Our Children Are Just Reflection's of Ourselves!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have four children!
Yes, FOUR!
I really love being a mom! It is the hardest but most rewarding job I could ever have!



Yesterday my two youngest children, 2 and 5, were in the midst of having a contest of who could pretend to cry the loudest and most realistic... It went on for much longer than I thought it would. I kept telling myself if I ignored it they would stop sooner, boy was I wrong! I really was about to scream myself when they burst out in laughter and hugged each other excitedly! They had the best time being so annoying and I barely survived it. But when they laughed and hugged my heart soared and I had the biggest smile on my face. It made me realize that if something seems completely intolerable in the moment to just wait because that moment will pass all too quickly!

I learned this the hard way when my first born, my only daughter, the one that made me a mom for the first time changed my life again. In the matter of a few months time, she graduated from High School, Turned 18, left to work for a month in Nantucket, flew to Denmark alone, moved into her Dorm and started College. It just about KILLED me! I was put into a pretty bad depression just from the graduation and 18th birthday that signified she was now an ADULT!?

I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that my little baby girl was all grown up and leaving the nest! She has always been so very close to me. We hardly had any friction during her teen years and she was always my sidekick and I was her confidant. Letting her grow up and mature into a young lady has been hard for me but she did it with such grace. She is extremely confident, independent, and capable! Gee, I wonder where that came from?!

Something I have tried very hard to teach all my children is the value of good, healthy, homegrown, organic, local, GMO-Free food. The way my eldest son and her turn their noses up at our fresh Goat Milk, yogurt, and cheese, and say they are tired of fresh eggs has made me wonder if I did it all for naught. They loved this stuff when they were younger the way my two little ones love it now. So where did I go wrong?

Finally, my daughter decided to come home one weekend from college and we had a very short visit, she had too many other social engagements to attend to. But when it came time for her to leave, I gave her a big bag of basic kitchen needs, like seasonings and a cast iron skillet so she could cook a proper meal. Then, I asked her if she needed some eggs? The look on her face was priceless as it brightened up in excitement and she said YES! She wanted some REAL eggs, as the ones at college are pale and tasteless and she craved a good rich, farm fresh egg! I was immediately on cloud nine! I had succeeded! She was a foodie! Mission accomplished!

I have never been so happy to give away some of our prized eggs! I filled up two dozen colorful, fresh eggs and sent her on her way! It was easier this time to say good bye! I knew she would be back now! If not to see her loving mother at least she would be back for more eggs!

I had to get a picture with her and the eggs before she left.


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It's so good when you see your children reflecting important things you wanted to teach them! My oldest is only 4, but I know from the way my mom responds when I do things like she did them that it really means a lot. After all, one of your biggest jobs as Mom is to pass down the things you believe to be important and if your kids ignore that it really does make a person feel like a failure.

You're not in "nuts" territory until you have 6 -grin-. Right now you're at a nice manageable size! I can tell because we've only gotten a few comments about our four but I know if we have five or six that's when the real looks and questions start...

Exactly! My mom is the same way! and guess who taught me to be a foodie!

I have four sons and I love them to bits. My baby is now 27 years old and I am Grandma to seven. Where do the years go? It was difficult to let them grow up and leave the nest. But when they show you that they did indeed listen to you all those years, it is oh, so gratifying. It means that you did something well.

Children are really the best! I am so glad that I can see some results now so I can continue with the younger two!

What a great post!
Yesterday I just did a walk down memory lane with some older pictures of my kids. It's always good to stop and reflect. Yeah, some days you want to run screaming from the house. I remember those days when all three of my kids were arguing and being typical siblings.

But to see them all now as grown-ups, married and parents themselves, all I can do is let my heart swell with pride.


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Yes! I try to stay calm when it's chaos. The joy of seeing them successful and happy is priceless! Thank You!

Being a parent is the hardest thing and the most rewarding. Bio and OGM-free is important to us as well. It's a movement now.

It is hard when they grow up and start doing their own thing. You will be so proud of what she has become.

Oh I know! Already has!

Aww, your writing warmed my heart. It's quite interesting to read from a mom's perspective as one as a child doesn't often think about how natural occurences while growing up may affect or hurt our parents unconsciously.

My parents also raise their own chicken so I can totally understand the shining eyes of your daughter although I don't eggs them anymore.

We're also a 4 children family.

Very true! I'm sure I have made my mom crazy at times, probably still do, lol!

Being a parent is the scariest thing. But it brings such joy. Just an FYI...... grand kids are even better.

Yes it is! I can't imagine how spoiled my grandchildren will be

I love this! Good job Mama and Dada!

Thank you! We try!

I have 3 girls too... Mine are younger than yours... They are 8, 6 and 3 now... But I can't imagine by the time my eldest reach 18 and going away to college... what and how would I feel???? Hmmm....

I have a 2 and 5 year old as well! so it has been interesting to deal with two sets of children a decade apart from each other!

Not an easy task... But will always find bitter and joy being together with them... :)

Mine are all grown now but they are all such likeable, decent people and that's all I could have ever wanted. Happy mummy I am.

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