What should you do now so that you won’t regret in the future?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Mark Twain once said: "Worrying is like paying a debt you don't owe."

The youth crisis is a real thing, many of us in the youth will be very anxious, the so-called youth carefree happy days do not exist.

You've just graduated, eager to find a better job, eager to find a foothold, there are hundreds of different situations, but they have the only thing in common: none of us have fully figured things out.

The world is difficult, we are only more than 20 years old, in such a critical year, we tend to be a little disoriented and panic.

Trust what you're doing, make your plans, and finish it.


1. Reading and writing will ignite your mind

Reading is one of the most convenient means to see the vast world, reading can make you and the noble soul of the ages as friends, but also can help you accumulate experience quickly.

Writing is a habit worth cultivating. Record and organize your thoughts, and your work may be more effective.

Writing is also a spiritual tremor, a record of your life experience.

2. Select a field to research

It can be your major or your work content, gradually summing up experience, and then strive for a book.

Once the book has been written, the time you devote to it can be paid in return, and there may be a steady stream of royalties coming.

3. Establish a good personal brand

You belong to yourself and also the sum of the personal brands that you have built up all your images.

Your resume, your social networking site, your personal homepage, your business card, any other place that you interact in this world are grouped together into what your name represents.

In this Internet age, we must maintain our own image online, and the image of the integrated image offline. In the eyes of the first age, low-key and mysterious is useless.

When your personal brand is established, the magical things began to happen, there are successive opportunities will come to you, and will be continued to date.


4. Design your life is never too late

All your free time determines who you will be. Arrange your personal time reasonably.

If your life is not moving in the right direction, change your direction back to the right track.

We can’t choose the environment we were born, but we can build an acquired network, through the Internet, with people of common interest, with people who are satisfied with each other.

5. Learn to ask questions

We don't have all the answers, but many of the young people seem afraid to ask questions. Look, when you're more than 20 years old, you need to look for more information than ever before.

Frankly speaking, we often do not learn the necessary survival skills in school, whether it is financial counseling, the use of the Internet or how to reduce stress. But knowledge is power, and now it is up to you to educate yourself.

If you find that you don't know or are unsure, take the initiative to ask questions. It's wonderful to pursue knowledge boldly. If you keep silent, no one will know you have this problem. Full of curiosity, in the long run, is a reward mechanism of life.

6. Your mentality is everything, do not let negative become your tone

When I grew up, I found that people around me are always inclined to complain. They keep saying they're going to be sick and complaining about their lives, and they're infecting every family member with negative emotions. Because of them, I decided that I must take charge of my own life.

If you often complain, you will become a negative energy magnet, and the resulting negative energies will make your day harder. When someone asks, "How are you today?" "Some people will only respond to" Tired", " Long day working", or something like that. And some people will answer with the small highlights of the day.


7. No one will be depressed all day or wonderful all day

This is a reflection of your attitude towards life. But if it's not the nature of optimism, it's a long way to go to be active and cheerful. Try to open yourself up, provide energy to others, and talk to more positive people. People are able to inspire each other. We all have bad days, but we should try to show the things that can make us happy.

8. Know what is the most important thing in life

Money? Family, love? Fame? Social? What you value more depends on your choice of the fork in life.

What we really need, the consumption, in fact, is very little, so money is far less important than ordinary people think. This is the default value of your life program, after the early setup, it will make the running more smoothly.

9. Try not to think too much competition

We live in a highly competitive world and don't let that pressure overwhelm you. Learn to appreciate the success of others, do not be too demanding on yourself. When everyone goes to the center of the stage to climb, it is also good to be a really cheering audience under the stage.

And there will always be plenty of opportunities, believe that you have your own spotlight. Your mind and your body are your most wonderful possessions, take care of them and do what you can.

10. Treat those who like you

Regardless of appearance and character, each of us will meet people who like ourselves, treat them kindly, with their gratitude regardless of their appearance.

The world is full of people who are totally uninterested in you, they don't care about everything about you, and those who like you will give you warmth and of course, that may require some reward. Your attractiveness and charisma are secondary, and it's important to love those who love you.


11. Learn to appreciate the world

The most exciting thing in the world is that the world can be so beautiful, and we are fortunate enough to live here. So save money to travel and get close to nature.

If you don't have any money, then you can check out those numbers of organizations that offer a chance to study, travel or go abroad. Exploring the opportunities of working or studying abroad can help you experience different cultures. Do not feel that young people must be bound by life to a single regular place, there is a wide enough world for you to explore.

12. Lay the foundation for health

The more than 20-year-old body gives people an illusion of infinite energy. You drink five beers in a bar and finish the report overnight and feel good the next morning. But this will not last long, and the consequences of squandering will soon come. Build a healthy diet and exercise habit from a young age, your body will later thank you after many years.

13. Trial, error, and restart

You are more than 20 years old when most are relatively relaxed, do not need to take too much responsibility, but as the age increases, the burden is becoming heavier, when you shoulder a lot of responsibility, it is not easy to make mistakes.

So in the early 20 is a good time to experiment, fail, and start again.

Don't hesitate and wait: Don't wait for the "right time" to kiss a girl or hold her hand; Don't wait for someone to say hello and then say hi. After you've failed and restart, you will learn how to survive a tough failure and perseverance.


14. Learn to live within income

When there is a gradual devaluation of the money in the bank, financial management becomes extremely important. You need to know how to manage your life within the budget while maintaining good credit.

Most of the youngster nowadays, become a slave to credit cards, like some of my peers: it was foolish and thoughtless to go out on a taxi, buy expensive clothes, and access luxury restaurants.

I know that my friends have no savings after middle age, but when they want to work to make money, they find it hard to find an employer. People who spend their income and go crazy online shopping are frivolous; luxuries are a wonderful thing only if you can buy them effortlessly.

Don't fall into a life that won't last, it will only make you become a slave to money.

15. Choose carefully who to spend time with

Time is a precious commodity and you will become more and more acutely aware of it when you enter middle age. So in the early 20 years of age, you should be wise when you choose your friends.

You can make friends with people at all levels, but you must avoid those "poisonous" friends who spend the most time with and those who always bring negative effects to you. Not only do they waste your time, but they also prevent you from sharing opportunities with better people. Look for people who give you happiness, inspiration, and support.

16. Beware of short-term mood swings

When you are in the bad mood, don't do or say anything important. This is a skill that is difficult to master, but it is crucial for a young person. When you are angry, you absolutely believe that you are 100% correct, or that you know it is wrong, you will insist that you are right. It is easy for young people to be vindictive and unyielding, but it will hurt you in the long run, both in your career and in your personal life.

Please remember how you felt when you were more than 20 years old. Many poets and musicians and artists have been at the peak of their creations in the past decade, which is likely to be the most intense period of life you feel.

Remember the intense pain that your heart has felt, the discomfort of sleeping on the couch during the sleepover, the feeling of starvation, remembering how these feelings have helped motivate you. Remember, because after this stage, you may gradually forget the pain and shock, the momentum of the moving forward gradually disappear. Therefore, you need to maintain a little mental hunger.


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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://walkinharmony.vornix.blog/2018/09/05/what-should-you-do-now-so-that-you-wont-regret-in-the-future/


Awesome advice and very positive content. One way to avoid regret is to face your fears head on, and despite the fear go and do what needs to be done.

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