The 7 SINS inspired on Steemit.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The seven sins you can find in everything and even here on Steemit!
Mind you, I am writing this from my point of view! You can agree or not agree but feel free to write down your reply down below! 

1) Pride.

Thinking that your posts are the best of the best and that no one can tip on what ever it is that you post. Being proud of your own work is one thing and you should never put your own work down. BUT, you can also take it way too far. When all you do is scream that you are the best of the best, better than all others around her on steemit people will start to dislike you and it will work against you in the end.

I think everybody feels some envy now and then but when all you can feel is envy Steemit might not be the place for you right now. There will always be post making more money than yours. So stop thinking about why others make so much money with in your eyes bad posts but concentrate on your own work and fight to make it better. When you start to post out of envy you might loose touch with your own heart and it will only feel the green monster inside you when again your posts do not get what you wish for. Grant others their moments in the spotlight and be happy for them. It will bring you much further.


What can I say about Gluttony on Steemit. This is a hard one because I believe it has to do with eating too much. So I am going to take this one in my own way and say that when you do too much Steemit you might go insane. You want to see how your posts are doing, you keep logging in every half hour and you can't relax. Maybe it's time to feed your hunger with some offline time and spend said time with your friends and loved ones. Steemit is not going anywhere and your posts will not be eaten if you stay offline for a few hours.


Ooooh lust.. At the start when I just came here I could not find one thing leading me to sexual thoughts or posts and that is what made me stay here in the first place. But due time I have seen more and more being posted. I think there is nothing wrong with being sexual but I sure hope that Steemit will not become the same as lets say facebook where all you see in your newsfeed are sexual pictures of mostly females showing their goods hanging out of tops. Again, there is nothing wrong with being a tad sexy but for me that will drive me away from a place. I hope Steemit will stay a place where people love you for your content about news, art, computers and crypto talk instead of a place to hook up.


I have seen a lot of anger already here on Steemit. Little fights left and right and massive fights about flagging and disagreements. I have also seen lots of anger because posts do not get enough attention and I will point back at the envy post, people who do not grant others their happy moments here on Steemit. To be honest, up until today I have seen fights almost every day. We are all human beings and it's very normal that we do not always agree on everything but it might help if we start to think before we write a reply or post in anger. I have sinned on this one myself as well, I am not a saint. I have ranted and to be honest I would take it all back right now. I had to get used to things here on Steemit and if I had given it all some more time I would never have felt that kind of anger.


I WANT MORE MORE MORE and therefor I will build fake accounts and make money there as well. This has been a hot item and I am not willing to go into a fight about this but I will give my opinion on it. If you make accounts and vote for yourself and take money from the pool it's a BIG sin in my eyes. Sadly things like this will always happen unless there will be found a solution that can stop this 100%. I don't think there will be a solution like that. However I do hope that when people hear about it, think about it, see it happen they will speak up and point it out. I grant everybody happiness here and when things like this keep happening steemit will loose a lot of member and that would be a sad sad thing. Scratch yourself behind your ears and be happy with what you get instead of taking, taking and take some more while others wonder why they get nothing.

7) Sloth.

I am lazy and therefor I shall simply copy and paste content and earn money with things that are not mine. DON'T DO THIS. I have seen it happen and I have seen people getting caught doing so. As a artist and author I can tell you it really hurts when someone steals your work and promotes it as their own. In my eyes people who steal the work of others have no pride of their own hard work. I will never ever steal work, a drawing or writing from someone else. I might use a quote here and there I read or maybe even a picture but I always make sure to name the source  and or the creator of said content. No matter how tired you are, how fucked up you are feeling that you have nothing to post never give in and I repeat NEVER GIVE IN to Sloth here on Steemit and just copy and paste that what is not yours. 



In my eyes people who steal the work of others have no pride of their own hard work. I will never ever steal work, a drawing or writing from someone else. I might use a quote here and there I read or maybe even a picture but I always make sure to name the source and or the creator of said content. No matter how tired you are, how fucked up you are feeling that you have nothing to post never give in and I repeat NEVER GIVE IN to Sloth here on Steemit and just copy and paste that what is not yours.

I'm with you there. In so many points that you wrote here, I was yessing to them. This one pisses me off the most. I was thinking what's the point of posting a post so similar to a post that already exist elsewhere - why not make it your own - have your freaking own version. But I guess we should never look for ourselves among others it's true but then - like one author once wrote here and I just can't remember who anymore I quote ...
"Those authors copy paste because they suck at creative".
But like you and the many authors I follow - and I don't have a thousand on my following list, as I've written in one post a long time ago, I'll just stick to the principle of being the writer I want to see thrive here in Steemit.

Thank you for reading and replying to my post! Yes, the stealing of content is one point of many that can make me really angry. I seriously don't understand why you would do it but on the other hand if you are feeling too much pressure maybe you start to think about it, I have no clue. I will never do it because I know how it feels and I also feel that something like that is seriously the lowest thing I or anyone else can do.

"BUT, you can also take it way too fat. "

In your first Pride paragraph.. Is fat supposed to be far?

Good post poeticsnake. :)

@klye - was it you who wrote that? I think it was you who wrote about this "Those authors copy paste because they suck at creative". Not verbatim.
I think that was an article during the mrron or smth? right?
@poeticsnake I would also never understand why those freaking people do that - but I would not waste my energy getting angry at them. It does piss me off when I see posts like that. There are so many things to write about around us, and yes, we sometimes need to cite sources for the sake of proving that you didn't just make things up - but to copy paste ? As someone once wrote - that's being LAZY.
These days, I'm even reading posts which looks like contents from books which can never be found on the internet but can possibly exists in books in a certain country which could possibly be old books you can only find in the archive. It's very annoying how some people get away with such - but just wait - wrong deeds do prevail but it would always be short lived.

Haha, omg yes it had to be far instead of fat. This is too funny. Thank you for pointing me at that. I changed it now. Thank you for the compliment and the fact you took the time to read and reply!

Spot on @poeticsnake! Another great post. :)

Thank you @rigaronib Always great to hear from you!

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