have to start showing their fellow humans a little more respect and pay attention while driving!

I agree wholeheartedly. We do need to be more subconsciously compassionate. I hope you can resteem and share this offline with others as well.

Will do, I hope your kid is doing alright.

yeah he is. he had a checkup yesterday and there's no internal trauma or concussion. thanks for asking

Oh good. Betcha that young lady driver will likely be putting her phone in the glove box from here on out.

So sorry to hear that. Really glad that he is a least okay. Stuff like this shows how easy it is for accidents to happen when not paying attention.

Exactly, the crazy thing is, I felt it when I saw her b4 she even got close to us. Hope she has trouble sleeping over this. Please share offline and resteem as well. More people need a reminder.

Sorry to hear about your boy. I drive a Box-truck everyday making deliveries and am constantly seeing people texting while driving. Not only that...but has anyone noticed when your on your cell phone and driving you're not really paying attention to the road. You may think you are...but're not. Please try not to use your phone for anything while driving. If you must use it...pull over to the side of the road...park it...then use it. Because this could've been anyone's child out here. Hope your boy feels better soon.

@cha-ching yeah ever wonder why it takes people longer to drive when their lights turn green? Also resteem just to remind people the dangers. It's like a PSA

Thank you. Will resteem. God Bless!

It's incredible how many people are driving around with their phone in hand. People that aren't any good at using smart phones or driving to begin with, somehow think its ok to try and do both at once. I'm glad your son's alright, I'd want to have a few "words" with the driver in your shoes.

I wanted to pound her face in... but then someone else would be posting about a police shooting in Texas. Black man in cowboy hat, shot by Hispanic, transgender police officer. Anything to sensationalize. Also, remember to resteem as a reminder to everyone what danger lurk beyond their phones

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