in #life7 years ago

Yesterday was a HUGE day for the @papa-pepper tribe.

It has been about a year and a half since we moved to Arkansas with the intention of starting a homestead. Trying to live a self-sufficient life as a family is just one piece of sorting through how to restructure our life in order to get me home with my family so that I can obey the call that God has on my life as a husband and father.

Moving 750 miles away from our families and home was certainly a huge step, but actually purchasing the land took things to another level. We wanted to make sure that this is what we were supposed to do, which is why it has taken us so long to actually purchase the land. We did not want to charge full speed into a huge mistake.

We feel confident that this is the path that we are supposed to be on, so we have taken that next step forward. Ever since we sold our house up in Wisconsin, we have been holding onto $10,000 USD cash to purchase land with. Interestingly enough, if it was not for @papa-pepper being able to pull some money out of steemit last year, I think that we would have had to tap into this supply. Therefore, I can accurately say that steemit has even made buying our land possible!

Since we have been staying nearby and I have had access to the land, we have been making progress on it for some time. Last fall I even harvested two deer off of the land. Some of the property has been cleared, and @grandpa-pepper and I cleared a spot for a driveway and for our house site too!

Unfortunately, I had to wake up at 4 am today to leave for work, which means that I am not able to take any new photos right now or make a video for you. I think that I may have to do a video tour when I return and post that so you can all see what I am dealing with, but in total we picked up about eight acres!

Here is a photo of some of the landscaping that we are already doing. Amazingly I got hundreds of perennial plants for free, so I started to landscape the roadside. A little work investing in planting these flowers now will brings years of beauty and erosion control.

I'll keep you posted as we continue, and work on that video when I get home. If you want a little more information about what is going on in the neighborhood, @bluerthangreen purchased his land yesterday too, so you can check out his post about it here:


Until next time…

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Steem is giving the general public a chance of a better life along with many other cryptos. Interest rates you get from banks and such are scandalous and we are made to believe we are lucky and these are good deals. You start looking outside the box like all we are doing and then you have a chance of a more fullfilled life! Rant over! 😎

Great rant though! I agree!

Congratulations!! I am currently in the same boat... saving for the day i can buy my own homestead.. although my recent rotator cuff surgery has set me back a couple of years... i am hoping to get there before i hit 55. I am using my time wisely by learning as many things beforehand so i will be successful at achieving my goals.. I too have been looking at land in Arkansas, as well as Kentucky.. something about the rural woods with privacy and down to earth neighbors is appealing to me.. i look forward to following you and hearing of your progress. may god bless you and be you successful in your endeavour.

I hope you get there too, and steemit may even help! Thanks for the encouragement. We will keep you posted.

Hello @papa-pepper

Congratulations on the land purchase.

You said that Being on Steemit made the Land purchase possible, and i tell you that you being on Steemit have made things possible for a lot of people.

Thank you sir and God Bless you.


Thank you for sharing in on it with us!

Great plan. We all should focus on sustainibility in life. Mighty hard work to get 8acres under control!! Hope yall have some big tractors :)

I've got a plan. Thanks!

Congrats on the land @papa-pepper! I am so glad to see steemit success at work! Hoping to get there someday! And I know how the whole moving away from family thing goes. When I got back from Afghanistan last year, my wife and kids and I all moved from New York to Nevada. We had to move to keep making money. Hopefully we'll be moving back to the east coast soon for a better job. lol. So I can't say that Nevada is where I want to be, but hey, it's home for now. But I'm glad you got a place where you want to be! That is always an awesome thing! So again Congratulations! And as always beautiful pictures!

Semper Fi!

Very interesting. Glad you're back.

We will see where your journey takes you.

Thank you and as long as I have my family it doesn't matter. But we're all hoping for some greener environment at the least. Lol.

Hats off to you for following what god needs you to do. Alot of people would not have the the drive and will power to do this. The lord works in mysterious ways. God bless you and good luck. And most of all congratulations on your purchase.

Thank you so much for that encouraging comment.

I am sure that you all have plans for the homestead, but I came across Keyhole Gardens a few years back and have decided to implement them in my own area. Because they take up less space I can put them in around the house and still have room to landscape around the immediate area. The are raised beds, so you have less back breaking work, and the best part is that the center is built for composting. Weed the Keyhole Garden and then just put the compost right down into the middle of the bed, no need to transport it elsewhere.

Here's a link for you (or anyone else who is interested):
(Don't hate, wiki is just the easiest place to get started ;P )

Thanks. I've never heard of this. I'll check it out.

Oh, good! Just let me know if you have any questions.

Yeah, they are pretty cool.

Thanks for sharing it.

I look forward to seeing more from your homesteading adventures. Taking a year to survey the land, etc. before buying it is a great idea and I am sure that you have plenty of plans!

Congratulations @papa-pepper. I believe and pray that God will help you fulfill all your plans for you and your family.

I thank you for all that @hope777! That is the goal, follow His plan!

Congrats first on your babies and families health. I know that was a while ago but with out the Lord giving us all of these blessings nothing else can follow. Congratulations on the land, happy Steemit and your hard work made it happen. You are a true inspiration. I love all your videos and photos. Have a blessed day. 🙂🏜

There is nothing like it is there,owning your own piece of the world.

Now I get to be the best steward of it that I can be. Thank you!

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