Hack Your Life in 3 Easy Steps!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

It's official, I'm addicted to Steemit (ok, I'm actually using busy.org to post but the posts end up on the same blockchain).

Thing is, I have so much to say and I've always felt an inhibition "Why say it, nobody would read, nobody would listen, nobody would care?".

Blockchain has changed it all: maybe nobody will read it now, but (assuming blockchain lives up to its reputation) what I put in here will be around for a very, very long time. So perhaps in a year, or a decade, somebody will find the things I write useful and enlightening.

Steemit has changed it as well: even if I get $1.35, it's still something. It means someone found my contribution useful.

So here's a toast to the blockchain and to Steemit.

Blockchain is the next step in the relentless march of software. Because, lest we forget ...

Software is eating the world
Marc Andreessen

Given that, how to best hack your life in 3 easy steps?

Think long term

The paradox of the human mind is that the young, who have the most to think forward to, also have the hardest time to focus on the next 20, 40, 60 years ahead of them. While the elderly, who can easily think about the next 2, 4, 6 decades ahead do not have as many choices left in front of them. Time goes by and decisions which have been made yesterday cannot always be overturned tomorrow.

Yes, that is actually linked to physics and entropy - click on the image above for an excellent article on this topic from The Economist

Which brings me to the first important consideration when thinking long term:

1. We are all subjects to the laws of nature

That means you are subject to the laws of physics, chemistry and, most relevant, biology. You are a chemical machine, like everybody else; you are an animal, like everybody else.

That means that you have a certain amount of energy to go around and you need to be careful not to expend it faster than you manage to replenish it. It's basic physics.

It also means that, regardless of what you think about yourself now, it is extremly likely that your aims, wishes and desires will at some point resemble those of other human brethren. Imagine that you don't care about owning a home (when I was young I didn't understand the obsession older people seemed to have with owning real estate).

Well, it's wise to assume that as you grow older, you'll change your mind. Same about settling down, having kids, etc. A large, very large majority of humans define "happiness" in a very similar manner.

And because of the irreversibility of time, it's wiser to assume that you'll define it in a very similar way too. Assuming otherwise, when you cannot simply "reload an older saved game" is too risky.


Which brings me to the second consideration when thinking long term.

2. Think dynamically

We underestimate the continuous change around us. We tend to assume that things will stay the way they are, they way we know them. It's a lot harder to think how you'll need to change in order to hack your life for a future environment that will likely be very different from the current one you know.

But because you are here, reading this post, I contend that the changes you should most be concerned with are summed up by that quote above:

Software is eating the world
Marc Andreessen

Given these two important consideration, in order to productively think long term (where am I going to be, what am I going to do, how am I going to be closer to happiness in 20, 40, 60 years?) it helps to pick a model.

Which brings us to the second step

Know thyself

Thing is, even if you choose Steve Jobs as a model, you might simply not have what it takes to become one. Remember, we are all bound by the laws of nature. Maybe you didn't happen to be in the right place, at the right time. Maybe you simply didn't meet your Steve Wozniak when it mattered. You can't do anything about that.

But maybe your genes weren't the right combination and since these are with you at all times, you better make sure to understand what kind of combination they are. There are many frameworks to assess yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Some are useful; some are familiar. I choose to present here one that has the best ratio "usefulness / popularity" I could think of. It's been developed a long time ago by Dr. Meredith Belbin (a Brit). I don't know about the US but I'm surprised how few people know about it in Europe.

Here's a nice and useful infographic for it:

How to use that? I'll take my example: I'm a lot more "Thinker" than "People" and "Action". As a "Thinker", I'm predominantly a "Plant", somewhat "Monitor-Evaluator" and very little "Specialist". As a "People" guy, I'm predominantly a "Resource investigator" and much less of a "Coordinator" or a "Team Worker". As an "Action" guy, I'm confortable as a "Shaper" and decent as an "Implementer" but I shun away from "Completer Finisher" roles. Overall, my favorite roles are "Plant" and "Resource Investigator". I am at my worst as "Completer Finisher" and "Team Worker".

What about you ? Take a paper and a pen and try to map yourself out. You're worth the effort!

Keep in mind that "Software is eating the world", keep in mind that you are likely to evolve in a way which is similar to other humans with respect to your values and objectives, introduce your personality profile (mapped on Belbin's team roles above) in the equation.

With all those parameters, can you think of a model? Who do you dream of resembling (realistically) in 20, 40, 60 years? Where would you / could you be at best (if all the imponderables were right) ? And your "plan B", what would that be?

Work on your network

When mentioning Steve Jobs above, I've recalled that he started with Steve Wozniak at his side. Edmund Hillary had Tenzing Norgay at his side. You'll go much further and much faster if you are in good company, whether that company is one or ten other people.

Because we are all subjects to the laws of physics, there's usually a trade-off you need to be aware of: the better you are at networking with many people, the worst you are at focusing on one topic. And the better you are at focusing, the worst at interacting with others. For people who are extremely good at focusing, who are the "Specialists" and the "Completer Finishers" of the Belbin framework, you need to find a way to "connect the value you generate to the world"


These were the 3 (easy? Have I said "easy" ? Nah, that was just clickbait!) steps to hack your life.

So let's recap:

Keep in mind that "Software is eating the world", keep in mind that we are all subjects to physics, chemistry, biology and all the other sciences and therefore likely to evolve in a way which is similar to other humans with respect to your values and objectives, introduce your personality profile (mapped on Belbin's team roles above) in the equation. Then choose a (loosely defined) model (or two or three, keep a bit of flexibility though, a "plan B"). Then think of your network, that should suit your personality type. If you are the extrovert type, build a large network. But at the very least, if you are a perfect introvert, think of finding your Tenzing Norgay (which does not, actually, have to sport a silly name ...) who'll help you connect you and your value to the rest of the world.

Yes, I know this is not easy. I lied to get you to read till here. But hey, this is YOUR life we are talking about, right? It's worth a bit of effort thinking about, wouldn't you say?


This is really breathe taken. You are very correct and I strongly agree with you. After reading this, I had to visualize what will happen to me in the next 20 yrs. I will love to also ask a question, do you really think happiness grows with age or it decreases with age? I asked this because I do notice most old people always have a kind of calm and silent nature. They sometimes tend to be sad because they are mostly alone. This can be traced to the stages of grand parents. I realize the more we grow in life, the more we tend to realize what life is all about such that we gain more experiences which brings about the reality of life. I really appreciate your post and I have learnt something great from this.

Thank you.

I remember reading a study about that (done on people in Western countries if I recall well). Apparently happiness first decreases with age and 46 years old is the bottom - the age where people feel most miserable about their lives. Afterwards, it starts increasing again almost literally with age - this is probably why older people are happier.

Found that study here : https://www.economist.com/node/17722567

Hmm.... I understand your point. I also appreciate your research on getting that curve. But the curve is only applicable to people in USA. I would love to predict that it depends on the country. We can't expect a non developing country chart to be in this form. But you are very correct about your points and I strongly corroborate with you.

yes, I agree that results could be completely different in a developing country

Thanks for your comments.

Hey there @hardaeborla,

I would say that happiness increases not with age but with self-awareness. The more you know yourself, the calmer and happier you become no matter your situation, skin color or country of origin. The process is difficult, but I believe it's the best investment you can have in yourself and in your next decades here on this little blue planet of ours. :)

I know people who are miserably at 50 and haven't got to know themselves better and people who know themselves well enough at 25 and are content with their lives. The difference is, I assume, the time you're willing to spend investing in yourself.

Wow..... I strongly agree with you.

Hello, @sorin.cristescu, I wanted to stop by after having read your article "Best Way to Grow on Steemit" --Brilliant. I would recommend anyone to read. I very much agree that the greatest effort/ payoff ratio is in shrewd curation. That being said: you touched on a couple of points which I think deserve re-mentioning.

I like how you portray curation as a way for anyone to participate in the beauty of Steemit. As you mention, perhaps not everyone is a great writer, or has some other quite so "visible" talent--but, following certain guidelines, anyone can search and find quality content and support it. (ok, perhaps still not everyone, but, a healthy number). In fact, it is precisely, I would guess, this disparity in number between creators and curators that even allows the platform to operate effectively--there will always be more "consumers" than "producers"!!

Secondly, this knowledge surrounding effective curation is important for the author themselves; their view and operation. In other words, understanding and acquiescing to the fact that, in order to have a successful "production," he or she must have some humility; i.e., "support their supporters!" A symbiosis, as you said.

This is, of course, quite an old wisdom; yet, of course, many still do not believe it or follow it.

That being said, I do think, from a creator's perspective, there may need to be a period--in the beginning--when they are a bit more "selfish," to put it frankly: in other words--almost in order to get to the position to where one has the "power" to make these substantive changes, he or she must themselves be quite protective; doing things like up-voting herself, for example. I think early on, this is different. It is when a Steemian is super-whale status, and they seem to be going "hog-wild" with it, that it becomes the "abuse" we speak of.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The problem with this platform is that there are so many "loose ends", so much "unfinished business" yet those who have the power to improve it seem to have lost focus and interest.

Subsequently it is extremely hard for minnows to climb in the hierarchy whether through authorship or curation. When you start from a very, very low base, it takes forever. So in the end, while authorship is good for the ego and curation is efficient (proportionally speaking), the most effective way remains the one which is not available to everyone, buy steem and power up ...

Self voting (I do it currently, when I feel that my contribution is not adequately rewarded, because it's possible) shouldn't be possible. And when you are a whale I'm sure it's quite difficult to refuse yourself an easy payday.

Right? Yes, it's "human nature," some might say. That being said: I find it very difficult to believe that all the "whales" here only became that way because they were financially well-off before the fact--I have to have some faith that, through hard work ,and yes, "chance," but some got to where they are through talent and hard work. I have been "Curied" three times in the approximately three months I've been on steemit. Summing probably close to.. idk, upwards of $150 sbd--I have also put in approximately $40 USD of my own money. I have 55 steem power--my goal is 5000 in the next couple years. Idk if that's feasible lol. Probably not a t this rate... BUT I think we are both overlooking one key factor when getting mired down in this pessimism---namely, the possibility (plausibility?) of Steemit doing very well; i.e., increasing in "outside world" value. Do you not believe those who are participating now, before the "take over" occurred, so to speak, would not flourish?

At the end of the day, I must say that my involvement with Steemit has done nothing but improve my life and my financial circumstance. I may not be privy to all the inner-working of why that may be, exactly; but, I'm not gonna stop now :))

They didn't need to. They just had to come in early. In 2016 inflation was 100% if I remember well what I've read. So that was a quick doubling of their SP, nothing to do. I think I saw somewhere that the price of the MV was something like 180 Steem at some point. Now we are at almost 500 Steem per MV. Then in march 2017 the price of steem was 1/10 of what it's now. Those who bought then (congrats) and power up made a x10 ! Then when the platform only had 70 000 users, if you knew a couple of whales it was much, much easier to get upvotes from them (simply because there wasn't so much content around to fight for the votes)

But I agree with you that I was tired when I wrote that and let myself be brought down by pesimism. I fully agree with you on this one:

Do you not believe those who are participating now, before the "take over" occurred, so to speak, would not flourish?

At the end of the day, I must say that my involvement with Steemit has done nothing but improve my life and my financial circumstance. I may not be privy to all the inner-working of why that may be, exactly; but, I'm not gonna stop now :))

Neither will I ! :-)

:) Good to know ;) And yes, that was basically what I was implying: many benefited from huge upticks in STEEM value. What's to stop us from experiencing the same?? :)) (granted.. this may be a bit overly optimistic, too--which can also be a problematic attitude to take lol

Yeah you are right tho.. But sometimes its a bit frustrating for people that steemit are helping finacially. Steemit was of great help to me january when i juste entered a bit frustrating now tho but all the same its a worthwhile platform. Maybe with time

Really? What happened to change things? You mean you made more income here in January, but now not so much? Any ideas why?

My dear. The reason was because of steemit openmic.. It was friendly to me as at that time cause i was new. It helped me alot though in school cause i self sponsor mysfelf in school.. But i began to notice some trends about steemit generally. It was the openmic that made me get some money .. I solely depend on steemit for my survival now.. You have to know some top people on steemit to be able to make so much for even a post that doesnt make much sense. Another thing was am in school, studying maths and january school just resumed and so when school got intense i needed to focus so i stopped posting much on steemit. But am done with exams now, finished today i am tryna make some few posts. Sometimes it aint all about the money on steemit tho... But at times its disappointing but its all good

simply because of the price of steem. Steem was at 0.0005 BTC around that time and the BTC was $12K ... Of course, that's when I bought my first 1000 steem (human brains being what they are ...). Fortunately I've also bought the 0.0002 BTC dip with the BTC around $7000

This post, with over $50.00 in bidbot payouts, has received votes from the following:

smartsteem payout in the amount of $73 USD.
buildawhale payout in the amount of $71 USD.
rocky1 payout in the amount of $41 USD.
therising payout in the amount of $28 USD.

For a total calculated bidbot upvote value in the amount of $214 USD.

This information is being presented in the interest of transparency on our platform @sorin.cristescu and is by no means a judgement of your work.

Compare this to the sums sent:
smartsteem 40 SBD,
buildawhale 40 SBD
rocky1 25 SBD
therising 15 SBD
Here you go, another idea - what about publishing the transfers as well, so that people can have an idea (however imprecise because it depends on so many factors) of the "cost of advertising "

I do this with the weekly bidbot summary.

Biggest problem is that transfers can come from multiple accounts. And services like minnowbooster and smartsteem have thousands of vote sellers. I believe we need to let the bot post upvotes at this time and see what develops. To much too soon leads to total chaos.

Wise words. Smartmarket and minnowbooster would indeed muddy the picture.

I'm mostly a Plant/Resource Investigator with strong seconds as a coordinator and team worker, and strong thirds as a specialist/implementer--and I have all the weaknesses that come with each.

Definitely not a completer or monitor, and my preference is not as a shaper, although I easily can be if needed.

This was fun!

Thank you. I guess you know that you are supposed to have that test administered by professionals and pay for it, right? :-P

Ummm.....right.....right. I knew that.

You don't have to be great at everything, but you have to be great at figuring out what you are great at. Then put your 100% effort on that.

You have to choose what makes you happy and what you want to do for the rest of your life.

Decent first approximation. :-)

In order to figure out what you are great at, you need to experiment, to actually do that thing. And then reflexivity kicks in: as you try your hand at something you are

  1. spending time that you'll never recover
  2. not trying something else
  3. getting better at what you are experimenting with and beginning to like it because of that ...

So you decide "that's it!" That's the thing you want to put 100% effort into ... and at first you make huge progress ... until at some point you get stuck. Then what do you do ? Is there maybe something else that you'd have been even better at, had you started with that ?

I see a different away around this, do you ?

Yes, to figure out what you are great at, you have to taste different things. It takes time. As you mentioned "Know thyself", that's the key.

If you get stuck at some point, you will find a way to move forward. Do what makes you happy.

I think the most painful thing is that when you are old, you say, I wish I would...
So, do it now.

I love THE STYLE of your writing!!,
it is brilliant, full of irony and sense of humor :)

Thank you but slow down the upvoting, you are depleting your voting power :)
You are at 46%, it will take you about three days to get back at 100%

You might want to read my previous post here: "Help yourself! (steemit for dummies)"

i know, I know... :(

of course I read it !!
but it will take some time for me, before I put all these tips into practice :)
it is difficult not to vote for such interesting posts, but I am trying to stop myself.

(ONLY 3 days?! lol)

everything you wrote there - is perfect for me!

by the way, I would like to ask:

could I translate that your post ("Help yourself! (steemit for dummies)")
for the Polish community, for the benefit of all? :)
of course with a link to YOUR original site!

absolutely, please do, of course ! :)

Wow another article with fantastic advice... keep up the great content!

Thank you. Thing is, I should focus more :-)

Hi @sorin.cristescu :) I just wanted to advertise @tipu voting service which you might be interested investing in (SP delegation). Sorry for messing around in your post, please accept upvote in return :)
@tipu upvote this post with 0.2 sbd

hi @cardboard please contact me on discord (same username and 6999)

I was looking for some graph like the Belbin one. Thank you and your Steemit addiction 😁. It looks like I am all People. 80-90% CO 😅, what is left goes in equal parts on the other two: TW and RI. And all my life I thought about myself as being a lazy motherfucker, it seems I just love to delegate my job to others 😁.
Or, I just found the best excuse of my life 😋.

Please, do not upvote this comment, as I just wanted to thank you for the graph and an upvote will make me feel bad.

Ok, I see what you mean, I had the same feeling when I asked gtg to raise to the steemitname challenge and say his real name and then he dropped by and upvoted my post ... :-) I felt like "hmm, people will think that I challenged gtg in order to get a vote from him" :-)

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