Just Another Stupid Post About How to Actually Do a Good Job on Steemit and Maybe Make Some Goddamn Money Around Here

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi! My name is @NoNamesLeftTouse The Writer/Artist Himself and

I am a trained professional!

NoNamesLeftToUse - How.jpeg


Steemit is fucking hard, okay?

Alright. So you signed up and now you don't know what the hell to do.

Fear not. Every few minutes a blogger here will offer up a post like this. It will include the same damn bullshit over and over and over and hopefully, eventually, the message will start rotting a large enough hole in your brain that you're given no other option but to start paying attention to it.

I don't really know where I'm going with this yet but I guess at some point it might turn into one big mess of tips on how to write a how-to Steemit post. I might include some good tips for everyone else as well. We'll see.

Let's cut the shit and get straight to the juicy parts.

Tip #1

  • Top ten lists are a good sign of a lazy writer.
    I'll be honest with you. Today, I didn't know what to write about. Usually; I have a good story to share, maybe a long joke, some awesome art, something that'll make you think, and sometimes I'll combine all that together into one epic post. After seeing so many how-to Steemit posts in a short period of time, I became triggered. So, needless to say, here I am feeling my creativity slowly oozing out of my left ear, dripping onto my shoulder, and making a mess of my cleanest dirty shirt.

Tip #2

  • Many how-to Steemit posts are a sign of a lazy writer.
    It's not hard to tell people what they want to hear. It becomes much easier to tell people what they want to hear when a template already exists and all one has to do is rearrange the furniture. So, put the part about making good comments at the top instead of the middle. Place the portion of wonderful information about building a following where the comment information used to be. Talk about how important things like formatting and fixing typos are. Do that at the end after you just finished making an entire shitload of mistakes that somehow flew under your radar.

Tip #3

  • I'm already bored of this post.
    Once the experienced member realizes they've been duped into reading another goddamn how-to Steemit post that clearly states how using clickbait titles is a bad idea, the experienced member becomes irate and feels like going for a cigarette but quickly realizes he doesn't have any because he's trying to quit.

Tip #4

  • A blogger who offers a unique experience comes out on top.
    The world needs teachers. That's a fact. I love teachers, but I hate boring robotic people who stand in front of a room spewing nonsense from their mouth until it's time to punch the clock and start drinking again. Simply writing out the basics because you think it's going to help someone won't be enough. Add a bit of sparkle, some pizzazz, and make it pop. A good teacher knows how to work the room so feel free to entertain instead of acting like you hate your life but need to sound important to mask that fact.

Tip #5

  • If you see a how-to Steemit post, check for qualifications.
    Before deciding if the author is trying to help you, have a look at their blog. Is the advice they are offering working for them? If you don't see signs of success, there's a strong chance the author is simply using the basic how-to Steemit post template to make a quick buck or maybe they just couldn't think of anything better to write about. They're next post will be totally unrelated. They're simply throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks. Follow the advice of the true teachers and community leaders. They're easy to spot. There's money beside their work and a simple scroll through previous posts shows how dedicated they are to their craft. Those ones will help you. The others don't give a shit about you or your problems.

Tip #6

  • What works for one doesn't work for everyone.
    Find your own style, stick to it, and make steady improvements as you go. I personally recommend leaving the door wide open and allowing yourself to blog away about whatever you feel like blogging about. If you came here to talk about trees and only trees, you will eventually run out of things to say and end up leaving. If you're able to be random while adding your own personal touch to each post, making it yours, your followers won't mind. After all, it is you who they want to follow. Nobody follows a tree. Don't be afraid to mix it up. Keep everyone on their toes. Nobody expected me to write this today and they're probably wondering just what kind of shit I've been smoking this time.

Tip #7

  • Are you an artist or entertainer?
    If you're new to blogging, please realize you have entered the entertainment industry. The first three letters of article are 'A', 'R' and 'T'. Entertainment comes in many forms. Some people enjoy reading about space and the moon and stars and stuff. Some like reading about the latest advances in medicine. Some like coming to my blog with the hopes of seeing something completely fucked up. Not all writers are considered artists and it doesn't matter what you're talking about but just know that you are here to entertain in some way, shape or form. If you can't find a way to entertain people, you will fail.

Tip #8

  • If you're an artist.
    Step out of your shell, please. When I look around, I see talent in all directions. I click on some of these art posts and I'm instantly reminded of the old man at the small town art convention. He worked hard, he painted pictures for 40 years and he's damn good at it. One of the best I've seen. He loads his van, heads to the hall, sets up his booth, sits and waits. He says nothing as everyone walks by. He sips his water, snacks on his chips. The weekend is over. He loads everything back into the van and thinks nobody likes his work. Stop being that guy. Like I said earlier; make your post snap, crackle and pop. Rice Krispies ain't shit without the sound.

Tip #9

  • Quality over quantity!
    I'll do one post per day. If I get skunked, I get skunked. I don't start spamming shit posts until someone notices me again! That's a damn fine way to annoy your followers. I only have so many votes to go around. Right now, I could drop a $5 vote on your post if I felt like it and that's not even at it's full power. Then, if you come back in a few hours with an even better post, guess what! You're not getting another $5 vote no matter how good the post is because I don't have another one to give you! I'm not the only one around here who conserves their votes and enjoys sharing the wealth with others. Many of the responsible members with powerful votes feel the same way as me. As a matter of fact, I learned this from them. Now, look around. Many of the top performers consistently post once per day. Ask yourself why. If they can earn that much per post, why not just keep posting all day? Well, many of us consider that behavior fits nicely under the greed tab.

Tip #10

  • It's hard to believe I even made it this far.
    At the end of the day, one of my least favorite things to do is tell people how to act, what to do and how to do it. Go ahead and keep doing your thing, I'll keep doing mine. It does become frustrating though when I see so many offering the same set of so-called rules and guidelines day after day, week after week... Blah! They're just feeding you a line or two of superficial nonsense. It looks so shiny and happy on the surface but the advice their offering isn't getting them anywhere and it's not giving any new members a leg up. There are thousands of variations of that same damn post and as far as I'm concerned, it's all spam.

This is what advice looks like when it's honest. Take it or leave it, my friends.

Have a nice day!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


I once followed a tree...
Short trip.
Can you guess the first four letters in the word farticle?
Pro tip: If you haven't already, buy some 4 mg nicotine gum to take the edge off; after half a dozen attempts I finally kicked my addiction to smokey treats in 2002.
If you can make it without a cigarette for 42 days, you've beaten the psychological hurdle.
Bloody tough ride mate - and you can do it.
Good luck 👍

No exaggeration: this is the best 'How to Steemit' post I've ever read.

Yes! I thought the exact same thing, totally took the fire out from under me to write one of my own...LOL. Heading over to 'your place.'

Snap-Crackle-Pop! NoNames smoked Krispies!

Great how-to post! It's a bit like literally every other how-to post on this website! Good Job! In fact, I went ahead and manipulated some pixels for you today:

Image: https://xkcd.com/927 "Standards", modifications my own.

But, seriously...

[...] the experienced member becomes irate and feels like going for a cigarette but quickly realizes he doesn't have any because he's trying to quit.

"Do or do not, there is no try." Congratulations on quitting.

Man... that comic sums it up nicely. So many just chase the money. Fuck! They'd make so much more money if they'd just stop doing that! I've been here since September 2016! My vote is worth $5! I'm not going to vote for some shit I already know and saw 14328 times! It feels good to yell! ....it's the cigs. It's actually really hard to stay focused on what I'd rather be doing. Writing, getting up to take a break and head outside for a cig... that always cleared my head. Now I got stand outside and wonder, wtf am I doing out here? It's cold. I'm not fully off just yet though. I still snap every now and again. Oh well.

I always say break most of the rules and see where you land! What works for one is not always the best for another. Unless it’s freaking plagiarism then go play in traffic where you belong!

Let’s see I have broken the follows guidelines:
1 I don’t want talk about that one. Things where done I was lazy you were right

2 At the time it was a good idea. I was going into a lot of introduceyourself posts and well 99% of those people gave up on Steemit so I lost a lot of my invested time. Oddly enough I only ever read a couple of howto Steemit posts and they were never about the things I wrote about.

4 meow meow meow meow

6 Finally, something we can agree on!

7 I’m a few dozen times over failed entertainer the only thing worse is my drawing skills.

9 This one makes a lot of sense. I try and stick with 1-2. I once tried to do 4 a day for an entire week. Let’s just say it was soul-crushing and mind-bending at the same time. Not recommend. Not sure how others do even more. I’m a serial comment aficionado thank you very much (I just been very lazy these days like a fat cat who speaks poetry)

50% of the "How to" posts on SteemIt are better than the other half.

That there be some actual facts. Everyone pay close attention to this one!

Totally guilty of a how-to post early on! But I actually thought it was helpful at the time, because one of those had helped me :).

This was one of your best articles! And totally confirms the direction I want to head in. I really want to focus on doing fewer, better-quality posts from now on, and like I said in my post tonight, spending more time curating and connecting with other members. I think I became less motivated because often the ones I spent so much time on would get so little traction, and things that I would sometimes share quickly would get attention. It wasn't even so much about the money, although of course that factors in, so much as wondering whether what I had to say was valuable; it's so easy to be affected by the response of others, or lack of it. Honestly, I also found it difficult to deal with critical comments and, even more so.. stupid ones. That's actually one of the main reasons I wandered off a little in the summer: I was posting about art and excellence, which I loved, but then.. it was so uphill having to convince people that most of the poetry on here is bad and it was just disheartening.

Anyway: I really do want to focus on substance, and making better-quality videos as well. A much-needed rebuilding from the ground, I think. Maybe I was also finding it hard to focus on which things to post, and worried that people would be confused by more varied posts?

This was a great article. And funny. And made me wince because I'm worried sometimes I look like that. Doing well here really isn't for pansies! :)

Glad you commented to get me over to your blog and earn my weakly, drained-power upvote! :)

I'm not sure if I ever did one early on but I know for a fact I was tempted because it just simply seemed to be working so well for so many others. <----- see what I did there? :)

Instead of sharing the post, people want to write their own because, well, money. I think it's getting out of hand now though. I saw so many today, triggered!...and well I don't need to explain myself.

Thanks for appreciating this one and I can confidently say the tips here, hidden under my strange way of making a point, are valuable. My experience tells me to basically form a personal template and improve upon it as time passes. I'm able to combine everything I have to offer in one solid effort, most days. Sometimes I make a complete fool of myself, but at least I know I can learn from that one post and I don't have to compare it to everything else I did that day. There's my mistake, that's what I'll learn from.

You have many talents. You write well, your photography is awesome and you can perform a song any time you feel like it. So many times I've wanted to close out one my shows with a song at the bottom and roll the credits. I can't do that because that's not my own work! Those people never answer their emails in time. As a matter of fact, they don't talk to anyone. They're big shot celebs. Too cool for me! ...but you can easily do that.

This was a great article. And funny. And made me wince because I'm worried sometimes I look like that. Doing well here really isn't for pansies! :)

This made me laugh. Honestly though, it's sometimes harder to offer the advice than it is to receive it. I'm the one who risks looking like a jerk here, nobody else, everyone is fine! In the end this was just meant to be some fun constructive criticism for everyone to enjoy and hopefully benefit from.

I'll end it with a thank you!

I was wondering where you were going when I hit #2 since I write the occasional how to post lol. But #5 is perfect advice to go with it. If someone is going to do how to posts it is best to stick with people who work hard on them instead of just pumping out BS posts for attention grabbing. I would never make a how to post without taking my own pictures for each step and offering my own advice. Most just regurgitate what they read on someone elses how to blog for a quick buck.

Yes, I wanted to make sure to point out the difference between the how-to shit post and the actual advice posts. You're a good a teacher. You can relax! There are many good teachers. So easy to spot. It's easy to see the fakes because their previous post was a crypto chart. Before that, a selfie and a paragraph about their day. Before that, a copy/paste news post with a link. Before that, a post whining about how unfair Steemit is. Before that, a long essay about something they found on wikipedia. Before that, a post about how great Steemit is... and that's all in one day, and it never seems to end. Throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.

Ha, the best part of this post is that I was seriously considering writing one myself for the exact same reasons...I probably would have called it "To those of you spamming my posts, and How to posts, and just in general DO THIS INSTEAD. Then something like "I am a really patient person, unlike @nonameslefttouse I am not currently trying to put down the stogies otherwise that would be a fuck of a lot different, but goddamn are you all trying my otherwise easy going nature!"

Is it too early in the night to already feel like saying "I love you man?" ah, ha, I do though ;)

Go ahead and write one up @dreemit. The people here deserve to know the truth coming from as many different perspectives as possible. Enough of this frickin gong show mindless drivel! LOL.

I saw one post today that said, "Follow lots of people so they follow back." I checked their qualifications. Thousands of followers, low views and votes. I wonder why that's happening to them! Sarcasm much...

That was actually the post that triggered me... then I saw more and more and more... snap!

Hey this post also provides me a nice current link to drop on my spammers, haha, I used meesterboom's spam animation for a time..and who knows, maybe they'll learn something! (Or maybe they'll write "I like this post, thanks for this post" at the bottom of...this post. haha)

I am so using this one "Rice Krispies ain't shit without the sound."

Have at it! That's probably my favorite line out of this entire mess as well... but it's so damn true!

I feel like one of the things that stunt artists is that they see ALL of the talented people and how much talent is in the world, they feel "insignificant" compared to all the Content Creators out there, I find this a LOT in the Music Production "world" , and what I tell the newcomers or new producers is, Don't hold back on your productions , if you see an artist that you really respect, don't be afraid to try to send them one of your tracks, no matter how large or high up the artist is , you never know when you may get their attention.

People are only as small as they want to be. The only one judging you is yourself. Maybe I'm doing well, in their eyes, but through my eyes, yes someone stopped in and admired my work, but I also see the 20 people who just kept on going without even noticing. That rejection stuff is something everyone deals with no matter how successful they become. Then add in the dark side. You reach a certain level and people begin to hate you for it. Like you somehow did it on purpose just to piss them off. Artists like working together. I realize I'm in direct competition with the funny people, but I know how hard it can be to get laughs so I certainly won't start hating them for getting more laughs than me. That's just now how this works. You got me ranting here. Did I mention the lack of cigarette problem somewhere? Is it showing?

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