
Genuine thoughts. No question about it.
I get it. Its those questions that trouble us all.
Cant really help you there. Its something we have to deal with ourselves...

I dont know what kind of musician you are but i suggest trying to join some great communities, doing an openmic... Meeting some internet folk. Really.. It helps.
You might feel like youdd want to rather hit the couch and drink a beer or whatever (root beer isnt beer! 😁) but i know itll help.

But really if im going to be honest... Who cares. We all die some day, its important being happy. Youll get that house with a pool and a 1000USD dog that picks up after itself... Why waste time in this sentiment? And it is a waste..

Damn... I never write motivotional comments. I feel like im going vegan. 😂😂

First of all Good to know that you are striving hard to establish your own house. And i wish that soon your dream will come true and your hard work will going to pay off. Most importantly we should have faith and patience and our time will come for sure.

Remember one thing, we can plan but life holds it's own plans for us which we cannot see until life shows to us. Sometimes what we have done, it never satisfies us but an time will come when we realise that whatever our progress was, that was perfect on that situation.

There is an life's saying as Doing is important important no matter with what speed and quantity. So, no matter how much we are doing and what results we hold, we have to walk on our path with faith and for sure the time will come when we will hold the smile of success.

So, keep up and never stop and never judge your situations and position because when we face negatives we should tackle it with positives. And if we feed negativity with more negativity then it expands. So, we have to stop feeding negativity and it will leave our path then we can move forward with more determination. If we want then in this world there is no problem which can stop us.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂


In all truth, I feel torn up about how much of 2018 I "wasted" so far. What did I accomplish? Six months is a pretty long time to go by without something to show for it that you can be proud of.

I can relate to how you feel right now , but one thing I want you to know is you’ve changed my life in the period of this 6months.

Finances declined. Health declined. (Well, perhaps temporarily.)

Of course it’s temporary .. that I strongly believe, I wish you good health sir. Things are gonna get better and we’d just prepare ourselves for future opportunities.

Though maybe we don't give ourselves credit enough for what we have become, and what we have accomplished - that perhaps can't always be seen or accounted for.

This I totally agree to , we give ourselves less credit about our achievements , the outsiders are in the best position to tell the tale of our radiating success. But we always want more cause success is limitless.

Maybe there are thousands of little ways we grow and succeed every day, that we've failed to acknowledge.

Deep thought this is , coming to the reality of it , we succeed a thousand ways daily but as I’ve said , we always want more. It’s some hard times but things will get better I believe.

Rest assured that every difficulty has its own expiration date, so we should not be too anxious to deal with it. Actually We do not need to worry too much about something we have not faced, because anyway with the worry or not, everything will pass any results later. So worried only as a pebble in the long journey to our success, the pebbles will not be a barrier because at any time we can easily get rid of it.

The universe is not blind nor deaf, the universe feels exactly as we feel but responds in different ways we might not understand, the unknown unknown's, every act of a honesty and good is being recorded, ofcourse time tells a lot, but most are lost in our opinions of what we feel should be, or should have been. What do we really know? The universe never forgets every good done though, this i know


This paragraph of your contain a lot of hidden truth, nearly everybody asked this kind of questions, what is it that I have achieved so far in this half year, am I making progress over my set goals , there are a lot of questions we do ask ourselves each day in which we find little or no answer too, I can say that, that is what life entails since there isn't perfect answer to question that our mind ever poses. When new year approaches we all think and felt it will always be better off the previous years but sometimes when looking closely we see that we have actually little or nothing at all. Life isn't a bed of rose, no matter hard we try to make things happen we can't always triumph beyond destiny we are really a product of our world, Like I used to ask myself, what is it that I have achieved, sleepless nights and a lot of goals that is yet to be achieved, have I not planned well, am I lacking basic things that life require in order to make a desirable change and fall forward, but I couldn't find answers to this question, I always hope I could find answers to this question of mine. I could say I am half way realizing my set goals for this year but I would remain optimistic that anything could happen before the year laps like that.

I always used this to calm myself.
Nobody can be like you, so you have no competitor and if seeing other people's success will make you sabotage their success, then you will never prosper in whatever you do. Learning how to rejoice over the blessings of others I believe will always shaped one's thinking positively towards actualizing one's own dreams. Accepting life reality can turn a dreary day to day that is bright and exciting, it can make a wonderful and valuable possibilities to suddenly appear all around someone, It can even open door to a world abundance.

Every serious minded person will definitely review what he or she as achieved in the last 6 months. In less than 48 hours we all cross into the 2nd half of the year and I am still looking on my scoreboard have I done well, average or pretty bad ?

Not withstanding what is the reality, life must go on, not meeting up with your goals ? just re strategies, fish out your loop holes and mend it, Hit your targets? A big congratulations. Plan out new targets for the next six months,dont drop the batten, if you relax, your current success will be your weak point. Thanks Rok- Sivante good write up and a nice wake up call.

This year... what I wanted: a continuous crypto-boom to fund the purchase of a dream home and investments providing a solid passive income covering all living expenses plus.

Pretty much everybody on steemit dreamt the same in 2018.. even I wished to buy a house for my parents and was depending upon my crypto and stock market investments .. but ...

And that's how life is.. Unpredictable.. doesn't work as per our plans.. but If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.. :)

I keep recalling this beautiful line I read somewhere..
"When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow"
and that's pretty much our approach should be.. right? We won't gain much moaning over stuff that we didn't have control over.. we can simply gain wisdom out of the experiences, smile, keep calm and move on :))

And you know there's a second thought that strikes through my mind.. that can we humans actually ever be satisfied and contented with what we get.. can there be any 6 months in our life which were able to fulfill the extent of our desires and dreams...?

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