The Bus

in #life6 years ago


I let out an involuntary sqwuee noise as I stared up at the sign in the train station.


No, no, no, no, no oo!

This couldn't be, no trains? This was a disaster and could only mean one thing. I was going to have to get the bus.

With the common herd.


Oh well, how bad could it be? I girded my loins as best as I could and traipsed to the bus stop with the rest of the would-have-been-train-travellers.

It wasn't long before one came. A typical Glasgow bus, filthy, noisy and full of menace.

I got on, the driver glared at me as if I was dipping my balls in his jar of pickled onions.

Wher ye gaun?

The toon.

I reluctantly sighed in native gutter-speak.


He spat.

Bloody hell, £4.70!?!


Grudgingly I swiped my bank card over the reader and paid for my ticket like a common thief.

I then moved into the packed crowd of travellers as best as I could.

As the trains were cancelled the bus was packed tight. I found myself in what was almost an intimate clinch with some bearded man in his fifties. I didn't like the gleam in his eye as we were squeezed together.


A further few minutes in, something thunked hard on my shoulder. I twisted my head around in the press of bodies as hard as I could to see what had hit me.

It was a dude, he seemed to have fallen asleep standing up and his head had rolled onto my shoulder. I jerked my shoulder up, hard.

He woke up and looked around confused.

He lasted about thirty seconds before lowering his head gently this time onto my shoulder again.

I looked about for some kind of help but everyone was going through their own squeezy neighbour ordeal.

I jerked my shoulder again, twice in succession.

Sleepy man snapped wide awake and looked about again like a newborn yanked out of a vagina.


Gonnae fucking stay awake?

I growled, once more in the pleasant Scots tongue.

He looked embarrassed, I hoped he didn't have a stiffy and was faking the sleepiness. Whatever it was he managed to stay awake after that.

Eventually, the ordeal was almost over and we were a few stops away from my own in the centre of Glasgow. The bus had started to empty and I could expand my lungs to full capacity once again.


We stopped at some traffic lights. A blonde attractive woman pushed past me and tapped on the driver's window.

Excuse me, Driver, is it possible to get off here?

I snorted, bus drivers are not allowed to let people off except at official bus stops in Scotland and Glasgow bus drivers are a particularly sour bunch, poor lass, she had no chance.

Ah really shouldn't hen but for you...

The driver winked and made a clucking sound with his cheek. He opened the doors. The lady fluttered her eyes and uttered a breathy thank you as she got walked off.

Wow, I thought. That's impressive. We must have an ok bus driver.

Two stops later we were approaching where I had to get off. I walked to the front of the bus which stopped at some traffic lights that were quite close to the coffee shop I liked to pop into in the morning.


Excuse me mate, any chance of letting me off here?

I asked hopefully, painfully aware that I was not a pretty lady.

The driver stared straight ahead.

Not allowed.

He stated flatly.

You let that woman off when she asked a minute ago.

Naw, I never.

You fucking did?!

I exclaimed.

Naw. I fucking never, right.

I drew up to my full handsome height.

You are a fucking lying bastard.

The driver lurched at the perspex screen between us. Slamming at it with an open hand.

Whit? Who do you think you are talkin tae?! Get aff ma fucking bus!!

He opened the doors with a violent swish and I cheerily hopped off outside my coffee shop.

Well, that kinda worked. Onwards and upwards!!!


Ooohh I don't like buses. But I didn't have any choice back in the Philippines. There's a high probability that you're next to someone you don't like to be in close proximity and the drivers are driven to drive you crazy. No seatbelts either so you better put those feet tight on the floor or you risk smacking your face.

Glad you hopped off soon enough. And hopefully the trains are back to work next time you need them.

They were back that very night!

Hmm. Gotta be careful when insulting people to be rid of them, some will stick around for sheer obstinacy.

But yeah, it works. I suppose you got your point across. Without resorting to limequats, or dragonfruit, this time!

B) How are you cheerful pre-coffee? Even on your way to a coffee.

C) "Grudgingly I swiped my bank card over the reader and paid for my ticket like a common thief." Umm... Somehow I don't think common thieves pay for their tickets.

I am very non cheerful pre coffee. I usually need at least a couple to become remotely human.

I liked C) it sung to be when the outer popped into my head despite being quite nonsensical. A bit of the Lear perhaps :0D

If you're always non cheerful pre coffee, how is it that "I cheerily hopped off outside my coffee shop." ?

Because I got off at the coffee shop, it gave me momentary cheer to be so close to my goal!

A bus? Are those the big cars with many people in them? I think I have seen them around, but I thought they were prison transports.

In Glasgow they are prison transports!

Definitely worked!
Reminds me...Once years ago when living in Chicago, I had been out with my pals the night before and felt godawful in the morning, but managed to get on the bus to work. Between 2 stops I started to feel queezy and went to the front and asked the driver if he could let me out. He said, no maam, the stop's up ahead. So I asked him if he'd like me to throw up inside the bus. Screech. Door opens. I get out just in time.... if you know what I mean ;0)

Hahaha, it's surprising how they can quickly change their minds isn't it!!

I might have to remember that one if I find myself trapped on one again :0)

The only problem will be if you have to ride his bus ever again? After all you did dunk your balls in his pickled onions quite figuratively.

Haha. Good old weird Al!

I hope to never board a bus ever again! At least till next time!!

Here in South Africa you wouldn't dare take a train or a bus. You have a good chance of being killed in either. It's sad though, I can remember us going on holiday with the train with my grandparents and I loved it, but times have changed....for the worse.

That's a shame. Here the trains are lovely but the buyers are quite horrible, at night they are no man's land at times

Haha! Buses here stop everywhere except the bus stop. Trust me, matthew BROderick, you don't need that madness in your life! At least you got off where you wanted. I call that a win! Most of the time.

Do they! I can imagine that presenting problems. It's are so rigid though, they claim is for health and safety. Never mind that they overload the dang things!!

The trouble with getting on and off everywhere (hey oh!) is that it causes a lot of traffic especially when big buses are competing for the fare. I think I wrote about it in a TrafficnKoan I did a while back. Remember those? Haha!

You did and I do!!! Chaos it was, the bus not the koans!

Well, you know what they say, you can't spell chaos without koans. Oh wait...

I have heard similar... You can't make a Koan without breaking eggs...

Erm sort of

I've heard that exact same phrase earlier, to which I clapped the man's shoulder and gave him a solid wink!

Admit that you love to feel the beard of that man in your face, besides some rubbing was a very interesting day for you eh? Also did not exchange looks unlike with anyone else? XD

Yeek. Bleurgh, no!

Oh, the joys of riding the common bus! I try to avoid it all costs but there are times when I have little or no choice. At least you don't need to share your space with a menagerie of animals, (and I am not talking about the other passengers)! Not unusual to get on with a basket of fresh fish, a piglet or two, a chicken headed to market or a cock headed for the afternoon fights. The funniest one was the small herd of baby goats that they tied to the roof!

That sounds quite funny almost to me!! The Glasgow they are almost always full of really scummy people who are drunk at all times of the day! They can be wild things to ride on!

Hopefully, they get the trains sorted out!

They were back on this evening thankfully!

Thank goodness! When I ride the bus I always feel like I need a shower in disinfectant!

Lol, the very same here!

I hate to point this out, but while you DID gird up your loins, you neglected to raise your ebenezer. Things would have probably gone smoother had you remembered this. :-D #Sarcasm

Ah see, it is always the way. A man can never be reminded enough about his ebeneezer!! :OD

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