What are you going to do with people and things you don't like?

in #life7 years ago


I was surprised with a little incident with my roommate.

The first time we went to the cafeteria, she lined up in front of me, and then put the food in the seat and then get the chopsticks. After I got my food, I found that she had only taken her chopsticks.

At first, I am not used to it because in the past when I was eating with other people, the first who got their food, will take chopsticks for everyone.

Even if when she and I eat together and only take her own chopsticks, I will still feel very uncomfortable.

Later there was a time we had a meal together, I got my food first, and get two pairs of chopsticks, and then she went to get chopsticks, I was busy stopping her, shook the hand of chopsticks. At this time she suddenly sighed and said: "Oh you took for me, I am used to eating alone every day."

I suddenly realized that she was always alone, go to the library alone, naturally only take a pair of chopsticks.

After that, I began to think: those things that we don’t like, is it because we only use our narrow mind to define others?

In the past, I did not understand the uniqueness of the individual, used my rules to define others, looked things with my habits, used the public eye to define an individual. But forget that the individual's greatest characteristic is its own uniqueness.


I have a friend; she doesn’t like to sit in the front passenger seat.
Every time we call for a taxi, she always got into the backseat.

One time, it was a little unpleasant for a friend to change seats. The friend spat at me in private: "What's wrong with her, can’t she sit in the front passenger seat, does she has princess tendencies!"

Although I did not say anything, I also feel that the front passenger seat and the back seat have no different, shouldn’t be unpleasant for such a small matter of things.

Later, I saw a story; a person is unwilling to sit at front passenger seat is because when he was young, he had a car accident sitting in the front passenger seat, from then, has trauma on the front passenger seat.

Although I did not ask her is it because of the trauma, but I understand one thing: for all the things you think strange or dislike, we should not be biased and criticize based on our view, but to adopt a reserved attitude, be more understanding and considerate.

In fact, in everyone's eyes, everyone is heterogeneous.

I used to get up early in the summer, even though in the morning without classes, I got up to have breakfast. Years of accumulated gastric disease make me stomachache if I do not eat breakfast.

That day back to the dormitory, my roommate looked at me strangely and asked me: "Why are you up so early on the weekend?"

I said to eat breakfast, but I was undoubtedly questioned. "Eat breakfast? Get up so early to eat breakfast?”

I ignore their crazy eyes, and I live according to my lifestyle.


Why are there so many moral abductions?
It is to condemn and restrain people and things that they cannot bear.

In fact, the things we do not like, we will feel strange about it. In the end, it is because they are living differently from our way of life, and not living according to our expectations. Or is it contrary to the general perception of the environment?

So we thought of different ways to stop them, to denigrate them, to change their way of living.

Under this respect the old and cherish the young world, do not give the seat to the elder should be condemned.

Now, when someone else has seen people dyed pink hair and said behind their back: "What kind of aesthetic is this?!"

People who like actor A say that people who like actor B are silly.

In fact, it is normal to dislike others, but it is your fault to laugh at others.

The person who dyed the pink hair did not say you are old-fashioned, the person who writes the article didn't say you have no culture, people who like actor B does not conversely said you are silly.

Since everyone is heterogeneous, why not respect each other? Although I do not recognize your way of living, I am not optimistic about your point of view. But I will not slander you, and I do not want you to be like me.

If you don't like what you see, don’t be sarcastic.

If someone else is against you, and laugh at your way of living, don't be a wimp and say back to him: Do you want everyone to live up to your way? Are you god?!


There are shortcuts to success - if you know how to take the right path
There are more tomorrow but don't stop working hard
Effort is a kind of ability that need to be learned
How long have you not calm down and think about what you like
When I was young, I thought that when I grew up, I wouldn't feel distressed
That guy who sold his kidney to buy an iPhone, how is he now?


Well... There is nothing we can do about them than to just put then in their place.

I always think getting on with others is a bit of an art, everyone see and reacts to things differently, thats why it is a blessing to find friends that you get on with

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