Monday Morning Quote: "The most fantastic things in life are on the other side of fear."

in #life6 years ago

Goooood morning readers! How are you? Monday is here: Head up and let's work!

Monday Morning Quotes: A place where, each Monday, I'll bring my favourite quotes to send you a bit of my positivity to start the week on full power! Hope you enjoy it.


Source: I have heard this quote in portuguese in a video. Looking for a source on-line I have not found any author.

Today I see this quote with an enormous smile on my face. I have been in the line between fear and doing what I wanted, and I have gladly crossed.

However, it wasn't like that years ago. How many things I've given up or girls I haven't asked out because of fear... only if I had crossed the line to see what was waiting for me on the other side. I'm not ashamed of that, and you shouldn't too.

For my current 'fuck it let's do it' life I give credits to traveling. One day I've decided to travel alone, and it was the best decision I've ever made. I always tell people; if you want to know yourself and overcome your fears, go for it! Travel alone for a bit, give yourself that opportunity.

What is your interpretation of this quote? Have you reached that stage in life where you just don't fear some things anymore? Feel free to 'philosophize' on the comments down below.

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~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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Fear is like that "no trespassing" sign that keeps you away from that beautiful place that's always full of green vegetation and cheerful people yet you live in sadness and misery. What if you could just trespass for one day and join the happy lot on the other side? C'mon it's possible. It's only a "no trespassing" sign! At least it doesn't say"trespassers will be shot on sight"!

Exactly, @wameyo! Thanks for the lovely comment.
You've summarized what I tell my friends when they block themselves "go and cross it, if doesn't work, well... then it didn't work, but you've tried"

It's easier to handle a failure then it is handling a life thinking that you could've tried.

Ummm YESS! YES YES YES! In the past 6 years, I have had the best time in my life and it certainly did not come from a place of comfort at all. Traveling, moving, changing your surroundings, changing jobs/careers, while it may seem luxurious, it requires pushing boundaries and facing your fears. But man, when you do that, life just begins to happen for you! I am naturally a person who prefers safety and the known (I blame the damn stars that were aligned a certain way when I was born hehe), so for me, facing fears is kinda hard, but I've just learnt to breathe through everything.

Heeey Flo, thanks for taking the time. Isn't that a relief when we cross that fear line for the first time?

It's like getting a ton of weight from our shoulder and right after we think "ah it was just that? I haven't died?"
And then, after crossing the line many times, we develop that feeling of "fuck it, I've passed through many things, I don't care anymore". This is when life starts to develop in the speed of light.

I look back, when I was a teenager, and I feel so stupid for being shy and all, talking to girls and that fear of rejection HAHAHA classic. Then we travel, and hitchhike, and end up eating sushi alone in the middle of nowhere, and find job on the road, and meet tons of great people. It's funny to look back and realise the humongous potato I was.

The quote is so damn right :)

Heyho Gabriela, I'm glad to see you here!

So, have you gladly trespassed that fear line? I'm curious now to know more.

No haha. And I don't think I will soon :(

Gotta keep on trying Gabriela, it took me 22 years to beat some of my fears! If you don't mind my question - What is your biggest fear?

Well I'm an introvert, and it's pretty hard for me to break the walls and meet new people, especially from the internet. People who already know me keep saying that I have the power to conquer the world with my charm and that I'm very sociable but the biggest problem is this threshold that I can't cross.
I also have reasons to have this fear but that would be too much to be written here.. anyway, anytime when someone asks to hang out or just to meet each other in real life too, my brain kind of gets stuck..

Ahhhhh I know that feeling, I'm an introvert too and it was even worse when I was younger.
I guess it's good to be introvert you know, we have our own flow. I feel that some extroverts force a little bit... but in the end they are as insecure as other.

Yep! You are totally right. But there are disadvantages too 😔

Absolutely, that's when we have to kinda push a little bit off the limits.
This is an interesting conversation, I feel that we could talk for hours. Maybe one of these days we'll chat on the Discord chat xD

Though i agree with the quote in general, but quotes are easy, life is not. Many say that you'll regret things that you haven't done more than things that you've done. (like you should do everything as it comes to your mind) But i think we should take care of both side. You mentioned here that currently you're in "fuck it let's do it" state, but as we spoke in another of your post you hate bikers that don't care about the red light at all, which means you won't do it. So you are NOT completely on "fuck it let's do it" state. (and you shouldn't be)

I agree that life is not like reading quotes, especially when it comes to facing fears.
It took me 20+ years to overcome some of my fears, it was a long process where I suffered quite a bit and gosh I still strugle sometimes. After all that, I try to encourge people to give it a try, of course, everyone have their own fears to face and it's not up to me to judge.

I'm in a state of 'fuck it let's do it' for some things (like dropping out my work and going travelling somewhere), it doesn't mean I'll put myself at risk (like crossing the red light hihihih, it's ilegal here)
You get what I mean with "fuck it let's do it"? I mean to at least try to face some fears to see what happens.

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