4 Life Lessons You Can Learn From An Introvert

in #life7 years ago


I have always believed that to be human is to be always learning. That’s what we are hardwired to do anyways, right? I mean that’s the reason why we are not cave dwellers anymore.

Knowledge is everywhere and you should grasp as much as you possibly can because you never know where that particular thing that you learnt will connect with other things to change your life forever.

There is so much to learn and from so many people. Virtually anybody can be a teacher because everyone has had their own experiences and you learn from experiences, yours and someone else’s.

Today, I will be talking about some great lessons that we can learn from introverts. I personally identify myself as an ambivert leaning more towards the introvert side and so I can really relate to these lessons.

1. It’s Great To Be Alone


While most people will tell you to travel places and meet new people and go do things you wouldn’t normally do to experience life in all its colours, it is also totally okay to be alone.

Introverts love to spend time in solitude and are often looked down with contempt for this reason as they are regarded as anti-social but in my opinion that is so unfair. Usually the people who are out going are considered as the go-getters out there to conquer the world and that is totally fine.

But there is also a great deal of value to spending time with your own self doing what you love the most even if it is just sitting down on the couch in the company of your own thoughts.

To me, it is very soothing and serene and is a way for me to recharge and unwind. There is so much noise out there as soon as you step out of your home and it feels so relaxing to just be alone, away from it all.

2. It Is OK To Take Your Time


Usually introverts take their sweet time in making their decisions as they like to consider every angle possible first. This is also because they tend to overthink things.

Yes, this might cause a bit of a delay or even procrastination on their part but that is completely fine because this allows them to not make rash decisions and have a proper, planned course of action.

This is especially true of them in unfamiliar circumstance where they would more likely take a back seat and size up the state of affairs. Most could consider it a lock of courage and an unwillingness to take initiative, but I see it differently.

Yes, the early bird may catch the worm but it is also the slow and steady that wins the race. I guess it all comes down to the particular situation at hand but in my mind, it is okay to take your time.

3. It Pays To Listen


Have you ever read Sherlock Holmes’ stories or watched him in the movies and were totally impressed with his observational skills and wanted nothing more than the same powers? Me too.

Turns out, introverts are more observant than extroverts, although not nearly at the same level as Sherlock Holmes, or anywhere near him for that matter, but still, they are far more observant.

They like to kickback and are happy to sit in a corner even at a party just observing. Their subject? Human behaviour of course! They notice the tiniest of things and are really good listeners.

A person who listens, learns. They listen to everything that is out there and I’m not only talking about sound. This particular skill of theirs can be really advantageous in their personal as well as work life.

4. A Smaller Circle of Friends Is The Best


When we are in school or college, making a lot of friends and hanging out with them was considered so cool and if you had smaller circles, or doing your own thing, you would more often than not be considered a geek or a loner.

As you grow older though, you realise that only a small percentage of those huge number of friends actually care about you and you about them. There is nothing wrong with it. In the journey of life, we just wander off into our own directions.

What we are left with is a small circle of really good friends and truth be told, it is just what you need. You get the support system you need and the love and affection but without any of the drama of a bigger group.

These friendships usually last a life time and it is such a beautiful thing, unlike all the fake relations you have to maintain if you are fond of huge circles. That’s just me though.


I want to address these one by one 1) It is great to be alone- So true. Growing up my grandma said your are your own best company. She was right. 2) It is ok to take your time. As I still possess those Introvert qualities I get it. I find in decision making I stick with my decisions when well thought out through time. The right decision made is more important than how long it takes. I gel hell for this by panthers (personalities) but I do not care. it is a quality of the OWL type of personality. It is also resourceful in analyzing your information and any intellectual intercourse that is necessary. 3) It pays to listen - we were born with two eyes, two ears and only one mouth. I think whoever made us was tying to tell us something. Yes better communication happens when you listen rather than talk. More people should try it. The world would be a better place. The introvert is light years ahead of other personality types on this one. Intellectual is at its peak or climax when listening skills are incorporated. 4) A small circle of friends is best. - So true. It is less stressful and lower maintenance. i would rather have a few select friends that I can hang with than a whole bunch of fair weather friends. Great subject and post my friend!

Thank you so much for your thoughts on the matter. It seems like a lot of people agree with me on this one. Seems like lots of introverts out there like me :D

Introverts tend to find their satisfaction and place in the world by looking inward. Extroverts get theirs in external events. As an introvert myself, I could never understand the need for the outsidedness, even when I would sometimes envy the extroverts.

As I considered the feelings of envy, I realized it was less the envy and more the way society seems the put more value on extroverts.

Does anyone else feel this way?

You pretty much hit the nail right on the head with this comment. It is exactly how it is. You don't understand the outsidedness and yet you envy it and it is all because of the society.

I love people who are who they are. . . Period

I want to join your group

You pretty much hit the nail on the head with this article!
I am also an introvert and can relate to all of this. I have a handful of friends and they always come to me for advice about any number of things. We can see through the clutter and give them straight answers.
I think we are also good at seeing through the deceptions of other people and their "nature."
It's strange, but when I was just a kid, I always thought it was my obligation to learn as much as I could about everything.

Thanks for sharing!

....upvoted and resteemed, my friend!

Thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it :)

I am an introvert (and homebody) and really have no girlfriends. Which is fine.
I prefer time alone, or spent with my husband.

But when I do get together at a social gathering, you are correct, I do listen intently. Sometimes it is nice to have social interaction, but when I get too overwhelmed, I become that proverbial wallflower.

One of the best things about

Yeah, there is nothing wrong with having social interactions. In fact, those are healthy once in a while for an introvert even because it is also necessary to not feel encaged.

Most times I fight my husband about leaving the house. But generally I go.
After a short time of "chatting" I tend to get overwhelmed. He knows the signs (mostly attributed my my auto-immune disease) and he makes the excuse and we leave. He is awesome that way.

He gets me to go out with him, even if briefly, and he gets me out before I get too anxious

good post back vote please

The last two are the best in my opinion. Too many people get caught up in talking instead of listening and they miss out on the opportunity to learn.

Having a small circle of friends is better in my opinion too. It is hard to have a ton of true friends so if you have a big circle I think its hard for them all to be loyal.

Great post, I am following you now!

Thank you for the kind words :)

I totally agree with you.. in addition to all that, I don't find sincere the people who have a plenty of friends and always go out or meet with different groups. I see these people like escaping from themselves or loneliness. A person should firstly spend the time with himself.

They prefer quantity over quality. They know that amount of things they can to say is very limited, and they make huge company with people who say something interesting once, and then, after some time, when they don't have content they start drinking, riding, have sex ...

This is why so many pretty girls said that they met somone in company of friends.

It's my thought

You are totally right.. I share your thought. There is another point that such people who prefer quantity over quality as you say, establish a friendship with you until they get bored of you unfortunately.. Because they have a lot of alternatives! That's why I always find the introvers trustable..

True, or maybe until you become not handy. If you start interrupt his drinking habit, or another addictions - you become an enemy.

Yeah, that could be true. There's a lot of sincerity between a closed small group of people.

For me, number four is very important. I see people knowing and greeting so many people and i am wondering how well they know them? Which are their friends and which just acquaintances?

I don't judge them based on that but i am really curious when i see things like that.

Anyway i think internet is a place full of introverts with lot of interesting things to read/create etc and it definitely not the same as anti-social.

you know what? i have always wondered about the same thing too! haha

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