When is this breakthrough going to happen?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I use to be a huge believer in the universe and karma but I am starting to think that is all bullshit. I am always going out of my way to help people and I am extremely generous. I am not that way because I expect something in return, I do it because it's the right thing to do and it makes me feel good. For example, we sold our house way cheaper than what we expected to because a single mother with 2 kids really wanted it but couldn't afford what we were asking, so we dropped the price $15,000 so she could have a home for her kids. It felt great to help someone out (a stranger at that). We also gave away nearly all of our home furniture and everything else in it for free to friends who didn't have nice stuff. We never expected anything in return. I guess deep down I thought the universe worked in a pay it forward type way, when we really needed help the universe would send it our way. Turns out I was way off!

We have been struggling to keep our heads above water lately, nothing seems to work out for us. It has been 3 months of hell. We keep picking our selves up and moving forward but we keep getting knocked down at every turn. Every time I feel like things are starting to go in the right direction we get knocked down again. We waited 42 days to sign on a home and that fell through while I was signing the paperwork at closing, so we took that as a sign, we picked up and moved on. After Michigan we thought we found a house down in North Carolina so we put in a full bid, somehow a lesser cash bid won. I keep trying to be positive and wait for a breakthrough but it just doesn't come.

I am starting to believe that things just happen. There are plenty of terrible people (especially in politics) who are absolutely horrible and they live great lives. The have money are respected and never worry about going to jail for their crimes. Mean while I am living a healthy clean life, I go out of my way to help other people because thats "whats good for the world." For some stupid reason I thought being a positive force in this world will help my life in some way, and sadly that just hasn't been the case.

I know they say that if you never give up and you keep going you will get your "breakthrough" and I do believe that. But is it the universe at that point? Or is it just being so damn persistent that you refuse to give up until you succeed? And it has nothing to do with anything other than that? It's hard to say, I guess I'll let you know what I think when this is all over. Hopefully when I look back on all of this I will see a clear path as to why this happened and what lesson it was that I needed to learn. I am not saying I am going to change who I am, I am just not giving into any of this karma/universe ideals anymore because when I needed it the most it is nowhere to be found.

Anyhow, I am back to house searching all day everyday until I find our next potential home so I apologize in advance for the short articles and the sparse interaction on steemit and discords. Wish me luck on my journey!

Peace, love and all that hippie shit

The STEEM Engine



I feel you. Personally, I don't think there is any such thing as Karma. It's a nice thought but that's about it.

Yet still, I believe that the way we interact with others does determine to a certain degree how they'll behave towards us. Some people are luckier than others. As you said... Thing just happen, sometimes.

The key, for me, is in how I feel when I act selflessly. I feel great, lol. And it does annoy me, the thought that others who are behaving badly seem to be enjoying great, prosperous lives, but I wonder just how happy they really are on the inside if they've gotten where they are through doing conscious harm to others.

I know that many don't give a damn - and what can I say? ... Do I start to try not give a damn and get to the top no matter the cost? ... I just can't.

We might be suckers, but... I'd rather be a sucker, honestly, that be an asshole.

Ha, well said my friend.. Id have to agree with u on that... Id rather be a kind hearted sucker than a asshole too.. It just seems like somedays the asshole route is much easier! LoL

it looks like you have a rough ride, stay strong, tough times dont last but tough ppl do! you will find the house you want very soon and i hope to see a post on that too! cheers =)

Thanks for the support 😀.. im sure it will all work out too, i just gotta keep moving forward.

ye sadly this is truth the asshole is always winning. u Ned to be a ass to get the nice house and the "nice life" but a believe in u can do it not be and ass its just so much harder. and we non assholes are sleeping better at night a think we are all going down or separate roads now u are in the bumpy section a lot of turns
but soon if going to straighten out and get asphalt to.
ist good just to ventilate a little then you have us.

Hey man, sorry to here about the house deal falling thru. A cabin in the woods somewhere is what you might need, where you can grow your medicine and connect with some nature.
I don't know if karma exists or not but if it does it does, it is way behind on screwing with some jerks that I happen to know who are constantly screwing people left and right.
Hang in buddy, always darkest before the dawn is what they say. Whoever "they" are.

I definitely agree, thats actually what we thought too! So we have been looking at homes in the country. We have found a few homes yesterday that seem promising. Hopefully "they" are right and it wont be dark to much longer because im tired of runnung into walls! LoL.

I hear ya, chin up friend.

I feel the same . But the good thing is that ... you helped a morher with 2 kids... the good things will remain... in our believes we have a line says and i qute here " you think that this matter is bad but your god added since ever plenty of good matters inside this bad..... "

It has been 15 years for me of... I don't even know how to call it, but I doubt it is called by any nice name. I am sure something will come up and save you from your trouble. Keep up and take care.

Maybe the karma has just not reached you yet? I am a believer in karma as it has happened to me more than once that I have been paid back for bad things. In my case it took 2 years for my good repayment to happen.

Give it a little more time, it may come to you yet.

I really hope you get that positive breakthrough soon. But I see things in a very different way.

From an early age we are drilled to expect rewards from suffering - this is the basis of many religions. If you eat less, you'll be healthier. If you work harder, you'll get richer. If you give, you will receive.

The answer to all of these is: not necessarily. But they're a good way of manipulating populations to work harder and complain less.

I went through a similar process to what you are describing in my career. I thought that if I worked harder than everyone else, learned more, got to work earlier, never made any mistakes etc, I would achieve more. I found out it didn't work like that - I just got taken for granted and ultimately ended up being booted out. My hard work counted for nothing. But I learned a lot.

I see life as a learning experience. You'll probably be learning things that you could never have imagined a year ago, though that will be little comfort now. When I was made redundant I became much more clever about managing my finances, about investing for the future, and about wasting less and making things last longer. My politics changed; I learned to see things differently. I'm much, much happier now than when I was earning my regular salary. It's been a struggle, but I now have investments that I would never have thought of taking on if I'd been more comfortable and complacent. I'd probably never have learned about crypto for a start!

I suspect those people in politics you mention don't really have great lives at all. I think you probably have to be highly compromised to be a successful politician. They probably have many skeletons in their closets that they are terrified will fall out and ruin everything for them.

Thanks for the inspiring words.. I know this will all work out soon, we put in a bid on a home today so we will see how that works out. I have learned an awful lot about myself and life since this all started, life lessons are never easy.. I am sure once I have a home and can get back to living I will feel much better and have a new great outlook on life. Thanks for sharing your story with me, it made me feel a lil bit better for sure :)

I'm really glad it made you feel a bit better! It's tough when you're right in the middle of a struggle. I hope you get that home!

Goodluck to you and the family. Don't worry, soon everything will fall in to places. Best wishes

Thanks for the kind words and support.. i really do appreciate it 😁

So sorry to hear about this most recent setback. Best of luck on the house hunt!

Thanks @papacrusher, i appreciate the support. We actually did see a few homes yesterday that were good potentials, hopefully one of them will work out. I just gotta keep on keepin on...

There's always north Georgia......I could come up and show you some of the trout spots...lol

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