Why We Cannot Fix Heartlessness With More Heartlessness! Giving Compassion A Chance To Change The World.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Social media has a great capacity to reveal to us the patterns we hold in the collective psyche of the world. One of the very common ones it that when there is a story of harm and evil being done to others, it is common for a majority of commenters (if the story is, say a public video) to then go ahead and wish harm and suffering onto the one who caused the evil and harm. Can we really solve the problem of evil, harm and heartlessness by adding more?


This is a topic that I find requires us to share an understanding of certain words for me to be able to fully explain my understandings.. so

Some Definitions


Compassion is a deep awareness of suffering and an intention to take action to heal that suffering. In short, compassion is the difference between making life harder and making life better for all. A compassionate soul will seek to find the real way to heal and help others, rather than ignoring them or compromising.


Pain is a signal that lets us know we are exceeding a personal limitation. If we bend our finger too far back we feel it since our body has limits. If we are pushed around at school too much we might feel an emotional and psychological pain there too.


Suffering is the experiencing of things that we really don't want or need to experience. On the light end of the spectrum it is true to say that we suffer to a small degree just from smelling something foul that we don't prefer. On the extreme opposite end suffering takes many forms that are extremely painful and which need to be corrected immediately before death occurs.


We all have hearts that are part of our blood circulatory system. The heart ensures a balanced supply of oxygen and nutrients can reach the rest of our physical body and so we stay alive and healthy. However, we also have an awareness that the heart is more than just a pump. The heart is the largest electromagnetic physical organ in the body and it has a large field to go along with it. We feel with our heart and can think with our heart too - although some deny this so intensely that they are numb there and have no idea of what they have lost.

In French, the word cœur means 'heart' and it is the root of the English word 'courage' - this is because when our heart is balancing our thoughts and emotions we are powerful and able to create passionately what needs to be created.


The opposite to heart is heartlessness. When we are heartless, we still have a physical heart, but we are not strong in our heart. Heartlessness is a literal disconnection of thoughts from feelings and so we end up with psychopathic thoughts that lack empathic and intuitive understandings, plus maybe we will also experience feelings that are unguided and out of balance too.

Heartlessness needs to heal now

When we look around our planet, we see wars, famine, massive wealth gaps, exploitation, literal enslavement, non sensual experimentation, factory farms and the lists of evils go on and on. On top of all of this we see comments on social media that reflect the state of injury that permeates the psyche of many humans where instead of compassionately recognising the suffering of others as a call to correct action, the commenters appear to be excited by the suffering - gaining a reversed stimulation from it. It is not uncommon for people to almost randomly wish 'cancer' on people they have never met and other such heartless curses.

Those of us who can still feel and who choose life will know very well that heartlessness always causes death in those who embody it eventually, one way or another - and yet they reject loving help since for them love is 'backwards'. This is the big challenge we face here and which needs to be understood deeply now.

When we encounter heartless beings some of us will try to help them and find that they themselves don't want to be helped. Others of us will see them as a threat and will seek to attack and destroy them.

Heartlessness needs to be allowed to go

We cannot destroy heartlessness through violence - since our destruction is itself heartless towards whatever aspects of the beings involved are still feeling and alive; plus we are felt to be promoting out of balance heartlessness. We cannot heal a monster by becoming one. If we destroy things we don't like without fully understanding them, we do not address them at their root cause and they only change form and appear again later in ways we may not be ready for.

In some cases heartlessness can be healed through processes of emotional healing and personal enlightenment, but it requires the intention of the individual to be aligned towards that personal destiny and is not something that can be done 'by' someone else.

So what do we do when we hear about heartless evil being perpetuated? If we cannot 'win' by destroying them and we cannot force them to heal - what are the solutions?

Each case is unique, however, the absolute need is for increased awareness among everyone so that we can identify and feel the presence of heartlessness, can heal our own and can then make more balanced decisions as a result. Once we have a sense of what heartlessness feels like and how it manifests, we can begin to find ways to solve our problems that really work.

A compassionate heart will not seek to belittle, blame, judge, attack or struggle with anyone - it will guide us to take appropriate action - which might take a variety of forms, from simply moving away, through to whatever else is required. Typically, our mind will jump to it's programming to think that 'evil must be destroyed' - so let's look at an extreme example..

How does a compassionate heart deal with a violent terrorist?

Compassion seeks to end suffering, so in cases where violence is imminent, we need to quickly assess the situation to determine what will end suffering the most effectively. Some religions present the idea that even in cases where innocents are going to be killed, we must not stoop to violence to stop the killing. I don't actually agree with that, but I accept that it is a huge challenge to know what is right in every case.

If I have an option of killing one person who is about to kill 100 people - then many would say it is my duty to do that. Compassion, paradoxically, might mean actually doing that - however, importantly, the compassionate option will ALWAYS seek alternatives first and NEVER just take the lazy option of killing first and asking questions later. Every situation has a cause and it is through finding the causes of experiences that we can change them directly. It may not be possible to know the entire background of a violent terrorist, but we can make a significant effort to understand the general patterns in society at a deep enough level that we can address the real causes before anyone new gets drawn towards violence.

Failing to plan is planning to fail!

This applies not just to projects but also to healing society! If we don't take steps to address the root causes of violent terrorism and other forms of heartlessness, then we should not be surprised when we see it in life. There are obviously extreme tensions and discomfort in life for many people that cause them to turn to violence. Why do these exist? It is not enough to just blame someone else - how are we individually (whether deliberately or not) participating in creating the situations that lead some to become violent?

Many people prefer to ignore such questions making rationalisations that are intended to excuse them from responsibility such as 'Life is simple, you are overcomplicating things' or 'It can't be my responsibility if someone else becomes violent who i have never met'... But neither of these are true. Life IS complicated and this is obvious - if life were simple we would not have any problems now would we?

Everything is connected and if someone in the human family is triggered into violence, then that may very well be connected causally back to us in some way, despite our best efforts to not be involved in such things. For example, the corrupt governments often start criminal wars and target civilians in the name of 'enduring freedom' or some other such buzzword/slogan - they cause unjust devastation around the world and make many people enraged - then call the people terrorists when they try to defend themselves. Yes, there are really evil terrorists, but many are just farmers and 'average guys' who saw their families killed and who seek to do something, whatever they can, to end the threat. Their violent acts are heartless and so it falls to us to have the heart and courage to make changes so that they never get forced into the position of feeling so threatened in the first place.

How can we do that? We are all very creative and unique beings who can all come up with many answers to that - but one angle on this is that exposed in my long running whistleblower series - whereby secret service and political whistleblowers demonstrated that war is illegal in Britain, for example - despite a complete denial of this reality - and it is therefore illegal to pay taxes to a government that starts wars.

Some might think it is far less courageous in some senses to just not pay taxes than it is to get in a tank and go to try to kill people - and yet it IS courageous to do so and it IS an effective and peaceful way to stop evil and force some of those who cause evil to change tactics at least.

Completely healing the viral manifestations of heartlessness is a complex journey with many twists and turns, yet it must be done now - let us have a new courage!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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I've found it important to point out that socialism is not the same as compassion. If you are forced to do a thing, and do not have a choice then there is no compassion involved in that. The only way compassion may have ever been a factor in such a thing is that the people creating the law that forces others to comply may have acted based upon their own "compassion", yet I don't think most people realize that forcing other people is not a compassionate thing. The truly compassionate people act based upon their own choice, not because they were forced.

I think that almost every idea within politics has been corrupted by now by heartless entities - so we don't really have experience of much that hasn't had the twisted light of heartless thoughts caught up in it and changing it's form.

I am not a 'socialist' and I am not any kind of 'ist'. I appreciate anarchy, but i am not an anarchist - since I know who I am and cannot be defined so simply. If we look at the common dictionary definition of socialism, we see something like:

"Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy."

Usually, in my experience, anarcho-capitalists will claim that it is government that has wrecked capitalism and given it a 'bad name' - they will also say that socialism and communism cannot exist without government. The communist/socialist anarchists often attempt to use the same argument against the capitalists to some extent. LOL

You are right, anything that is forced is not compassionate. Balance exists only when 'no part or aspect is overpowering any other'. When we understand this and seek balance, it is apparent that the heartlessness that pervades society will quickly use force whenever it sees that it will further it's agenda - regardless of whether it operates through a monarch's crown, a communist dictator or a religious army.

"the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively "

Is actually, potentially, a good thing - IF the people are balanced and enlightened. but then it can also be said that the alternative of having private ownership can also be a good thing IF the people are balanced and enlightened. So, yes - what is most needed is real and agile balance/compassion and not a particular political ideology.

You inspired me to write my own post where I referenced and linked to this post of yours It wasn't my choice... What has that phrase lead us to?.

Oh ok, thanks for the link - I'm super tired here at the moment, but I'll come back to it tomorrow ;)

I share your views on this subject. I gave your post a 100% vote and a re-steem!

Excellent! Thanks a lot. I just woke up from dreaming I was in a heartless downvote war with a teenager. lol. Your comment is much more welcome :)

I really like your definition for compassion because it goes beyond a feeling (noun) and into action (verb). I love verbs. Compassioning. I might be thinking about this all day.

Also, I so agree that violence can't be ended by violence. I've always scratched my head when I've heard someone say, "Fight fire with fire." What??? I thought I was supposed to fight fire with water!

Yes, the verbs are the reality - the rest are just thinking.. I'll be experimenting with verbing for some timing and so also being seeing where i'm going.. haha-ing. :)

Yes, fighting fire with fire is not a successful motto for a fire service ;)

Fantastically worded with great depth and wisdom. It is so hard to reach out and be compassionate toward those who have hurt others, but it is also essential that our hearts be turned toward helping and healing rather than retaliation or revenge. Excellent definitions and an open and thoughtful approach, even accepting that at times killing might be necessary for the compassion of the greater population... just not in a knee jerk fashion. Really enjoyed.

Thankyou! I feel that in the vast majority of cases no killing is necessary and that really, the only situations where killings would become reality in in a balanced world are where compassion breaks down again and we miss important information about the best course of action. Unfortunately, to be so balanced as to always be in tune with the best course of action is a rare occurrence on Earth at present, so there may be cases where killing does end more suffering than it causes, yes. :/

Hey my friends I really like the way you had take us from some definitions to compassion and heartlessness well we all know that love is lacking in our society you all need love hate never great love and your this post actually give the message to the whole world just stop it just stop it we need a better world we want love you don't need hate.

Greetings! thanks for your comment here. Hate is a state of being that is hugely misunderstood. Hate is not wrong, it is actually in some cases a form of love - I explained this here

Right sir , your welcome

Nice post..

Nice post bro ,
Well done 👍 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊

in this world all formed between good and evil, however .. we who have the soul of good will always oppose the soul of evil .. but the soul of evil also persuasely persuade goodness to always in evil ..
man can change his character, but very can not change his ambition ..
this is what makes the world filled with tragedy and war.
therefore God created heaven and hell, for man will enter both.

Thanks for your comment. I understand things a bit differently. 'Good' and 'Evil' are subjective to some extent - for me it is the case that there is simply loving and unloving light. Those who have claimed that light is loving and dark is evil have not really felt into the light and dark enough to know whether what they think is true or not. Light is understanding and not all understandings are loving.
With that being understood and with a second understanding - we can think differently. The second understanding is that all is one. God manifests creation with the only essence that is available, which is also God. We are all facets of god and so creation is God exploring itself in all the ways possible. Logic easily demonstrates how there is no other coherent/valid explanation for our reality and it is one that the core of God will gladly explain to anyone who seeks him/her/it in the heart.

Ambition is a combination of thoughts and emotions and can be felt too. Ambition can change moment by moment in those who have a free will. I once had ambition to fly planes and even join military forces that would have meant killing in evil ways. Now my ambition is the opposite.
It is heartlessness and denial that are the root of tragedy and war and these can heal.

Worth Reading

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