Where you spend your time will decide what kind of person you're going to be

in #life7 years ago


Sometimes, we sit in front of the computer, a day of time suddenly passed, things that need to be done has no significant progress.

Sometimes, a week, a month passed in a hurry, we feel busy, but come to think about it, there is nothing worth talking about.

At the same time, we always hear some successful stories, such as some people are well-known in the industry, and also doing a good job, but also ensure that they read at least two books a week to recharge themselves.

Why the same 24 hours, some can use it efficiently, some can’t.

Time allocation determines our life; we should seriously think about how to allocate our time, which will determine the direction of our life.


Has a clear dream, set goals

A dream is the beacon of life, people who have a dream can be desperate, do their best, in order to work hard for the dream. A man without a dream is like a headless fly, busy all day or hovering in place.

The phrase "The one that wakes me is not the alarm clock, is dream", is not an empty talk, the dream will make a person full of momentum.

Therefore, the premise of all time management is to have a clear dream, in order to achieve the dream, formulate a realistic goal.

With this goal in mind, each step forward is to complete 1% of the goal, every effort made is a step closer to the dream.

With this goal in mind, you will clearly know that you should do more for this goal, and spend the most precious time to achieve this goal.

Small goals such as you have to pass an exam; you know that in order to achieve this goal, you should study which subjects, which knowledge, no longer complaining every night when revising, replaced it with the happiness of efforts towards goal.

Big goals such as what type of person you want to be, you will make efforts to become such a person, at what age should do such things, watching you, step by step to become your favorite appearance, all efforts will be worthwhile.

List schedule for specific events

When you need to complete something, it is best to make a schedule for this matter, what should you do in this time node, confirm the completion of the node with every detail, if you are good at office software, you can make a Gantt chart, or you can draw on paper.

With planning, you will not only know what time to do something, but you can also push yourself to finish it before the planned time.


Give the best time to the most important things

Figure out what's the most important thing for you right now, and then assign the best time of the day to it.
The so-called best time is to do at the most efficient time.
Physiologist studies show that the most effective time of the day is in the morning.
Morning is the soberest moment of the day, and the most important thing can be done in the morning. The brain after a night of rest, eliminating the fatigue from the previous day, there is no new memory interference, this is the best time to recognize the period.

List our daily todo list

Every morning, a lot of people do not know what to do today, the time pass by every second, until the night, realize that the day has passed.

In order to avoid blindly busy, we can make a to-do list at the beginning of the day, list the things that must be done, sort these things in chronological order and importance, a clear it one by one, will make your day full and efficient.

Effective utilize of time fragment

In the Internet era, our time is divided into many fragments, if effective use of these fragmented time, the accumulation of time, can also be a valuable amount of wealth.

For example, students can take advantage of the time when they on the way going to school; they can learn some new words; while the office worker can look at some work-related books while commuting to work.


Reducing unwanted social

Close your eyes and think, is it really necessary for you to spend a lot of time on social activity and how much time you spend on social software such as Twitter, which is time-consuming and tiring.

Reduce these useless social; you will find that you have a lot of time, your life will also be a lot easier, your life is not to live to others to see, but is to live for yourself.

Stop delay and act immediately

In the face of something, regardless of the size, you have no way to do it immediately, regardless of the length of time, always delay to the last minute.
Procrastination patients, please face your shortcoming, because of this shortcoming might ruin your life.
Stop delaying, start with immediate action, do every little thing immediately no matter the size of the thing is, you will feel the freedom of life without being controlled by procrastination.

Find the rhythm between your work and rest

Each of us is not a robot; we can’t be non-stop working, the rest is always the most conducive to long-term development.

Learn to manage time, not only to learn when to do things but also to learn when to relax.

Find the rhythm between your work and rest, work your way out, concentrate, relax and rest.

Find the best time management method for yourself

There are many books about time management; there are many theories about time management, the most important thing is to find a suitable time management method because it is the best for yourself.

When just started, you can try different ways, slowly groping, find the most suitable methods for yourself, once selected a set of time management methods, it is necessary to be persistent.

Any method is difficult to see results in the short term; only long-term perseverance will have unexpected gains.


Habit achieve dream

Habit is a person's long-term work or lifestyle, if you can make every method to become your habits, then you are not far from your dream.

Make the best time management method that suits you becomes your daily habit, so that your dream will become a logical thing.

Of course, all the time management methods aside, the most important part is self-discipline.

If a person has no self-discipline, everything is empty talk, a moment of passion can only dream, long habits can achieve the dream.

In the book "The pattern of time," "Thought from ten years ago and ten years of action, cast today's You." Again, ten years from now, you are the reflection and action of every day. ”

Because there is a dream, we worry day and night, because we act, we turn anxiety into motivation.

Learn time management is to learn how to manage your life, and where you spend your time will decide what kind of person you're going to be.


It's considered okay if today is not worse than yesterday
What are you going to do with people and things you don't like?
There are shortcuts to success - if you know how to take the right path
There are more tomorrow but don't stop working hard
Effort is a kind of ability that need to be learned
How long have you not calm down and think about what you like


I very rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express it in words afterwards.

- Albert Einstein

You speak my language. Discipline is everything in life. Success is just a matter of repetition and getting things done on time. You might sound all roboty but its the only way to truly success in life :)

Great post, very comprehensive by also including the important time of relaxation! I believe time is the most valuable resource we have and we tend to forget its importance. We can not get any lost time back and money can only partly give us more of it, by outsourcing activities and make more time for our priorities. Time management should be a great focus in every education program, since it eventually shapes our whole life, as you've stated so clearly.

I switched from the unwanted social FB to the wanted Steemit.

Time management can be challenging for a lot of people. I am finding it a huge pressent challenge for me, after years of being very efficient. This used to be a strength. Now I need to find a new way to come back to clear time management. I believe habits can be a powerful ally or foe. If I can find a way to set my habits to efficient time management, they will take care of it for me.

Paradoxically, I have found setting time restrictions can be helpful. If I only allow myself to work on a goal for 20 minutes and then force myselt to stop, I will be focused during those 20 minutes because I know it's all I've got. I usually get better work out of a focused 20 then a flighty 45.

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