My 7 golden areas for a balanced life

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Hey Steemians! I've been working a lot the past weeks, and just a few days ago I started to feel, a sense of dissatisfaction. I started to behave differently, got angry and frustrated very easily - a side that I didn't know about myself.

I stretched myself a lot, and sometimes it was hard to just bite into the sour apple and do what I've been committing to.

Yet, I've had this feeling that something, somehow was missing from my life. And a feeling of disbalance, made me reconsider what's deeply important to me in my life.

In a way, I had to step back, slow down, walk away from the "hamster-wheel" for a few moments and get back to the basics.

A few years ago, after a hard breakup and a lot of hours of journaling I came up with the "golden 7". The golden 7 have been a proven help to me to get back into balance when I found myself unhappy and overwhelmed with the amount of tasks I was taking on. 

These 7, are areas in my life that matter to me. I know, that when I'm have a healthy balance between those, I'm fine and happy. 

But if not, then it's usually not the worst idea for me, to sit down and go over each and ask myself the following questions: 

1. Intimate Relationships

How much time and passion am I bringing into my intimate relationships? Am I lacking intimacy, or are my needs met? 

2. Friendship

How nourishing are the people around me? How good of a friend have I been thin the past weeks? Do I have friends that I can trust and who hold my back?

3. Nutrition/Health, Nature

Am I really nourishing myself in the best interest of my body? Or am I eating food out of addiction that doesn't serve me in the long run?

4. Sports, Physical Activity

When was the last time I pushed my body to the limits so that it could grow stronger? Am I in movement? Or am I spending most of the day sitting?

5. Sense of Purpose

Do I feel that I'm on purpose with what I do daily? Am I acting in alignment with my dreams? Do I even know what I want now?

6. Studying and Learning what interests me

How much time am I spending learning and acquiring knowledge that deeply interests and excites me? Am I open to learning every day?

7. Alone time

Do I take time to just be for myself? Where I create a sacred space just to be with myself, to reflect, to become aware of how lucky and grateful I can be for my life?

In "conclusion"

I'm aware, that perhaps, we all have different areas that matter to us. For me personally those 7 are a great help to pull myself out of the "slump"...

In times I feel great, I usually forget them completely. But in times, where I'm not at the top, and find myself in a downward spiral, behaving in ways that neither serve me nor anyone else around me, I find it to be so helpful to shine light on these areas.

In low-moods, things are usually less clear to us... Therefore some structure always helps me to get back into balance. Until... I'm fine again, and forget about it...

What is your main way to pull yourself out of the slump? Let me know in the comments!

best wishes, and talk to you soon!



I don't play hockey twice a week like @thedarkhorse, but I have my 2 hours at the gym to do some serious work. Luckily, I also have the best wife in the world making my balancing act much easier. Thanks for a thoughtful post. I found you through the #payitforward contest. You were featured by @honeysim. Congratulations.

thank you man! and thank you for the feedback. I'm so glad for @honeysim
have a good week!

I play hockey twice a week and that really helps. If I am stressed at all getting on the rink clears my mind. If hockey isn't an option finding something to do that is hands on tends to be really good for me too.

yep forme too, not hockey but keeping my body in motion is often a good recipe! thanks for sharing!!

Nice post. It reminded me of Dr. Stephen R. Covey's Four "L's" of Life:

  • To Live (meet physiological needs)
  • To Learn (meet intellectual needs)
  • To Love (meet emotional needs)
  • To leave a Legacy (meet spiritual needs)

Namaste, Jaichai

Love those, thanks for mentioning. Perhaps it's really just about finding a balance in life itself...(?)

This is a great reminder to us all @sams-world, thank you for sharing it with us, I am pretty good at remembering most of these but some days they slip through the tracks, I will need to remember to put extra efforts in once we get our bub next week.

Oh, yes, the same happens to me ... on the bigger scale: usually in like 6 month rhytms, where I suddenly find myself completely off balance... I'm glad you liked the post @insideoutlet, thanks for your comment and talk soon!

If mine were only 6 monthly I would probably be on a good wicket lol.. I have been very good since picking up little man which reassures me that we are on the right track and life is as it should be, even if we had to go about it in an odd way. :)

aww I'm so glad for you guys! I've read some things in the discord! Where are you now?

@sams-world we are in Thailand still finalising the process, we head home on Friday if all goes well this week! So looking forward to getting into a routine and settling him in Oz.

wishing you all the best and save travels!!!

Thanks @sams-world, we made it home safe and sound and now trying to resettle him in Australia, he is doing very well, still sick but getting better with antibiotics daily. He is sleeping better which is good for us.

I love this one @sams-world. I find that after being around others for a time, I have to retreat to my little space (home) to rejuvenate. That is mainly how I stay afloat. I love socializing and being around others but at the same time, I very much appreciate my alone time. I too believe that it is important to find what works for you.

Btw, I will be featuring you in the Pay it Forward contest. Thank you much for choosing to participate. Your act of kindness is greatly appreciated. And I see that @thedarkhorse also finds your article intriguing.

Keep up the good work dear. All the best.

oh wow,... :O thank you so much @honeysim, I'm so glad! thank you!!! Best wishes to you!!! and hopefully talk soon!

Don't mention it. :-)

Sometimes time that I spend reading in steemit itself can be frustrating. I spend lots of time reading or writing some code. Relaxation is very important. I feel overloaded at times and I just stop whatever I'm doing and go to any of my friends or relatives house.

After a grumpy day all I do is to focus and do nothing. Clearing thoughts from the mind is quite a challenge. Nice post @sams-world.

i feel the same about steemit recently. It takes a lot of energy. The more I learn about steemit the more I feel I need to learn. I originally just came to write... and share some posts, but without my knowing, it has been taken a lot of time and energy of what really matters to me...

will reflect upon this, thanks for sharing man

I work out on Steemit does that count LOL
@illusions16 feature this post on the payitforward contest

haha, i have to rethink the whole thing... perhaps we can make it count :P

@sams-world LOL
I didn't see your entry this week .
And a big congrats on completing you novel

thank you! :)) and... which entry didn't you see this week?

@sams-world I saw it and gave a little vote . When I made the comment was a little behind😎

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