in #life7 years ago

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Christmas is here! The love of this season surpasses all the disappointment of the past months,
hence i wish you a Happy New Month and Compliment of the season. Today's episode of "That Awkward Moments" captures a little act of kindness that changed the course of the individual's story. But before then, if you have missed any of the Awkward Moment series; feel free to check them out through the links and images by clicking on them.










Christmas season comes with tons of fun and excitement, also comes with a truck load of love and friendship. It also comes with so many expectations and empty promises, but the Joy of the season supersedes it all.

This story is 75% fiction, it is about a homeless man on the cold winter street of a very busy city who lived a life of charity; he always takes tips from people and use it to buy food for fellow homeless kids and old folks in the same neighborhood with him. At some point, he became somewhat popular around the Block for his kind gestures; giving foods to folks, hence most grocery stores in the neighborhood gives him many stuffs for free- A rare kind Gesture!

Malcom(fictional name) is in his early 40's, why and how he ended up on the street remains a mystery. Rumor has it he was an ex-convict but it seems jail term had really impacted Mr. Malcom or maybe he was just an Unfortunate kind man who ended up in the prison innocently. Fact remains that he is super kind!

Some group of guys from a charity organisation decided to conduct a social experiment ; they dressed a kid shabbily and made him look lost and homeless. The lad was seen begging for alms on the street not far away from where Malcom domicile. As usual, a host of people looked and bypass the little kid who was shivering from cold and at the same time looked parched from thirst and hunger. The major goal of this experiment is to Test Empathy among average citizens; how soft at heart and how individual respond to people in need around them.

After about a couple of hours in the freezing winter weather, the boy now looks so hopeless and no one seems to take notice of the poor little kid, or even get him something warm and maybe something to eat. It was around 17:00. the normal routine time for Malcom to walk into some of the Grocery stores to grab the free items and head out to distribute it to fellow homeless folks on the block.

As Malcom crossed the road using the pedestrian crossing, he noticed the little boy instantly at the corner, he took few giant strides towards the boy and bent low to his face asking: "Boy, are you okay? Where's yo mama? "

The boy was shivering so hard now, Malcom took off his winter jacket to cover the him. As the boy struggle to speak, he pulled at his hands and yanked him hurriedly after him. Few Minutes and they were in a nearby pub. Malcom had ordered for a hot Chocolate drink for the poor kid and had dipped his hand in his pocket, brought out some quarters to pay for the hot drink when someone tapped him from behind.

The little boy was grinning now as more people came around them, a nicer new jacket was handed over to the boy as he down hos hot chocolate fudge, Malcom stood and looked petrified as he saw more people coming closer on them. He stammered to talk "Look Gentle men and ladies, i just want to keep the poor boy warm and get him something to eat" he managed to say.

Then the people starts to clap and patting Malcom on the back, more people had gathered in the pub now to witness what was going on. Finally one of them spoke, the man looks like the Boss of the little group from his Authoritative tone. He said; "Mr, you an outstanding man and you placed your fellow homeless needs before yours, this little boy is part of an Emphatic social experiment and not a homeless chap. And for what you have done, we would give you a nice and warm little apartment and a couple of thousand bucks to cater for yourself then you come resume work for us after Christmas."

Malcom was numb, face soaked in tears as he listened to the man and collected an envelope filled with cash, people were whistling and clapping the more now as the crew hugged him and cleaning his tears. A simple act of kindness paid him back for all his unnoticed kindness he had rendered in the past!

FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghosh


What an uplifting tale. 'twould almost restore one's faith in human nature.

You bet my friend, Merry Christmas!

It’s awful how people give to others who can repay them, we do give in expectation, real love is shown on strangers and relations who doesn’t have to repay.

Giving to be seen of people is shambles of pride in hypocrisy.

Let’s show some really love always not just at the customized seasons of Love.

On the course for the season dear @maxdevalue

Awww this is sweet
Most people have given up in doing good

I am not giving up Jenny from the block, lets hangout when you are back home yeah?

That would be great and an honour

Am a shy shy person o

😊😊😊Oh great, makes two of us 😁

The big day in advance in regards, you any country will say what ??

We say Merry Christmas!

oh, little mistake i wish you Merry Christmas

I see a lot of YouTube videos of this same social experiment. One even missed hanging out with a millionaire at The Oscars live event if he was able to share his snacks! The good thing is he would never know. I wish there was a way to show him what he missed. Maybe it'd change him. Who knows.

Oh, i think i saw that...

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