Things aren't always what they seem to be... (part 2)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Buckle up and get ready for this crazy ride we call life. This journey started nearly two months ago but I couldn't bring myself to finish the horror story of my life until I was completely through it and knew how it all ended. I wish I could've shared this story sooner but it is hard to write when your world is crashing all around you. I know this part 2 is long overdue and I want to apologize to all of my followers who have been waiting patiently to know what happened. Well here we go....

After we got back states side from Costa Rica (where our entire life dreams had been smashed into pieces) we knew we had to come up with a new life plan and we had to do it quick. Living with no direction in life was not something we wanted to do so we got back to the drawing board, we had to figure out where we wanted to live.

We thought we had some time to figure out our next move in life but it turned out my parents decided that they wanted to sell their home in AZ so we basically got kicked out less than a week after we got there. We were now not only homeless, we had no where to go while we figured it out, no home base to work from, no where to go back to, we really were nomads! At this point we thought we were at our lowest, lol, boy were we wrong!

We decided it was best to go back to our original home state of Wisconsin so we could leave our dogs with a friend while we were home searching across america. After a terrible 30 hour drive (which I drove straight through) one of my dogs (Rosko) ate rat poison immediately after getting out of the car so we spent all night at Vet office while they tried to make him puke up the poison. Not a great way to start out our new journey. Ultimately he was fine but a few days later he did it again! So our first week on the road when we should've been looking for homes was wasted trying to nurse our sick dog back to health, in a hotel to make matters worse! Not a great way to kick off our new adventure. After that we realized we couldn't leave our dogs with friends, we had to drag them along with us on the home finding excursion.

(hotel living for dogs is ruff!)

We had started drinking daily by this point and that is not normal for us at all. Normally if we drank 2 times in a month than it was a crazy month (lol). We live pretty healthy life styles so drinking is rare for us. Our organic diet also went out the window, with living in hotels we couldn't find enough restaurants or afford to eat every meal out organically. This is when the weight started stacking on and our mental health really started declining fast.

We had no clue where to start looking for a home but we had been in Arizona for about 3 months prior to leaving for Costa Rica so we knew that we didn't want to live there permanently. We decided to we wanted to be somewhere warmer, but not in the desert because it was to hot and to dry. We thought Colorado would be good since I had lived there previously, so we headed out there to check it out. When we got out to Colorado we realized that the cost of living there was incredibly high now and there are a lot more people then 5 years ago when I lived there, probably because every stoner moved there when they legalized recreational marijuana lol. I can't even be mad about that, but I was a bit sad because I did love living there. Next we went to California but that was also crazy expensive, over crowded and just not what we were looking for. At this point it seemed like every move we made was the wrong move. We didn't know what to do next.

We finally decided the west wasn't what we were looking for so we headed east. On our way to Tennessee we drove through the heart of the country and realized that Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois were not what we were looking for either. With each state we crossed off our list the more lost and hopeless we both felt, like we would never find a new home. The depression had set in pretty hard by now, we were eating more, sleeping more and not exercising at all anymore.

We started eating candy and fast food again, things that we hadn't eaten in well over a year, basically since we started our clean eating in Jan 2017. It seemed like eating was the only thing that made us feel better and we were indulging. Maybe even trying to make up for the last year and a half of not eating food like that. It was not healthy to say the least.

I was starting to get excited about our new plan, I was convinced Tennessee would be a good fit for us. Not only was it a warm, it also has beautiful scenery. We figured we could find a secluded home in the country and grow our own food, it seemed like a perfect match. Plus having a few old army friends close by would be a huge bonus for me. Besides we had been on the road for 3 weeks at this point so I was ready to be out of hotels and into a home.

We started looking for homes immediately when we got to TN, we were sure that it was the right place for us, but the more homes we looked at, the less we liked it. We realized that the Tennessee was a bit over crowded, I know it sounds stupid but no one really has space out there, at least not the area we were interested in. Neighbors are extremely close and you have no privacy, what happened to country living? It was also odd to me that trailers would be right next to million dollar homes as if they shared a yard? My hopes were crushed once again, this wasn't at all what we wanted.

Since we couldn't find the right spot we moved on to North Carolina. At this point my depression was at its worst and I was tired of being on the road, it had been a month of hotel living from one place to another with two dogs and we were no closer to finding a home than we were when we started. In fact we still didn't know exactly what we wanted, we were just wandering aimlessly, it was frustrating to say the least but we knew if we kept moving forward eventually we would find what we wanted. So we pushed forward.

North Carolina is beautiful and I liked it way more than TN to be honest but something was missing. We found a few homes that we liked but ultimately decided against them because I realized that I wanted to live in a state that was legal to grow my own medical marijuana to help with my PTSD from war. I struggle with my PTSD so much and I have tried many medications and the only thing that really helps me is marijuana. It hadn't been something on our list before because I was feeling good, but when I am depressed my PTSD spirals out of control and I don't want to have to worry about going to jail because I need medication that works. So that prompted us into looking at states that were legal to grow and realized that we only had a few options where I could actually grow my own medicine. Apparently most of the legal medical marijuana states don't allow you to grow your own medicine(?). Probably because they can't tax it and they want their money! LoL. Anyhow, we were left with only a handful of states and most of them were in the West and we had already decided against those states for other reasons.


Since we know we know we love the midwest we decided to move to Michigan. I know it sounds like a weird choice but it's right next door to Wisconsin so we know we love the scenery, we are a bit further south than we were in Wisconsin so its a little warmer and the people in the midwest are so kind its disgusting! lol. Plus I obviously can grow (legally) once again :) We finally found a match!

We looked at about 40 homes in the first week and decided on an big old beautiful Victorian home. We put in a bid and it was accepted, we had finally found a home!! The stress and depression started to melt away at this point, and we realized it was time to take our health back. We are still hotel living for another week and a half until our closing date (which sucks) but now we are focused on diet, exercise and picking out colors and furniture for our new home so life is definitely starting to get better. :)

When it is all said and done it will have been more than 2 months in hotels on the road looking for a new place to call home. We traveled to different countries, visited at least 20 states and spent countless hours in vehicles only to move 6 hours southeast of where we started. I guess I was in search of something that was right under my nose the entire time.

Maybe I didn't need a change of scenery at all, maybe I needed a change of mentality. As hard as this whole journey has been it has really changed my outlook on a lot of things in life. Maybe being beat down to my lowest level in years was exactly what I needed to appreciate all the amazing things I already have in this life. I may have needed all of this as a reset on life, I guess sometimes things aren't always what they seem to be.........

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"

The STEEM Engine



Well first.. welcome to Michigan. I have lived here my entire life. You will love the four seasons- but be wary of winter at times.

So glad you have moved out of the hotel living and found a home. Looking forward to future posts as you settle into being a Michigander! Or Michiganian.. whichever you prefer.

Thanks! I appreciate the warm welcome :) Im too not to worried about winters because i lived about 3 hours further north in Wisconsin for the last 5 years so Im use to shitty winters.
Im suprised you live in MI, i see your homesteader posts here and there, isnt it hard since you dont get much of a growing season here??

We havent quite moved out of the hotel just yet. 10 more days until we close on our home and officially become michiganders lol.. its weird you have 2 ways of saying it here lol..

now i know who to bother when i have questions about mi.. ;)

lol- ask away! I've lived here just about 50 years.

Hard for growing? I start the greenhouses in April and close them up late October to early November, plus this past winter I had an indoor garden with a grow tent and all. I have limited gardening in the winter but I still get my itch taken care of and prevent withdrawals

Such a beautiful story of pain and growth. You are so close now, and it will all have been worth it when you look back one day, figuring out how the universe took you to where you wanted to be without knowing it.
MI is awesome. Congrats on your mad persistency and don't beat yourself up for going back to fast food and non-exercise for a while, we are humans and can only take so much shit at a time without needing to vent.

I feel your adventure is still under a blessed star somehow. Just a little bit further now and you will have the monumentous upside coming your way. No downs without ups.
Much love to you and your little tribe, you guys will be fine <3

Well, I'm glad you finally landed. I can't say Michigan would have been my choice of a home, but if it works for you guys, great. @goldendawne seems to love it. Personally I love New Mexico ... and the desert. Arizona is a little too politically conservative for me, but they do have some beautiful country in the northern part of the state. If I were going to live anywhere other than New Mexico, I'd check out places around Sedona and Prescott and Flagstaff for sure.

I'm sorry life has been so challenging. Personally, I'm glad you're not in Costa Rica. Those Latin American countries worry me, honestly. But ... maybe that's my unwarranted prejudice. Plus -- I just hate to travel. Sounds like you've had enough of that to suit you, too, for a while.

I hope Life starts treating you more kindly now. Are you in any kind of better place -- geographically, psychologically, emotionally -- than when you started out ... with a home and a job and all that non-hippie shit? Just wondering. (Wising up sometimes takes a lot of unforeseen effort.) What do you plan to do from here?


Michigan is definitely not where I saw myself going either. Its funny how things happen sometimes. I honestly don't plan on being there more than a year or two, its more of a stepping stone than anything. We bought a beautiful old Victorian home that I plan on flipping over the next year so that should take up a lot of my time and set us up financially for our next round of adventures. :)
I also loved Sadona, it is so beautiful there but it would be to hot for me in the summers and my fiance couldn't handle the dryness there, she was getting bloody noses twice a day for months (when we lived in that area) and her skin was drying out to the point of it being painful so unfortunately AZ was out.
Life definitely has been challenging lately but I am taking it all as a learning process, and life lessons are not cheap or easy lol. I was so caught up in leaving america that I forgot why its so great here. I think a lot of it was due to PTSD issues and deep down I felt like I could run away from my problems (which obviously doesn't work).
I am in a much better place (psychologically and emotionally) now that we have found a home and can move in on may 11th. Not having a home was so much more stressful than I remember it being when I was younger and apparently more carefree! ha.. I know I love the midwest so geographically this place will do for now.
In any case I am not upset I ended up here, I really needed a life change and I definitely got that over the past 5 months. I really appreciate all the support from you, sorry I disappeared for so long without saying anything I know that was shitty of me. I have a bunch of excuses as to why I did it, but like my dad has always said "excuses are like assholes, we all got them and they all stink!" LoL So thank you so much for the warm welcome back :)

Man! You are a great storyteller!
Could feel all the emotions pointed and see the piçture you painted.
Great travels!
Thank God you are getting over depression and living healthy again!
Welcome back!
Life has its ways of teaching us weird lessons...
One thing is certain though...
The end justifies the means!

Thanks @nairadaddy, you are full of wisdom my friend.. Life has definitely thrown me for a loop recently but I have learned a lot of important lessons and had time to really reflect on my life and realize what I want for my future.

Glad to see you back on board. I've been hanging with @comedyopenmic and poetry writing. I met two families who live in Costa Rica basically doing what you had planned. They live off their bitcoin earnings and make comedy videos.

South Korea may be a little stiff for you bc of laws forbidding mother nature.

Still I get high with a little help from my friends. Completely natural making life not war.

I love you dude.

Your depression is affecting the whole market so smile and cryptos with climb again. We are in for a brave new world. We need a voice like yours.



still mining the heart

Glad to hear you are still enjoying yourself on steemit. I think the universe sent a clear message to us about traveling for now so that is on the back burners for a while. For now I will be just working on getting my life back together and working on some small projects around my house..

If the cryptos are affected by my mood you should buckle up because they should sky rocket ;)

Good to hear from you my friend. See you around. :)

I'm so happy to hear that you managed to find a place and can now settle down. Shame all that travelling and what happened with your dog must of been very challenging. Glad you made it out on top and that you have learnt so much from the experience. I'm sure you both must be so excited for move in day. All the best xxx.

I can't even begin to describe how excited we are to get out of this hotel and into our new home!! Only 11 days left but it seems like an eternity! LoL.. Thanks for the kind words.. take care

I feel like I was riding in the back seat with dogs, great write up. Congratulations on finding your new home, I like the old Victorian style houses, did you score any land with it?
Look forward to seeing some pics when you get settled.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it because it was a long read and I thought people might get bored with it. lol. Unfortunately the Victorian home didn't come with any real property, less than a half acre. We decided to flip a home quick and this one is a beauty so we couldn't pass up on it. I will be doing a lot of diy posts for the next few months showing all the work we are doing on the home so you will definitely be seeing lots of pics as we go.

Great man, look forward to the remodel posts.

Nice to read the rest of the story! I'm sorry that it took you so much time, money and energy to get it figured out, but it sounds like you've found a good fit! Being a beach bum for the rest of your life isn't what it's cracked up to be. ;)

Sorry to make you wait so long, I feel terrible about that.. It does suck we spent a shit ton of money but life lessons aren't always cheap right lol.. I know we ended up where we need to be for right now and I will figure out the rest as time goes by.

As hard as this whole journey has been it has really changed my outlook on a lot of things in life. Maybe being beat down to my lowest level in years was exactly what I needed to appreciate all the amazing things I already have in this life.

Reading your post really made me reflect on all the tough times I went through too, but you know what, like a rainbow after the rain, there's always a good thing after the pain. Hugs!

aww, thanks! That definitely made me smile.. Hugs! ;)

Feel sorry for you mate, sounds like you have had a rough serve of it as of late.
I hope that things get much much better for you very soon.
All the best.

Thanks for the kind words. Things are going a bit better than before, should get way better soon.. just as soon as we get out of these damn hotels and into our new home... just over a week of waiting left.

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