How To Deal With Apathy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You can’t please every­body. Indif­fer­ence would still come out from peo­ple even if you think your idea is as awe­some as you think it is. What makes us human is that we have ratio­nal abil­ity. We usu­ally inte­grate skep­ti­cism in our belief.

I can’t say some­times, but often­times, peo­ple who lead, who man­age often face dif­fi­cul­ties among their sub­or­di­nates. Man­ag­ing peo­ple is not an easy task. Deal­ing with dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties is an ardu­ous, stress­ful and some­times a heart-breaking responsibility.

Image Credit: Pexels

Man­agers who expe­ri­ence apa­thy from their sub­or­di­nates should learn how to face them, if rebut­tal is nec­es­sary then they should. How­ever, there is a more peace­ful way to enlighten the minds of the sub­or­di­nates, of the followers.

Actu­ally, it is not just one way. There are var­i­ous ways of deal­ing with indif­fer­ent col­leagues and sub­or­di­nates, friends and even fam­i­lies. Just for tips, the fol­low­ing may be help­ful for man­agers and for indi­vid­u­als who want to man­age peo­ple someday.


Learn­ing busi­ness psy­chol­ogy in col­lege is, I think, one of the best cur­ric­u­lar expe­ri­ences I had. It was in that course that I learned emo­tional quo­tience. One of the top­ics of that course is how to learn to lis­ten more effectively.

Image Credit: Pexels

It is when we lis­ten that we know the sen­ti­ments. It is also when we lend our ears that we can be enlight­ened after know­ing good sug­ges­tions. And it is also when we sin­cerely lis­ten that peo­ple who talk will real­ize that we care.

By lis­ten­ing, we can learn to process good inputs, digest wor­thy ideas and would even be a cru­cial method to come up with a bril­liant decision.

So take time to listen.


This should be the first thing to do so sub­or­di­nates can be more ener­getic to work along­side with the man­age­ment. How­ever, after lis­ten­ing to the sug­ges­tions and sen­ti­ments, man­agers can learn how they can attain goals by mak­ing their sub­or­di­nates live­lier to take jobs.

Image Credit: Goal Cast

We can't deny the fact that people have indifferences, here are some techniques to motivate them.

  • Be transparent always
  • Recognize efforts of teams and individuals
  • Always trust them
  • Avoid showing negativity instead show them positivity


Moti­va­tion is not enough for man­agers to com­pel their peo­ple to drive forward.

Moti­va­tion can be con­strued as an act of giv­ing, a oner­ous one, so a cer­tain goal can be real­ized. Empow­er­ment, on the other hand, is the act of extract­ing after mak­ing motivation.

Image Credit: Pexels

Moti­va­tion is the act of dri­ving peo­ple because of a reward. How­ever, sub­or­di­nates will see and receive the reward because they work for a cer­tain goal. An empow­ered sub­or­di­nate, on the other hand, pushes him­self or her­self to be the best and sees mate­r­ial reward as a sec­ondary motivator.

To empower sub­or­di­nates is a way for man­agers to bring out the best in them. Some­times, it takes more than pok­ing to do it espe­cially when deal­ing with indif­fer­ent subordinates.

But how to empower an indif­fer­ent subordinate?


After you’re through pre­sent­ing your idea or after hear­ing some ideas deemed wor­thy for inte­gra­tion, then take the time to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tively to sub­or­di­nates who may be your keys in attain­ing orga­ni­za­tional goals.

Image Credit: Pexels

To com­mu­ni­cate effec­tively is extremely rel­e­vant. This is more so when you want empow­er­ment part of your agenda.

Learn­ing how to com­mu­ni­cate is cru­cial and man­agers should update them­selves for the bet­ter means to do to con­vey mes­sages effec­tively and reciprocatively.

The role of social media is now so won­der­ful that com­mu­ni­ca­tion has become more viable. For man­agers, who are miles away from mak­ing a cru­cial deci­sion, uti­liz­ing the social media tools are the best strat­egy to undertake.


Look at this sce­nario: you pre­sented an idea embraced by a few but scorned by many, but you think it would be the best, then you went for it. Make sure that the idea would really take off; and if ever it did a stel­lar job, then never fail to update the out­come to the sub­or­di­nates. If you did a mar­velous job because you stood for it in the first place despite pop­u­lar oppo­si­tion, it is always a pos­si­bil­ity that most of those who ini­tially opposed would become your allies while the remain­ing por­tion would wait for another idea for you to undertake.

Image Credit: Pexels

The thing here is that those who ini­tially opposed might have a change of heart because they are being updated. Even if they’d think they didn’t deserve know­ing it but because they care for the orga­ni­za­tion, then it is always likely that they would come closer and would even bring sug­ges­tions on the table for another idea.

Don’t fail to update despite bad results.


Learn to con­vey apol­ogy. Mak­ing your­self hum­ble and less arro­gant could help in receiv­ing empa­thy from the sub­or­di­nates. Although to apol­o­gize is deemed an act of weak­ness, it is impor­tant to know that it takes brav­ery and absence of cow­ardice to do that.

Also, apologizing has its positive effects too. By apologizing,

  • it means that you’re thinking of them
  • it means that you're listening to them
  • it allows you to mend whats broken

Image Credit: Unsplash

Take a stand after the stum­ble. Recre­ate the cycle or yet make amend­ments to reduce or, if absolutely pos­si­ble, elim­i­nate flaws.


If you respond to sug­ges­tions, com­ments or sen­ti­ments, you help in main­tain­ing the con­stant flow of communication.

I know that I have repeated this sug­ges­tion for one rea­son and that is that this process requires a repet­i­tive flow. Yes, lis­ten­ing and respond­ing are com­mu­ni­ca­tion processes, so are mak­ing deci­sions and uti­liz­ing the tools to make the sys­tem more effective.

Image Credit: Pexels

And another thing, this is also repeated to remind us, that com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the key and that it should never be neglected. The sys­tem may be repeated but there may be dif­fer­ences in the elements.


It takes humil­ity to lis­ten, espe­cially when you con­sider your­self an extrovert.

It requires humil­ity to apol­o­gize and so does your chance to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tively despite ris­ing emotions.

Image Credit: Pexels

Why be humble?

Ego­is­tic, arro­gant man­agers have a short lifespan. Though it remains to be reputed I believe that hum­ble man­agers, those indi­vid­u­als who han­dle effec­tively with empa­thy, dili­gence and intu­ition have bet­ter prob­a­bil­ity to suc­ceed over their ego-centered, ill-tempered coun­ter­parts. Per­haps, it always has to do with the good over­pow­er­ing the bad. Who wants to work with bad-tempered peo­ple any­way, unless you’re ridicu­lously desperate.

Deal­ing with peo­ple is not an easy under­tak­ing. It requires patience and a whole lot of it. How­ever, if you can get to pick good sub­or­di­nates, then make the hir­ing process more effec­tive. It is in the recruit­ment process that starts the assim­i­la­tion of good per­form­ing sub­or­di­nates but it is in effec­tive man­age­r­ial sys­tem and processes that sus­tain their pro­duc­tive performance.


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love this article sir, very helpful and informative :) thanks

glad you find it helpful @donkey1132

Sir @wdoutjah, helpful kaayo ni nako na post and some of your posts too. Maka relate jud. A must read ui. Thumbs up 👍🏻 to this.

Upvoted and re-steemed. Well done!

@noganoo fucks his cousin! It's disgusting!!!

@posting - You have spammed this sick message to many posts. I have flagged each one - I hope others do the same...

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