Are Resource Credits Preventing Spam? Yes (Proof Inside!)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

So I took the plunge; did something many have been afraid to do for a very long time.

I clicked the dreaded 'New' tab!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Spam.jpeg

I Saw a Work of Art

Digital art, to be precise.

I've been presenting my digital artworks here on Steemit for over two years.  Why not check to see what the competition is up to, I thought.

I clicked the 'New' tab.  Within seconds an image caught my eye.  Not only that, but this account had a reputation of 25.

Did I just find a new artist who could probably use the help of a friendly dolphin dude with a happy-happy fun time vote, I thought.

I clicked the post!


Dammit.  This is a shitpost, I thought, because it was.

Did I ever tell you folks the story about how I can't stand it when someone steals another artist's work and attempts to make money with it here? No?

Here's the short version:

I hate it!

Your typical artist here will write something about their latest creation.  If they're short on words, they will at least give themselves credit for producing whatever it is they're showing off that day.

The post I clicked was just a simple image.  No words, nothing.  It takes me a split second to right click on an image and do a reverse image search using Google.  I found the original source of the image within another split second.

I was not impressed.

So I decided to do a little more digging.

This new member was spitting out post after post every few minutes.  Every post was stolen.  Copy/pasted from somewhere else.

The title of one post said something like, "Hi I'm new to reddit..."

This is Steemit, you buffoon!  At least change the title if you're planning to rip off posts and pass them off as your own!

(Not the sharpest tool in the shed.)


The Resource Credits

Normally, once I catch one of these spammer types, I flag their posts.

This time around, I wanted to mess with this guy.

I'm going to say some stuff, hopefully anger this guy, and make him waste the rest of his resource credits arguing with me, I thought.

Unfortunately, he was too busy stealing posts and publishing them here to even notice I said something to him.

I kept watch.  Every few minutes, a new post.  Nobody can type that fast.  Nobody.

Eventually I was handed an opportunity to have some fun:

Screenshot (447).png
@NoNamesLeftToUse luring a goofball into a Wasting of Resource Credits Trap.

I've been curious to see how far someone can go with their spamming efforts since they gave us this new Resource Credits system.  I want to know if it works.


It works like a charm.

With the account information available here(, I'm able to show you exactly how much this spammer was able to accomplish with this series of screenshots.  Starting at the top is the point they ran out of Resource Credits, scrolling down to the point this account began their spamming rampage.

Screenshot (448).png
Screenshot (449).png
Screenshot (450).png
Screenshot (451).png

Spam for about an hour, maybe a little more.

Done.  No more Resource Credits.

At the time of this writing, that account will have to wait quite awhile before they get a chance to be able to churn out one spam shitpost after another like that.

Screenshot (452).png

Yes, a reputation of 20.8 was in order.  I downvoted six of the posts, 5% each time.  Oops.

Many of you work hard, we all have a limited amount of voting power to use, those votes should go to you, not a spammer like that so if I make the posts invisible, that at least slightly increases your odds of a vote going to you rather than the spammer.

Steemit's New Self Cleaning Feature

It works.

I've seen these spammers before.  Post after post after post after post.  It goes on for hours upon hours.  They distract potential viewers away from your posts.  They steal your posts.  Nothing good can be said about these spammers.

Now, within an hour, they're done.  They can't carry on, the Resource Credits must charge.  They won't have the patience to sit there and wait, so that's good.  Maybe in a few days he'll be back?  I don't know.  At least there's now something in place that automatically puts a stop to this.

In My Opinion

I still think this spammer was able to do too much.  Knowing what I know now, I would suggest some fine tuning.

If one post cost 1 Resource Credit, a post published ten minutes later should cost 2 Resource Credits.  If one post cost 1 Resource Credit, a post published four hours later should cost 1 Resource Credit again.  If one post cost 1 Resource Credit, a post published two hours later should cost 1.5 Resource Credits.

Something like that would put a stop to the spam a lot faster.


I'm glad I got to meet Mr. Avinash9999.

Like many of you, I wanted to see this system in action.  I didn't plan to sit here and watch all of this unfold, I was just out browsing the feed.  This situation literally fell into my lap.

The questions I had are now answered and I didn't even have to ask.  I can see how beneficial this new system is now and I hope you can as well.  It's not pointless.  We needed this and before it becomes old news and something we take for granted, I'd just like to say thanks to those geniuses who worked hard behind the scenes to give it to us.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"Bringing 'value to the platform' since 2016."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


Cool! - glad to read yet another benefit from the fork, each new tweak gets rid of the bugs. Steem is getting better and better.

Steemians and Steem have a bright future and the hard fork saw us take the first major steps to that better place.

image from

Things are looking up. That rough start meant things could only get better. One step back, two steps forward. It's still progress.

...there are always road bumps on any journey, the best destinations are difficult to get to :)

There are many other Steemians like myself that want the place to succeed. I think a few people come up with ways to make money and then get upset when the system changes (breaking scams). IF people care about money, care about the platform, contribute to making it a nice place and the price will rise - but why would you sell anyways?, unless your in strife and need cash bad - being powered up enriches the experience :)

The incentives to power up and curate are there and the reasons to do so are now far more important than ever. I hope people can come to terms with that. It's what many wanted.

Yes going through new is quite the battle. If I am really looking and hoping to find quality content I use steemlookup and filter by rank, which in itself is scary how many high rep assholes we have but alas we can't get a flag bot with static rep to bring them down a notch like a judge dredd of steem .... Oh yeah new is tricky but steemlookup helps a lot, in the case of art I also add that I want the post to contain at least a 100 words because obviously and at least 2 images if I am struggling to find things.

I like your formula and that would be a case of the system protecting itself I imagine the smts will be able to implement it and steem wishes to merely be a solid foundation or else I would say further improving the way we vote could be done in much the same way, using a radius of who votes for who and how often your vote loses it's affect the more often you vote for the same people or person. Obviously this has many ramifications considering followers etc but I think is worth a thought for now RC is not a bad move and we will soon just be use to it.

  • RC recharges 0.83% an hour and you can get much better stats on here
    Use to get a better indication of how long till recharge and the current cost of your actions - replace my name with yours the G = Giga / Billion

Steemlookup was a solid service last time I checked, but it's been awhile. I've been meaning to get over there and drop them a line. Another thing on my to-do list I guess.

At times I'll post a short post. Sometimes the art I produce takes a long time and I'm short on words, feeling quiet or whatever. It's not a bad thing and I do it sometimes to encourage people to keep things simple, just to make it a little easier. Some of set the bar pretty damn high and it's daunting for some. All content is welcome and even a short post can say a lot sometimes. This place isn't all about writing. I enjoy photography and those posts don't say much in word form because it distracts away from the actual content being presented which is the photo. Short posts like that I still see the effort and respect it because I know what it takes to produce images. It can be a lot of work.

But they must be clear and at least say they took the photos otherwise it's hard to tell if it's just a pic downloaded from the web somewhere. Those people ruin it for everyone.

As for these changes here. I see it working now, plus I know we still need time. I can see the good coming from this, so that's a start. Many are still angry and that isn't helping much.

P.S. Anyone reading this. I just responded to a new member with low SP and RC. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I can only do so much with my votes.

Yes it is up to us curating to also not fall in the trap of quantity vs quality , if they credit etc and feel that their content represents them then why not post it even though others may feel it is little or shitposting.

As for your edit, this is a delegated account from my main one @penderis which is not a new account, I created this one so I can feel better about posting shorter content, test all the different interfaces and dapps without trashing my main account which by now has a persona / type ?

Do you think a person should mention that? I understand you are really looking out for people and it is commendable, with that said you can always tag me on either this account or @penderis and I can assist where possible, not to mention that we have the @BuddyUp community to further assist even if just to help with an upvote on quality content and sharing it in the plethora of discords. :)

That's something I never tried. Two accounts. My followers have grown accustomed to my unpredictable ways, so I guess that's my type, which is nearly impossible to mess up. Total freedom.

I just wanted help. I see new accounts, everyone says they can't get anywhere and I'm saying all they need is curation and a bit of time. That's the only solution I could think of with this new RC system. Seems simple enough.

As for discord, I've been invited a few thousand times now. I spend so much time here, it's hard to get away. Hard to find time for other platforms.

There are ways to obviously think about it for one you have your followers as we all seem to make our connections and have those few in most cases that vote etc, now with the rise of actifit, share2steem,dlike etc those who came and solidified their accounts by blogging specifically or at least writing in some form (taking themselves too serious :) are left with a predicament hence a "shitpost" account is good since it is not all about making money but in a way still is since actifit gives generous votes dlike gives votes etc most dapps do but do you "litter"your account with that content because that is a quick way to get some votes but may not be the content you want your "blog" to be.

Personally this resolves the cognitive dissonance I had where I want to keep my main account for the "important stuff" and SBI , the second account can go be a content slut and it is fine by me, obviously I then do not boost that (this) account since again I will be faced with a moral dilemma.

On the one hand a person wants to make money and seemingly posting for the sake of posting is how you do that in the sea of social media which steem now has become (just a fancy DB and monetizing avenue) or you see the value in improving yourself through posting what you mean and making connections regardless of the monetary value which is a bonus.

I may seem confused, haha because I tend to do that to myself but it is a mentality that needs some consolidating and even more exploration. For me the second account is good since I get to just play with it and not be concerned with any constraints I may have put on myself or even what has come to be expected of "my account".

  • The RC boost the accounts got is quite generous whether it will be permanent I am not sure but if it goes away or gets reduced (most likely) then we might see even less of what you shared, odd thing is my delegated account did not seem to get such a big boost vs a new bought account they tested to help the newbies in @welcomewagon understand the effects of this on their smaller accounts. So we might still be in for a few changes.

I respect all of these different avenues one can take here. I totally get it. If I took part in those things you mention, I probably wouldn't want to have it on this blog. My blog already looks strange but adding something kind of normal would stand out like a nose zit.

I rarely sit down and talk about Steemit like this post. I'm mostly focusing on the arts and entertainment, hence the crude styling of this post and humor mixed in. This is me taking things seriously LOL!

So that is what you do on your spare time, a good hobby I would say!

That was how I spent my Saturday night...

Maybe I'll go out next weekend.

I can't say my Saturday nights are any wilder :D

At least I wont have to go to church with a hangover; but that's because I don't go to church.
Buh dun tsss

Someone is on a playful mood today :D

I came to this post expecting to see a noob, well reasoned to Steem, making high quality posts. I read the whole post, and ended up ... slightly disappointed this was not the case, but incredibly happy with the amount of investigative depth you went into.

I came to this post expecting to see a noob, well reasoned to Steem, making high quality posts...

What? Did I do something wrong?

Yes, confirmed that my fear of finding new, exceptional, thought provoking original content in the "new" section will never be one that I'll have to face. :)

I don't mind taking one for the team.

Well I thought your point was that eventually, this will result in a decrease in these types of posts, which will result in a higher percentage of high quality posts.

A higher percentage in high quality genuine posts published by genuine accounts to boot. Less static, less junk; that equals better odds of the eyes focusing on the posts requiring eyes the most.

The implementation of it wasn't smooth at all but at least the resource credit system is doing some good if it gets rid of spam like that.

I think that was part of the plan all along. A few of us have more than we'll ever need as well, and I think that'll come into play once the communities are implemented. Maybe I can create a group, use my RC, and that allows others to interact without penalty, perhaps. Just a thought.

Yes, right. accounts that have a small SP cannot comment much.
but this is very bad for those of us who just joined Steemit.
I live in the countryside. in my place it's very difficult to find work.
I invite people who like to write to join in steemit.
I think they can change their taste in steemit.
maybe I'm wrong.

My previous post explains at least one way to solve that issue.

Okay. Thanks you brother

Gold! Love your work! 😄

I see you're new! Welcome to steemit. Enjoy your stay, and all that.

Thanks @nonameslefttouse - much appreciated! 🙂

I wish I was more tech savvy. Every time I finally figure out how to start exploiting a system to make unethical profits with little work they go and change things and I have to go back to putting work in.

I wonder if some of those who were incredibly angry were just spamming anger in defense of spammers.... hmm. Spam conspiracy.

Thanks for sharing some good news. I found the explanation of the hard fork changes vague enough that I didn't bother to follow them, or let me say they might tell you what but not why. Going forward, as we see improvements we should applaud them. Now I'm going to see New for myself.

It is good news. Took a bit a flak for sharing it but whatever. Too soon.

Yes, timing is everything. Don't ya know, we're still in complaining mode. :-)
After this, I'm going to pay more attention to upcoming changes and also witnesses since I have never voted on one. And maybe I should see about helping with fork documentation...

I've missed you satirical writing style @nonameslefttouse, apologies for not sussing your page more frequently, you know how it is.

I really enjoyed this post. To be honest, I'm enjoying anything to do with how these Resource Credits are stomping out spammers. If only we had a way to stomp out the copywriters next, for good.

Keep doing you @nonameslefttouse because you're a benefit to the community.

Thanks for flagging shitheads!

I do know how it is. Some of us would need a few clones with paid assistants and still have trouble being everywhere we'd like to be around this place.

I'm happy I stumbled on to this spammer. People can be technical with me, I can understand their language, but everything comes so much more clearly to me when I actually see it working.

When it comes to these accounts clearly here to be a menace, I think it would be interesting to find ways to vote people off of the platform. Suspensions even. Have these cases put in front of a jury, keep open minds, make a decision. I don't think I'd ever want to be on that jury though.

I'll see you around.

Introducing a classical judicial system would only create pandemonium. I think once we have 1account=1stake voting we'll be able to recreate the way we vote for or against others, in a fairly accountable way. This is the type of voting I was hoping for in the beginning of Steemit as I was looking for a solution to vote manipulation in classic polling methods.

Back to the point, I think we'll be able to squash platform degraders once vote changes are implemented in the future. At least that's where my understanding is of future changes, I could be wrong. Either way we're moving in the right direction; forward!

See you round!

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