Childhood, life as an adult, and a great wish called Steemit!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I first heard about God when I was a child. 

Awestruck, I promptly fell in love with the powerful magic wand I decided he must possess! As I grew older and greedier, I came upon this brilliant conclusion that if I could have one for myself, I could become 'independant' and stop troubling God who must be busy attending to millions like me every day. 

From that thought arose what was most likely my first prayer. "God, give me a beautiful pink magic wand like yours. I will happily stop praying to you and do all my work by myself. You'll be happy you got to share your wand with me and I will be happy that I got a magic wand. Happy, happy!" 

I prayed hard the first night. 

It would indeed have been a win/win situation! 

In the morning, I remember searching high and low for the wand and not finding it anywhere. :( 

One wondrous thing about children is how they don't give up easily. They are by default filled to the brim with undying optimism about life and a forgiving nature when it comes to getting hurt. I was no exception. I was disappointed but I could wait another day. Come night, I remember wondering if I should shout out my prayers so God couldn't help but hear them this time. I don't remember if I did though. 

Now, I'm a Hindu by birth. (I've read the Bhagawad Gita. I've also read the Bible, and read a few portions of religious texts from Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam and Jainism. And I have good friends in all religions... I'm interested knowing the core thoughts in each religion that bind us to our humanity. Our good side. The thoughts that mould our character right from the start and serve as our conscience as we grow up...  By choice, I consider myself to be a part of the universal religion of humanity. But, I digress... that is not what I want to talk about now. And I'll cover that another day.) 

Hinduism is full of Gods and Goddesses. Of different colours, shapes and sizes. Each of the Gods and Goddesses come armed with their own set of super interesting godly powers. To an innocent and determined child, what could be better!! Feasting on an endless array of idolized Gods and Goddesses, I selected a few prominent ones that I liked and decided I'll take pray to them in turns so I could cover telling all of them what I wanted. Day after day passed. The Gods and Goddesses were still not hearing me, But, that didn't deter me. 

Also, as I was growing up, I was discovering more and more newer things that I wanted. So my prayer list grew longer. I wanted a horse. I wanted a pink umbrella patterned gown. I wanted a skipping rope. 

I was lonely as a single child. So, I wanted another child in the house, preferably a girl (so I could call her my little sister, boss over her and play teacher-student games with her). 

And so my list grew and grew. And every now and then it got answered. I got my horse! A wooden rocking one, not a real one... but that was okay. :) I got a pink gown in the pattern I wanted - totally hand stitched by my beautiful and forever caring mother. I got a skipping rope surprise from my strong and very hard working father. And when I was seven years old, I got my own little sister when the most beautiful baby in the whole world popped out of my mother's bulging stomach onto a cradle in the hospital room! 

I was in love with life, with the world, with all my surroundings, with just everything about me. Life was truly beautiful! My wishes were all being answered sooner or later... 

One day, in my blissful state, I asked the Gods and Goddesses one very important wish! A house! A H-U-G-E home where I could live together with ALL my family members, relations and friends happily ever after! 

Years passed. I grew up. I studied commerce and accounting. I played chess. I explored creative writing. I dabbled in the metaphysical in my quest for the truth. I learnt about databases and visual basic programming. I started working. I hungered after more knowledge. I tried to learn a little bit about everything. I learned rowing. I met more people. Some disillusionment set in. Few of my much loved people died. I developed a belief in alternative medicine. I stopped praying. Got married. Travelled with the husband. Created something beautiful, our darling daughter! Decided to explore astral travel. Chickened out temporarily. Decided to pursue my hobby photography full time instead. Got back to my country... had a health-related brush with death. 

Well, life's been happening in full swing. 

And somehow someday I was wondering if the Gods and Goddesses who had been granting my wishes in my childhood had gotten over their initial 'infatuation' with me and had also moved on. My unfulfilled wishes forgotten, their token vibrations lost in eternity, especially my one great wish about the HOUSE full of family & friends, where all good people could be found together in one single place! 

But, wait, had the Gods and Goddesses really forgotten? On June 17th 2017 (which also happens to be my best friend's birthday), my dear husband walked me into a place called STEEMIT! 


It's been thirty-six days now. And I've found my HOUSE of friends. It's just the most wondrous place I've ever been to.

Some of the things I've done ever since I walked into Steemit: 


Travelled to places I've always wanted to go, went on adventures I wouldn't have dared go by myself and visited events I might never have had a chance to witness otherwise. That's right! I got transported to Japan, ate some berries and witnessed some of its culture through @boxcarblue's eyes, I travelled across the border to Mexico through @papa-pepper's (a most amazing and incredibly kind-hearted person) posts. I travelled the scenic paths @mrwanderlust took through his photos. Somedays I took a peek into @sweetsssj's travel itinerary. And I photo-witnessed some of the grand events @mammasitta visited. 

Feasted on delicious food: 

Oh, food! Whilst here, I've feasted on so many yummy looking food photos hot off @gringalicious and @allasyummyfood's blogposts, that I need to find myself some new clothes! ;) According to my husband, I'm a terrible cook (of course opinions differ ;)) but thanks to @jamtaylor's Food Photography contest judged by @gringalicious, my cupcake photo got the second place, and I got to prove to my husband that I'm an good photographer of food atleast! :D 

Met world-famous photographers: 

I met the amazing photographer @siavach and through his posts some more incredible photographers! Seeing their work added a whole new dimension to my perspective of photography. Yesterday, I saw the lovely @beanz's breathtaking on-a-pole photoshoot! 

Came across a oh-so-deep thinker, @rok-sivante. All his posts put me in such an altered high state of mind that I take some time to reluctantly come back to normal life afterwards.

Answered the call of the wild: 

Deep inside of me is a part which just wants to embrace old mother earth, to travel fearlessly, to befriend not just humans who cannot understand my colour and conversation, but also animals who cannot understand my speech and intentions. Through @papa-pepper's wild-man videos I did some of that. He is one who walks unafraid, befriending snakes, turtles, bugs and scorpions alike! A most interesting person!

Discovered dangerous secrets: 

Recently, I came across @v4vapid, who is very bravely bent on exposing the dangerous happenings around the world. His blog took me on a virtual ride to the areas where illegal organ harvesting and weapon smuggling is probably taking place as we speak! 

Sparked off some inside my mind debates: 

Inside me is a great gambler. So when I met Randowhale, I got addicted. My fault not his. With the purpose of my being on Steemit getting diluted thus, and my happiness at being ruled by a bot's percentage rapidly diminishing, I soon felt like kicking myself. And then one incredibly genuine and family-oriented person @markwhittam's (you have to see his tinyhouse video and the lotus birth post!) timely post on Randowhale brought me to a full stop. What goes around comes around, he said. And rolled his sleeves and came forward to support me. I hope I can return the favor some day. But, for now I'm so glad I've made such a kind and good friend... I've now spent all the money I'd kept aside for voting on Randowhale. And will probably look for his help but rarely in the future. Let the really needy ones get his vote. I'm going to work even harder to deserve mine. 

Yet another internal debate! Recently, I came across @canadian-coconut whose blog post on vaccination shook me to the core. I checked out her blog and found that she's one very passionate woman spreading awareness about natural immunity, vaccination dangers, lies and corruption to name a few. Her deductions are spot on and considering that they are concerned with making life better for our future generations... I will definitely be a frequent visitor of her blog hereon. 

Made some awesome friends: 

Yes, I did! Steemit is the perfect place where you can not only explore your own interests but also expand your knowledge based on your friends' interests. 

@stephmckenzie whose dignified writing style, dedication to research, super interesting posts and quiet support without asking for anything in return is one solid person I want to be friends with forever.

 @donofa artist photographer who always gives me feedback on my posts when he's around. 

@nextgen622 who's incredibly family oriented posts are a pleasure to read.

@nexusfyre, an extremely dedicated fiction writer, editor and good friend I can always rely on to enhance my writing greatly.

@rhondak in the MSP Workshop. She's such a fun person, classy writer, hard worker, and an animal lover that she's a natural inspiration! Oh, and I'm lucky I got to interview her. Did I mention she's the Executive Director of an animal rescue? 

@jrhughes, an author: her stories, her writing, her contest... I think her posts are some of the best I've come across in Steemit... she's just so flawless in her writing! And she has a follower in me for life. 

@Gmuxx who is a moderator at PAL Discord with a heart of gold. He's also a super cool writer. And he's always around and ready to help. (I adore his @muxxybot who curated my work once and ever since cheers me everytime I post.) 

@soundwavesphoton whose sprays lovejuice on his friends to support their blogs and whose heavenly sound waves are usually playing in my ear when I'm doing some writing. 

@stitchybitch who is such a good and funny writer but only because she is such a naturally super cool person. She has me in splits every time. Every time!

@Tayken who's an awesome author (writes beautiful poetry and on stuff such as conversational transcendence) and a cool graphics person. My profile pic is a gift from him. 

@arbitrarykitten and @hannahlicious whose blogs I love to visit... 

@wandrnrose7, @kubbyelizabeth,  @tremendospercy, @improv, and @sammosk who likes mangoes just as much as I do... and who writes about life on the moon... :)

All these lovely people are the ones who bring out a smile from me when I log in to Steemit... (And if I've forgotten anybody, feel free to shoot me but forgive me first please!)

All these lovely people may not be in my 'real world'. But, they are real people in this world. And I love them for being in mine!

Created posts of my own: 

Yes and I know this is an example of a super long one... Thanks for staying with me so very far....:D 

So this is what I've being doing on Steemit all these days... 

Here's what I'm planning to do on Steemit in the future: 

1. Hopefully brighten dull days and bring like - minded people together to interact with me and with each other through my contests. Did you hear me say CONTESTS?

2. Share my knowledge on my favourite topics such as photography, self-improvement, parenting, travel, health, alternative medicine, metaphysics, brain programming and fiction. Obviously. :) 

3. Upvote the posts I genuinely appreciate and comment/follow their authors for more. 

4. Amongst other things, vote for the witnesses. Though I'm still trying to figure this one out. 

What's my advice for Steemit folks: 

1. Unleash the creator/author/teacher inside of you! But always ensure he/she is adequately clean, appropriately clothed and the hair combed first (Reread and edit/polish your work so the writing you present to the world is one of your best.) You can get this done at the MSP Workshop for blog posts for free! Yes, there are a bunch of weird people there who dedicate some of their time everyday only to this work. @rhondak, @nexusfyre, @PegasusPhysics and @sebastiane are four people who've scrutinized my work under their microscopes in the past. I'm forever indebted to them. Remember your content is what represents you in the Steemit world. Whether it is your blog or you comment, always remember to present it suitably.

2. Comment on posts you genuinely like. Upvote to show your appreciation and support. (Remember we are like a friendly family?) Resteem if you think more people should know about it. 

3. Go to the hashtag introduceyourself section and welcome the newcomers and guide them to find their footing here. They will thank you later. 

4. Participate in contests. (My current WEEKLY Potpourri Treasure is up and running here: Check it out and challenge yourself with some fun stuff!) You not only have a chance to win something for a little bit of your time and effort, but well designed contests bring worthy like-minded contestants together and then everybody gets to have fun, learn, make friends and make money/win prizes! 

And that is what Steemit is all about. Isn't it?

If you enjoyed my post, do show me your love. And I'm really looking forward to hearing from you! God bless you and all your own! - @sandzat


Thanks for your wonderful comments about me.
And you are following a lot of the other great Steemians that I do as well.

Great post. Thanks!

So happy to see you here! :) I meant every word I said. It is a noble thing you are doing @canadian-coconut. It is one thing to feel strongly about a subject, it is another to feel strongly and go out, do a whole lot of indepth research into it and then bravely share it with the rest of the world to create an awareness and save the health of innocents! I truly appreciate that.
And you are going to find me haunting your blog checking out all your older posts when I get some time. :)
Steemit is a terrific place and I'm glad to be meeting so many good Steemians! Wish you a lovely day, @canadian-coconut! Much love!

Wow! You've really made some rounds in a short amount of time. I'm looking forward to following up a few of your suggestions, Steemians that I've never heard of before.

And I think you'll find the Amidakuji to be a much safer addiction than randomwhale:)

Since you're interested in photography, I'm curious to hear if you have any camera suggestions. At some point in the near future, I'd like to pick up a reasonably priced, versatile camera, but I don't know where to begin.

Thank you @boxcarblue! :) So nice to see you here!
Haha... I'm definitely interested in Amidakuji now.
Can you tell me the features you are looking for in the camera? Like will you be using it for video also? Do you want a touch screen? Do you want a movable display? Do you photograph a lot at night? Do you have any manufacturer preferences, like you want only a Canon/Nikon/Sony/Olympus? Do you want a lightweight? Interchangeable lens or fixed? This is one of my favourite subjects so I can go on and on... :) Actually, here's what you can do. Check out! And when you can zoom in on 2 or 3 cameras you finally like, let me know and I'll check out their specifications and reviews and get back to you. Sounds good?

I looked at that website once years ago but couldn't get narrowed down to many cameras. I'll try it again, though. I don't want a touch screen, and I don't need to take videos. I just want to be able to take good pictures. I'm sure having a variety of lenses will help down the road, but for now I just want something that is easy to carry around and take quick snapshots with. I do like night photography and long exposures pictures as well, so having a camera that would work well at night would be nice. I'll look at that website and see if I can find a few that catch my eye.

Sure! I'll also check and see if I can come with any recommendations.

If you have time, that would be great! Thanks !!

@sandzat I only wish this were fiction so I could splash it all over the workshop! Your sweet, kind, generous nature shines through your writing so brightly. I am literally tearing up that you included me among your friends, as I certainly do you among mine. We are well met and I consider you a kindred spirit of the highest order. Whether it was the gods and goddesses or simply fate, I'm grateful to work alongside you.

virtual hug

You are very kind @jrhughes! :) <Hug!> I meant every word I said about you! And more. You are one of the best writers I have personally come across in my life. You word your comments also so beautifully I'm left dazed. :D I'm very happy that I met you here. And I truly hope I get to interact with you much more and also read much much more of your work in time. :)

Nice post...It's really amazing and I'm very interested in reading your post. Your post is very classy ... you are great.say need to learn a lot from you to succeed like you ... love you @sandzat.

Thanks @nafazul! Good luck to you! :)

This post--it's just wonderful. Every word drips with joy that you spread to others. It has been such a pleasure getting to know you, and you are definitely part of my Steemit family. Whatever Power is bringing us all together is not random. We've met for a purpose. :-)

Thank you @rhondak! Thank you so much. You are very encouraging!
I'm happy you think so of me. :) And I'm glad I met you here! I'd really like to think we have. <Hugs!> :)

@sandzat This is one of the most heartfelt posts I've read in a while. Truly wonderful! I am humbled to be mentioned within it. Writer's like yourself are the real treasure that make up the Fiction Workshop. Keep doing what you are doing. You are making a difference in this community. A real difference! Hugs

Thank you so much @nexusfyre! I feel very encouraged by your kind words. I think of you as one of the best people here. I'm happy you think I can make a difference to the community. <Hugs back!> :)

Resteemed, and I look forward to reading it all when I get home from work. :)

I really like this post, very well written as usual,
I am happy for you that you finally found your big house full of friends :)
Thanks for the mention, and I shall definitely be checking out some of the other people you have mentioned.
I also feel that steemit is an amazing wonderland, a place that has taken me on some unexpected adventures, we love sharing our lives here, and get so much in return.
Look forward to seeing you grow here, and will support you along the way :)
I hope God (which ever one you've chosen today) blesses you with a wonderful day :)

Thank you @markwhittam! I appreciate your interest in supporting a fellow minnow or in my case a redfish as I recently discovered from @aggroed's post yesterday. :) I am indeed happy and excited to be on Steemit. It is becoming quite an addiction, but a good one. Please do. I find Steemit the way it is because of the presence of these wonderful people in it. Thanks for all your encouragement and support. Means so much to me. Haha... I've definitely been having a good day and now I know why! Wish you and yours a lovely day too @markwhittam! :)

Beautiful writing! I also wrote today about my experience so far on Steemit, but just a short funny piece. I've discovered some of the people you write about myself and I'm happy to read their posts. I'm glad fate brought me to this place!

Thank you @ladyrebecca! I'll check it out. :)
I'm happy to see you here too!

Thank you for the mention, @sandzat. It's been really wonderful getting to know you, too. You're a lovely person, and I always look forward to your posts. I hope we're Steemit friends for a long time.

@stephmckenzie, such a pleasure! You are one of my very first friends on Steemit and I always remember you. Thank you! I hope so too! :)

I love the positivity and passion for steemit you have shown in this post. I adore the way you write and am very happy to have been mentioned.

Thank you @gmuxx!! :)
I appreciate your feedback. Means a lot to me. I'm happy you think so. Actually, all the positivity comes from having people like you around. Truly. :) See you around, @gmuxx... and wish you a very, very, good day! :)

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