Take Yourself Seriously -- Your Time And Energy Are GOLD

in #life6 years ago


The quality of one's life depends on the quality of attention. Whatever you pay attention to will grow more important in your life.

Deepak Chopra

The quote above illustrates a fundamental truism of life: the things upon which you focus become the foundational cornerstones of your life.

Bad arguments and Ignorance


I spend some time on social media.

The whole thing fascinates me. In many ways, social media -- for all of its faults -- is one of the most efficient developments that epitomizes exactly what is the purpose of the internet.

It is an instantaneously responsive network of people distributed all across the planet. You are able to set your opinions in digital stone and make them available for the entire world to see.

However, it hasn’t been all positive.

The amount of terrible arguments and ignorant opinions that grow online is… troubling. At least to me.

I have seen people who would otherwise be intelligent fly completely off the handle on social media with the worst arguments that you can imagine. They ignore facts, evidence, and sound arguments and instead spread their own version of the programmed narratives that political or social groups, or worse -- Governments -- have fed them.

The state of things is so bad that the vast majority of people who do this aren’t even aware that their views have been co-opted. They think there’s something clever about calling someone a “conspiratard” or a “DemoCRAP ” (ok, I’ve never seen anyone use that last one, and I actually think it’s kinda funny).

Do not take those people seriously


The opinions of people with bad arguments should be taken with a grain of salt.

Hopefully, you have developed your problem-solving skills, and you can use a syllogism, and you know a logical fallacy when you see one. If so, don’t waste your attention on these people.

They are not serious people.

Their words, the syntax of their statements, the format of their opinions, the insults they use -- all of it has been engineered by social scientists who are far more intelligent and influential than them.

These engineers of the petite propaganda are after your attention, because they know that when you are paying attention to some idiot on Twitter for the whole afternoon, you AREN’T paying attention to the covert things they’re doing.

Take yourself seriously. Don’t be one of those people who falls into the traps set by the narrative architects. Your time is more valuable than that.

The Attention Economy


Attention is focused mental engagement on a particular item of information. Items come into our awareness, we attend to a particular item, and then we decide whether to act. (Davenport & Beck 2001, p. 20)

If you think that your attention isn’t worth anything, whoa boy! You are sorely mistaken!

There is an entire new field of science attracting the sharpest minds in the world, and its entire focus is to construct better schemes to mine your attention like a commodity.

"...in an information-rich world, the wealth of information means a dearth of something else: a scarcity of whatever it is that information consumes. What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it" (Herbert A. Simon).

Why do you think companies like Amazon and Facebook have made so much money and wield so much influence in such a short period of time? It’s because of YOU and YOUR ATTENTION.

That’s why data collection and data mining are such big business: because your attention is like gold, and the most powerful corporations in history are competing with each other for it, and they’re hiring the most talented propagandists and influencers in the world to design systems to strip as much of it as they can from you.

Ex-Facebook president Sean Parker: site made to exploit human 'vulnerability'

Facebook’s founders knew they were creating something addictive that exploited “a vulnerability in human psychology” from the outset, according to the company’s founding president Sean Parker.

Parker, whose stake in Facebook made him a billionaire, criticized the social networking giant at an Axios event in Philadelphia this week. Now the founder and chair of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, Parker was there to speak about advances in cancer therapies. However, he took the time to provide some insight into the early thinking at Facebook at a time when social media companies face intense scrutiny from lawmakers over their power and influence.

Parker described how in the early days of Facebook people would tell him they weren’t on social media because they valued their real-life interactions.

“And I would say, ‘OK. You know, you will be,’” he said.

“I don’t know if I really understood the consequences of what I was saying,” he added, pointing to “unintended consequences” that arise when a network grows to have more than 2 billion users.

“It literally changes your relationship with society, with each other. It probably interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains,” he said.

This is where the most advanced work humanity is producing is happening.

And it’s all about YOU.

Spend your time better


These people want your attention. They want your time and energy to be spend doing what THEY want, thinking about the things that THEY want you to think about.

You have to have your own interests in mind. You have to fight back yourself. And the way you do that is by simply ignoring them.

To some extent this is easier said than done. And I know that personally. There are many times where I catch myself having been roped into a pointless argument on Twitter or Facebook. To be honest: it’s appealing to see a tasty troll dangling in front of you with such a bad argument or such an ignorant statement that it would be soooooo easy to just type up something and hit ‘reply’.

But it almost never turns out right. And I end up regretting the time I spent trying to persuade a stone wall. I could have been doing so many other better things:

  • Spending time with my family
  • Increasing my skills
  • Praying
  • Posting on Steemit
  • Developing a new online feature
  • Meditating
  • Learning a new coding language or framework to advance my career
  • Trying to kick myself in the balls

Any one of these things is a better use of my time and attention than arguing with some idiot on Twitter.

So my plea to you is to spend your time more wisely. If you feel like responding to someone on social media who is clearly either a bot/sock puppet/troll or just a brainwashed idiot, instead consider doing something more edifying and constructive with that time.

What do you think?


Were you aware of the science of the attention economy? That there are people out there spending billions of dollars just to divert your eyeballs to the thing they want you to see?

Let me know in the comments below.

Follow me @shayne


I agree. Stop spending time on other people's agenda and start focusing on how you want to live your life. One way to start is to not look at your phone first thing in the morning and focus on yourself. I know once you start looking at your phone, you get sucked down this rabbit hole of other people and how they want you to spend your time.

That's a big problem for me!! Since my alarm is on my phone, the first thing I do upon waking is grab my phone go turn the alarm off. That sets me right up for habitual behavior -- it's almost like they were designed that way! 😱

Time is the one thing money cannot but more of!

I think we should start looking at our effort spent in social media from the perspective of the change we can help people to make. For example: how much will society change if I put this single troll in his place? Nothing! And I will have wasted hours upon hours of my life. However, if I was, lets say the head of an online social movement educating people about important stuff, spending some time trying to convince people of stuff or even setting them straight would be within my social goal.
We need to focus and prioritize our objectives...

Your attention is gold, and your response is platinum.

We should prioritize our activity as such! Well said.


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Yeah, that was pretty cool 😎

Trying to kick myself in the balls

Omg that made me laugh so hard, just pure gold. Great article, awesome points! It's hard to walk away from a useless argument, I'll keep your words in mind next time I find myself being sucked in.

Don't get ZUCCed in! 😱

We decide what we want to be important to us. You started and you hit the hammer on the literal head of the issue. You are truly in the right to say that attention is sometimes undervalued by us but shouldn't be.
Our attention is linked to our cognition in so many ways. Abundance of it can sometimes make us think that it is not all that important, when in reality it can change our whole perspective on things when wisely used.

In this time when diversions are way of life, it has become even more important.

Your attention evolves who you are. If media firms can develop systematic ways of controlling mass attention, they have gained the power of shaping who people become. The worth of that is greater than gold.

Thank you shayne for this awesome content.

Personally i think Taking life too seriously can leave your with more regret, more heartbreak, and more alienation than by treating some aspects seriously and take the rest of it as it comes, and treating the things that come like games that don't have a zero-sum rule. I tend to err on the game side, and have no regrets, left no stone unturned, and achieved all of my goals because I kept my childlike curiosity and applied that to everything. Be serious when it's important, everything else is just a game, and win or lose it's all great fun.

I kept my childlike curiosity and applied that to everything. Be serious when it's important, everything else is just a game, and win or lose it's all great fun.

Awesome. Keeping our childlike curiosity is magical and can be truly transforming in our lives, business and relationships with other. I agree with you on this @jordanlove

My new tactic is to stop and think whenever I'm about to comment on Facebook, and instead I stop typing, close my browser, and open Steemit!

Smiles. Build your relationships with the people that matter in your life, if they are on facebook.

Successful people and foolish people get the same 24 hours daily. That tells you something.

Apart from all the other factors that influence being foolish or acting with wisdom, how you invest your time takes the largest share.

Insightful post.

Great & authentic guidance definitely we should take life serious otherwise life will not take us serious & we should keep sincerest company @shayne

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