It wasn't my choice... What has that phrase lead us to?

in #compassion7 years ago (edited)

I was reading a new @ura-soul post that was about Compassion, Heart, and Heartlessness and I made a comment more as an addition, caveat to what he posted. I mentioned socialism. I realize that most socialist movements act upon the desire to "help" other people. The problem is they do that by laws, mandates. It is movements that force compliance from everyone to "help" in the way that was dictated by whomever created the law/mandate. This means it takes the opinion of the law maker and it forces its action upon everyone. The intentions were good, but none of us are omniscient super beings that are experts on all nuances. Such things remove choice. I've stated before in my own posts and I posted it in the reply to @ura-soul. Compassion requires choice. If you did something and had no choice to choose to do or not do that thing without legal repercussions then that removes compassion from the situation. True compassion requires that a person could choose to help or not help without legal consequences and they choose to help on their own and HOW they want. That was their choice. That was compassion.

Let me exaggerate the situation as an explanation. If I decide to build a big orphanage to help all the children without homes with exceptional education, and food services is that compassionate? What if I told you that it was built by a chain gang of slaves who are forced to build it or face the whip, or starvation? Would those slaves be building the building because they are compassionate? I say the answer is no. If you are forced, then compassion is removed.

When I use the term socialism. I must define what I mean as there are many different definitions and interpretations. Socialism for me is forced (via law, mandate, etc) redistribution of labor, property, or income in the false guise of compassion and welfare.

Now ultimately I have said all of these things in different ways in other posts before. I did have a moment of different thought on this though.

I believe not only does a preponderance of socialism limit opportunities for true compassion, I think it ultimately makes people less compassionate. It corrupts and rots society. All in the guise of "helping".

The problem is not with trying to help. The problem comes from taking the right to choose away from people.

People will pay into laws, and will pay their taxes. I don't know that I've ever encountered someone that is happy about paying their taxes, and how those taxes are put to use. They simply have no choice.

So along comes the socialist promising free education, free health care, housing assistance, food assistance, etc. When the government doesn't produce anything but laws, waste, debt, and war. They have no product. This means every single FREE thing the government or politician promises you and everyone else are FORCED to pay for in one of two ways. You will pay for it either in the form of increased taxes, or in the form of increased debt. Make no mistake you are responsible for your portion of that debt. So that debt could be viewed as the government being able to get credit cards in your name. There is a catch. You don't get to use that credit card yourself. The government use it in your name. We keep running into situations where the government reaches their debt limit.

We see the propaganda system kick into overdrive putting tons of emphasis on government shutdown. When it happens they make sure to have lots of expensive newly printed signs at all the national parks telling you they are closed due to government shut down. They often have security present to also make certain you can't get on those parks. Several decades ago most of those gates didn't exist. There was not much of a need for security guards. So would it be a bad thing if we went back to that? It seems like we'd save money.

Yet, by blocking national park access and tying it to government shutdown (even though government was not necessary for you to have access to such places only a few decades ago) they make it hurt for the common man. The common man whines and they pass bills to increase the debt ceiling. What this amounts to is authorizing them to take out another credit card in your name. It makes one wonder how many credit cards you are going to allow them to max out before you say "Shut down" and make them feel it. The government is incredibly wasteful and unlike regular people they have no clue how to balance budgets or fix these problems. Why? They don't have to. We keep giving them the right to put each of us further into debt.

That is the price of "free" things. This is one of the reasons unlike most people I was not a Bernie Sanders fan. I actually thought he was an idiot IF he actually thought he was giving people what he was telling them. If his true goal was control and power like most socialist leaders have ended up being after in history then he is brilliant. People love to be promised FREE things. The problem is most people have no clue that the government can't give you anything for FREE. They don't produce anything of value to cover the cost. So "free" is fake. IT is stealing from you and I.

One thing I've noticed is that when people have no choice, they get further and further from self responsibility for the consequences of the action. So while we are responsible for all of these problems because we permit them to continue in our name, most people will say the "It's not my fault". They'll get so far removed from choice that their life becomes less and less about choice. Those cases where they suddenly have a chance to make choice they may be too quick to say "sure just do it!" rather than spending much time thinking about it. They care less about the choice, and more about getting back to their life which was interrupted.

I'd say that compassion is dying on the vine. Right beside it on other withering vines are responsibility, and self-reliance.


Is there any state activity, socialist or otherwise, that does not represent theft of moral agency?

If there is to be free education, free healthcare, or free anything else, then the providers need to work for free. I'll wager they won't.

There are other ways to structure economic, financial, and monetary systems than the, all too familiar, socialist nightmare, or the unicorn free market which has never been seen.

As long as the state continues to exist, I expect that a free market will not.

"I'd say that compassion is dying on the vine. Right beside it on other withering vines are responsibility, and self-reliance."
I'd say it is being deliberately poisoned. but not dead I see so much compassion from the broke huddled masss's , every time there is a disaster , or tragedy. they donate million/billions to corp charities like the Red fraud because they are blindly trying to help.
We are not taught responsibility or self -reliance any more. it is conform ,obey,and if you don't we will punish you.
It is sad to go into a store and see 4-10 people in a line at 2 or 3 checkout lines, and two cashiers with 1 customer in line ... I walk by shaking my head and get in the short line... I understand they are conditioned, well trained. Most of them are good people,they don't want any trouble.
History is full of trouble makers changing thing, the mass's not so much...

Compassion isn't necessarily dying.

We just can't afford it after taxes and fees! :)

It is dying if people don't have it any more. More and more choices are being made for us, more and more responsibility being taken from us. Less opportunities to express true compassion. Thus, why I say it is dying.

While I probably shouldn't have, I was trying to make light of the subject.

We and several generations before us abdicted our choices and responsibilities to a government which care little for us .

Unfortunately, governments don't tend to relinquish power to those it considers subjects.

Correct the mistake began when they allowed the Government to think of us as its subjects. This current U.S. experiment was supposed to make the Government Subject To The People.

I've missed reading your work @dwinblood and I'm glad to be back.

You sum your post up perfectly with the last sentence.

Compassion, Responsibility and Self Reliance are all part of the same thing. You can't have one or two without all of them.

People today feel they can be "compassionate" by having another party be responsible for taking care of the details.

People today are mistaken.

Welcome back.

Your comments here about forced compassion remind me of one of the long monologues in Atlas Shrugged. People resent each other when you force them to help one another. Put simply, you can't force someone to be a good person. This is also consistent with some of the allegories in the Bible, in which nobody can be "saved" but by their own free will. Although I'm not a religious person, I can see the wisdom in that line of thinking. It seems modern socialist thinkers have completely lost any sense of that wisdom.


See I am beginning to wonder if my brain/thoughts are being shared with you each time you post....Get out of my head, you scare me that we think so much alike... SMH to see if you fall out LOL

You're not the only person who says such things to me. There are a few people here that think of things like this.

going to tweet this out...

Hahah... okay. I have a twitter account somewhere, but I never use it. :)

I just read Connor Boyack's new children's book "The Road to Surfdom" to my daughter last night and it was literally the same subject matter as this post. Amazing how similarly minded people can all be thinking about such similar things at exactly the same times, but getting there by such different roads.

worth reading

Why was it worth reading, @sarahs? I have noticed you tend to post ambiguous/generic comments like this on a lot of people's posts, including my own. Care to go into detail? Or is this just spam?

A different perspective..but nice detection..Great worth..Nice writing.

that's a good sense of humor....
thank's sir for sharing

It appears we have been thinking in parallel of late. The socialist insists that his totalitarian aims are different from all the other nigh-identical totalitarian failures in the name of socialism. Meanwhile, he simultaneously insists that free markets and corporate collusion with government must share the same blame despite being diametrically opposed ideologies. I encourage socialists to form voluntary communes, but ask that they show me that it works for true believers before I consider joining in. That makes ME the totalitarian in their minds. Insanity reigns.

I've never seen a voluntary socialist anything. It seems to immediately violate the concept of "voluntary". :)

There do seem to be a few small cooperative communities that sorta-kinda make it work, but there's no room for growth or innovation, they can't tolerate freeloaders for even a moment, and they rely on producing goods to sell outside their communities to prosper at all. Ironic?

Well plus it is only voluntary as long as they all 100% agree. Once even one of them disagrees on something and is forced to comply with the will of the rest it no longer is voluntary.

I really only see something like that as voluntary if they were all 100% clones of each other.

Even with clones, it would be more like Calvin's duplicator fiasco in the comic strips than the socialist single-minded Utopia.

Yeah, it truly is the antithesis to freedom. The sad thing is you can see the "simple" ideas that sound really good, and sound like they are helping the "needy" and compassionate. Yet they "sound" that way, but history has proven time and time again they are not. Plus, they cannot exist as a voluntary system... thus they cannot be truly free.

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