Peanut Butter and Black Berry Chew Chew Beers!

in #life6 years ago


What the heck!! It's War of the Milk Stouts!!!

This week we have two courageous young milk stouts battling it out to be crowned King Dong!

Seriously though, look at these two beauties. Peanut butter milk stout? Sounds flaming awesome. Then we have Black Berry Chew Chew!? If this one doesn't stand out from the crowd then I don't know what does.

So let's get our tallywhackers out and onto the table because it's Saturday and it's beer night!!!




All the way from Tennessee!! Yeeehaaaw! I feel like I need to lassoo myself a steer!! Whatever a steer is, hopefully it's not anything mundane like a cow or something.


Pours like the Stygian blackness at the bottom of a latrine pit at midnight. Smells slightly funny?

Still it looks the part. Down the hatch!


Hmm, it tastes a bit funny. In fact, almost all you can taste is peanut butter. But it doesn't taste right? Aha, a quick check if the can shows they have used peanut butter flavouring and caramel colouring. Grr at the schmartificial.


It offends mine eye. Despite that you can just about make out what seems to be a reasonable milk stout behind it all. Poor show though. 4/10 booms.

What next. Well, one that has my pork loin set to maximum baste!!...



I remember the original caramel chew chew, a fine beer and when I saw this with its clever twist I just had to check to see if it was a gimmick or if it was any good.

It's 10% ABV so I will end up trollied and not caring either way.


Cor look at that. When poured it reminds me of a Latina princess in a black velvet dress!!

Look at you my beauty, down my gurgle pipe you will go!!

Oh my, it's lovely. The salted caramel of the chew chew is still there with bags of roasted malty flavour and the oh so subtle black berry. It's marvelous. Very strong and yet very smooth with a real lasting bitter kick of an aftertaste.

Yes indeed. It's a beer for clashing tankards with before battle. A beer you can tell your children I was there for the olive black devil of caramel and chocolate with added unctuous berries!!

This is SPARTA!! magnificent!! 9/10 booms!

I must drink more, more in the snow. I may be gone some time...



I need to try a milky one... I just feel they will be disgusting :D

Haha, the beer ones wouldn't. I think you would like a good one!

All the way from Tennessee!! Yeeehaaaw!

We don't say yeehaw or lasso steer...that's Texas. Lol
Say, @ned lives in Austin, maybe he does that now!
Sorry the beer let you down, we don't have great craft brews outta Tennessee, but we sure can make some good sour mash bourbon!

I love the way you phrase things, it makes me laugh every time!

Hehe, I do love the bourbon it must be said! I had a feeling I was on a hiding to nothing when I made the steer comment lol!

I didn't know that about Ned!

Lol! The great Tennessee passtime is to head down to music row in Nashville and make fun of all the tourists wearing cowboy hats and cowboy boots. Hahaha

Tennesse has Jack Daniels and George Dickel which are both good, but if you want fancy, you gotta get Kentucky bourbon like Bulleit, Knob Creek or Hartford Reserve - they are the shiz! They are expensive/top shelf here, though, so I can't imagine what they would cost if bought in Scotland (that's where you are, right?).

Yeah, I think they just moved Steemit Inc. HQ out there.

I have tried both Bulleit and Knob Creek, oddly enough they are not too expensive comparative to others here. They must have a good distribution deal going on. Either that or they really are cheap over there and I think thirty five pounds is normal lol! And yes Scotland! I will have to keep an eye out or Hartford Reserve as I have never tried/seen that one.

I can imagine the fun as the tourists all think they are getting the local colour! lol!

Ah ok, yeah, they're about the same price here - more or less. Maybe I'm just a liquor cheapskate. haha

It's great, really. Probably equivalent to some stupid American walking around in a kilt in Scotland. Lol

The tourist in a kilt thing happens more often than you would believe! Not just american, it causes quite a giggle.

I am glad there is some transatlantic equality in the pricing!

Oh, I believe it. lol!

sorry my beleh join your blog
me too if postigan lol

Why do they do the artificial thing? It's never good, much like fake sugars, it has that chemically blech taste. And they ruin perfectly good beer with it.

What a perfect comparison to show how amazing it can be if they don't go artificial. And look what a manly stud you are, short sleeves in the snow, haha!

Absolutely!!! Take the Black Berry chew chew, it was awesome and you could just het a nice hint of blackberry and it was real natural tasting. Totally complimented it. But the other one was like plastic and fake biscuits!

Check me, the Nordic Warrior!! Of course I ran back indoors in a flash shouting, Its freezing oot there!!!

Oh disappointed to see the peanut beer stout is not good, though I was thinking it would be weird. Was thinking hmmm never heard of a peanut butter beer before, wonder how that is and doesn't seem to great after ur review especially considering it has flavorings in it!

Love ur gifs as usual ;-)>

Hehe, I should have known it would be bad but I couldn't resist it. Peanut butter!! But slag no. The other one though, that would have floated your boat and no mistake I bet!

Cheers matey!!

Yea man I love fruity beers!
The peanut one didn't sound very good but atlas you now know!
I mean with how many beers you have tried in ur time its worth a go haha

White wine here meester followed by four large cans of Tyskie lager yum yum, to wash down the chicken tikka I just made and ate, it was from shhhhh (Lidl) I pretended to make it, while nuking it in the microwave. Happy hangover Sunday my cousin from higher lands.

White wine and then the lager... Thats the way to do it. I quite like a Tyskie! And with a curry, top notch!

Happy hangover Sunday! :OD

Oh... My... God! I don't know if I like peanut butter, black berries, or beer more.

I guess that usage of peanut butter flavoring could have been expected, unfortunately.

I love the "Spartan" beer description and the 10% ABV sounds... efficient.

Cheers! : )

I will say that yes... Efficient is the word!!

I suspect it is the only way they could get that flavour in there but still. It was foul!

Hehe, Cheers!

I wasn't completely convinced you weren't just making up those flavours, till I saw the pictures!

They were quite wild this week I thought. When I saw them in the shop I was like *what!?! :0)

You never can resist anything wild, can you? Good to know.

If it's wild, I'm on it! ;0)

:)) well said. beer world is crazy, they'll try to brew anything in there.

I do not know how you do to get these beers, they all look great in appearance and few are known, you have to congratulate your distributor for the varieties he harbors.
the first really disappointing, however the black berry pleasantly surprised9 / 10 is a great score.
Happy beer Saturday dear friend / @ meesterboom

It's a hard search to get them. But you know what they say, nothing good in life is easy!! Cheers to you @jlufer and I hope you have a great weekend!

As an Argentinian, I bet you put away a lot of Fernet-Branca, eh @jlufer? ;)

Hello dear friend @rigaronib time without seeing your work, the last time you visit your blog you announced that you are absent, I already marked you to follow your work.
If we Argentines are a lot of the fernet, but we take more in winter, in summer more beer.
I wish you a happy weekend

Ah, ok! Yeah, Fernet is definitely an acquired taste...I'm not very fond of it, but I'll still drink it! Lol
Hope you're doing well, man!

boom is luckier than most, but you'd be surprised what you find at your local beer-geek shop. it must be one near you!!!
I am starting to get my paws on some might good beers too around here and making boomy envious when I find a gem. It's worth the hunt :D:D:D:

Wow, I'm amazed of those new trends...Oooh Gorgeous, Peanut Butter and Black Berry Chew Chew Beers...ooh look what I found...this is paralel...meat without meat and soy, gorgeous taste...salve-natura-a-fine-vegetarian-delicacy-jemna-02.jpg salve-natura-uzena-klobasa-03.jpg salve-natura-pepper-delicacy-paprikova-02.jpg

I hope beer from peanut butter is not too fatty

That looks quite fascinating. I love to try the different things!

Fortunately the peanuit butter one was quite fatless! :O)

ooh fatless...😆

More appealing now!! Hehe

Hello @meesterboom, I'm glad that at least the Black Berry Chew Chew! He had a tremendous performance ... In any case, given the snow and the cold that they have in their country and cities, I think that now you must be taking Mad Agnes; I think it goes better with the cold season; since, it keeps your body a bit hotter ... I'm going to have a cold beer at this time because our weather is some hotter, cheers! Greetings. PS: Good photo that of the glass of beer combined with the snow 10/10!

Thank you! I liked that photo myself, it just seemed right.

A cold beer on a hot day is perfect :0)

Well, I really drank more than one beer and today I have some hangover; But My Good Lady and My Little Ladies have been good to me, they have not made me work ... Greetings.

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