Small things make a HUGE impact!

in #life6 years ago


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Let me start off with a little story type of thing... Think of stairs, these stairs go up so high into the air and tires you out very fast.... Now lets say that near the end there is one step, that is broken or shorter than the other, or even non-existent... You have to then go and put in a lot of effort to get up that last step, even after all of the effort that you had put in to get to that point... If that step was like the others, that could be compared to something that we do for someone else, that little boost that allows them to get up those steps a little easier, if we can put in some of our effort, we can brighten up someone else's day, we can help them accomplish something.

I'm not saying that we should dedicate all of our time on other people, but we should be willing to help wherever we can and however we can, just imagine that you were busy working through papers at work and it would just take you hours to get through all of it, and one person comes along and grabs a small piece of the paper pile, and helps you, therefore he is helping you, he is making your job 'Easier' in a sense that it will go much faster and more efficiently.

In one of my classes at school there is a poster that speaks about commas and how they can save a persons life: 'Let's go eat grandma!', this implies that we are going to literally eat your grandma!!!, whereas if you were to place a comma in the right place: 'Let's go eat, Grandma!', you can save your grandma's life XD XD XD, that little comma is ignored by many because they don't see the purpose of it, it's like when you walk past a lady that is carrying stuff and you don't see a good reason to go and help her carry the stuff, you can become that comma... And help her carry her things!!

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I always end up watching these videos on YouTube of where these guys spend huge amounts of money to help other people, like this one guy spent $25 000, In one day, he called a helping center that contained Children as well as Adults and asked what they had required, and then bought all of those things, That same guy also went out and bought a bunch of 'Essentials' and then handed the stuff out to the less fortunate, Yes he had the money to spend and he used his money for a good cause, that doesn't mean that you can't make an impact on other people's lives, if you can afford to buy an extra meal and hand it to someone and then even ask them to spread the love, this means that you are encouraging them to go and do this small good deed as well, and a small thing, will then eventually make a HUGE impact.

Have you ever heard of something Called Karma? So you get two different kinds of Karma, you get Good Karma and then you get Bad Karma!!

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So Bad Karma is like when you punch your sibling, and then something bad happens to you just minutes after, this is Bad Karma, Karma is giving you back what you deserve, it's feeding you your own medicine XD XD XD.

And Good Karma is like when you do a good deed and then you get something good back in return, Karma has then given you what you deserve for what you've done!!

So my Point is that if you do something kind for someone, that act of kindness is just going to come back around to you, "What goes around, comes around", is a very common saying, and I for sure hear it a lot.

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One more thing, remember:

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The little help we render to people is not forgotten by God. He rewards us greatly for doing so and when we help we feel happier in doing so.

Exactly my point, when helping others you get a good feeling inside of you!

Many a little makes a mickle

Very True!!

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