
in #life6 years ago


I sat in the meeting room. It was the usual cross-site meeting nonsense. We were all gathered round a big table before which was a gigantic screen. Atop of which was the video conferencing camera.

I was a little early for the meeting to start and I sat there trying my best to look enthusiastic and team player'y as the rest of the folk filed in.

A man with exceedingly large sideburns came in and sat next to me nodding at me in a chummy way.


I smiled at him insincerely like he was a charity collector on a high street that I was swerving to avoid.

He was not to be put off however.

Phew, don't think we've met? I'm Silvanus, Project Management.

He stuck his hand out enthusiastically as if to fondle my pork truncheon. I disappointed him by presenting my hand instead and giving his a firm shake.

Boomdawg. Pleased to meet you.

He grinned, as if we had just married and he was laying me on a bed of rose petals. In return, I grimaced as I attempted not to frown at his peculiar name.


There were few rules that I adhered to in life. One of them was never to trust someone with the word anus in their name. This rule had served me well so far.

Hate these bloody things eh. Video conferences, I always hate seeing myself on the camera.

He nudged me conspiratorially.

They say the camera adds ten pounds eh. You'll know what I'm talking about.

I raised an eyebrow. I will know what he is talking about? Will I bloody fuck? I am a slender antelope of a man. Honed and chiselled through countless hours in the gym.


I opened my mouth to deliver a devastating retort when El Jefe breezed in.

Right, we all set? Who's got the remote for the video conference thingamajig?

Some faceless drone excitedly waved it aloft and pressed a button.

The screen came alive. We were displayed in full HD sitting around the table. There were about eight of us. Silvanus nudged me again.

Blimey. Look at the state of us!

Once again I readied myself to deliver a withering retort when I flicked my gaze to the screen.

Wait a minute, who was that? On the screen I could quite clearly see El Jefe, a clutch of fawning sycophants, this chap Silvanus and next to him... Was that Jabba the Hutt?


It looked like Jabba the Hutt, right down to the wobbling chins.

I didn't understand. Wasn't that my seat? What trickery was this? I leaned in toward Silvanus.

This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum... hur hur hur...

Silvanus nodded and giggled slightly at my words.

Hang on? Was I Jabba? Was that me on the screen? But I have been cutting back on the junk and going to the gym? Hadn't I?

I leaned down to assess my fine physique. Something under my neck bunched up.


That was odd, I definitely wasn't wearing a scarf? What could that be? Oh no, was it my actual chin?

The folk on the other end of the line joined the video conference and for the next half hour I fretted whilst listening to people talking about attack trees and lean frameworks.

After the meeting I trotted off to the toilet at quite a pace. Once there I looked at myself in the mirror.

And there it was. Before me Jabba the Hutt wobbled with his many chinned majesty.

Was I hallucinating? I tried to reassure myself out loud.

Ka eej bookha Skywalker.

Chortled my reflection. All that was missing was Princess Leia in a bikini.

It was with a sinking feeling that I cast my mind back over the last few weeks since the discovery of my Bingo Wings.

We had been snowed in for almost a week. A natural response to which was to eat lots of chocolate.

I and the family had been ill for over a week. A natural response to which was to eat lots of chocolate.

In the mirror, Jabba chuckled and shook his chins at me.

Oh bugger. Time to get back on the wagon.


If you look at your magnificant second chin carefully, you may notice the similarities with a certain pork truncheon.

Especially if you forgot to shave that morning.

Oh noes!!!!!!! My beautiful eyes!!!!

Eeeewwww! Thoughts of pork truncheon chin are not getting me going!

I promise, it's just a picture of a chin and a second chin in behind. ;-)

let's make samgyeopsal out of him just kidding :)

chico .. stay away from the chillied chocs haha
get well soon to all of you

Some things cannot be unseen ... lol.

Love the picture me boom, it's like a Jabba/Shrek combo, hahaha! As for the weight gain- ugh, one thing that keeps me from being in total denial about my age is how much easier it is to put on weight and harder to take it off again. But it can be done! (I'm sure you're still gorgeous ;)

It is so easy to put it on. THis being forty odd lark is shit!

Your still gorgeous!! You!! :O)

It is shit, lol, once upon a time I just had to think about losing weight and it would start coming off. It's a metabolism thing, age slows it down. I always have to jumpstart it now with a day of water fasting and making sure I eat small meals, and not after a certain time blah blah annoying ha!

Aw!! xo

I know, I was the same. I wouldnt eat a carb for a day and the weight would just fall off like nobodys business. now I have to work like demented crab!


i agree, still very awsome

I know this is pure nonsense! I’ve seen video evidence of your lean Scottish frame on last Saturday’s beer video! Ha! Nice try! Just running low on good stories and you wanted to take advantage of the current Star Wars craze! Bravo!!

HAha, I have a double chin!! Its massive, it got in the way of me looking down at my fine physique! Woe is me! ;O)

Have a look at what Trevor.George is doing with his running.
Being a programmer his day was spent sitting looking at a screen, add to that enough Greek food for an army.
He was becoming a real ' chubby bubby', then this run for hours bug has set in,
Now, at 50 mumble he is in as good a shape as his 20 s. No gym fees either.

He is doing well thats for sure. I hate running. I used to run half marathons, then did a full one. After my knees took a week to recover I thought, bugger that! Some people are born for it!

I will do it the old fashioned way, pumping iron!

You don't like Uranus, as well 🌕...? Maybe, however is nice 🤔? This Silvy of your looks like a character from Charles Dickens novels...big nose, fat cheeks reflecting from His face "Gimme myyyy moneyyyy👹!!!". Anyway, this doesn't change the fact we need more, excersises, walking, bike...gym💪💪💪?!

YEs indeed, I need more gym!

I like Uranus, but I wouldn't trust it!! ;OD

Eating sweet mainly chocolates its because calms down...Sugars physically wraps down the nerv, feeds the nerve and balances or "calms down the nerves" that is why many people have their heads constantly in the fridge...

I know, it will be a hard habit to break but break it I will!! It's easier when you know you are doing it!

Your posts are always a good source of merriment. From the fondling of the pork truncheon to the never trust a man with "anus" in his name, I was still trying to recover when I got the the encore of taking spammers to task in the comments.
Thanks for the much needed laughs.

Hehe, you are welcome! I amused myself with this one today :OD

Well that's a fine life's motto 'Always keep your pork truncheon out of the hands of people with'anus' in their name'. Ha..I will have to ask my boss and see if he adheres to the same motto lol

It is a fine motto to live by!! Definitely ask him ;O)

A natural response to which was to eat lots of chocolate.

Isn't that the natural response to everything?

I quote a song by a talented NZ musician:

When you're feeling down the best way up is chocolate
It's the answer that will get you through the day
Let me get my teeth around
Something small and square and brown
And I'll masticate util I feel ok
I'll masticate my miseries away

Oh, except perhaps when the mirror is channeling Jabba :-(

It has certainly been the way I have been getting through everything. I only realised that my well meaning gym-ness wasn't happening and that I had a massive double chin


Hehe, the song is so apt

It's funny how we fool ourselves into thinking we've been going to the gym, because that monthly fee keeps going out of our bank accounts. Which is exactly the type of members gyms like - the ones that pay regularly but don't actually go along to wear out the equipment and use up the hot water...

They love those ones. It means they can have way more members than can physically fit in because they know that will never happen.

I am gonna show em!

O I agree - chocolates are the answer to so many questions

lovely art, nice works, is it painted by digital tools...

There is a little painting in this one followed by different layer blends then a cartoon filter. Nothing too strenuous :O)

what is Jabba?
I have heard the word Abba :p
In Urdu Language we say father as Abba :p

Really?? I didnt know that. Jabba is the big fat green baddie in the Star Wars movie Empire Strikes Back :O)

hahaha, that green one :p short hight?
A new word to add in your dictionary :p You are Abba(father) of beautiful daughter <3

Yeah, thre big massive green one that has princess Leia on a chain

I will remember that

Oh poor princess :(

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