About Life and Love, Fears and Feelings.

in #life7 years ago

It was a warm night in Berlin, end of August 2016.

This song, old and favorite, was playing at a central outdoor bar.

The bar looked like a beach - umbrellas, sand, wooden tables and chairs... It was cute. We passed by holding hands and we kept hearing this song all the way down the street, echoing...

''The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you''

It was always a favorite song, but this moment made it even more precious.

I just had a conversation with my wise friend @natureofbeing about love and life. And guess what - the song is right.

Nobody loves no one

IF we don't love ourselves first. Like it or not, this is the person you were born with, lived with and have to deal with seeing in the mirror every single day. How do you expect other people to love it if YOU of all people don't? At the same time it can be really hard. I didn't choose me now did I?
Just because my parents fell in love a decided to 'make' me, why should I care, right?

Wrong! Life is not about just surviving - it's about actually living...

LIFE NOT SURVIVAL - written on a wall in central Athens.

I am a love person. That's why I'm constantly getting hurt.

By other people or even by myself - did it ever happen to you?
Love drives me. I say love is everywhere. Is that the right approach in life though in the end?

Found those two on the web to match my always positive mood, even at my worst.

2018 just started, this year is still young, it's only barely February!

So let's move on - shall we?

If only it were that easy though...

Even when sad,we need to keep positive.

Like me in this picture:

Otherwise what? WHAT?

Scarlett was right -tomorrow is another day.

And even if 'frankly,my dear,he doesn't give a damn' we need to keep moving. The Earth doesn't stop moving, does it? Then why should we?

Oh my God, how true...

Keep Walking - and Why the Hell Not?

Had that wine the other night... Italian... funny name... I thought it was on purpose, like you know, a message... nah...

I believe in signs.

And I believe that things happen for a reason. And as I saw somewhere around social media sometimes the reason is that you're stupid and you're making bad decisions. Well ... yeah. There are no signs ALL the time. And there are no reasons behind EVERYTHING. Because sometimes... shit happens - and that's it. No further explanation. Do we lose courage? A little bit. Do we let it take us down?


As Lost as Alice - as Mad as the Hatter.

Yup. This is how I feel at this very moment. Lost in my time. Mad at myself.
But this too shall pass. Doesn't it all?
The 4th of February it'll be 10 years I lost my Dad.
The 11th, 1 I lost my grandpa.
But THIS year I intend in making February an awesome month.
Valentine or not.

Even when you feel lost or sad or mad, it shall pass.

It always does.

I am wishing you all an amazing February and as I always say, whatever happens, don't forget to smile!





:-)), glad to see this, cheers to this passionate commitment to life!!! love you lady

Love you too !!! You're my inspiration !!! (ehem...ok...probably for most people in here but I'm the possessive one thank you very much :P ) <3

@meanmommy33 Your deep look radiates feelings of friendship and commitment. Excellent post regards

Thank you @felixgarciap ...! I am a very emotional and committed person indeed :) Glad you liked it!

I’m with you... I am Love! And let’s make February an awesome month! Keep it up :)

I will sure try !!! :)))

Time heals, all will pass. Love yourself my dear. YOU. ARE. AMAZING.

Thank you cherie... Seulement...Fatiguée des cons...vraiment...
I need friends' reminders sometimes ;)))
Bisous !! :*

Ah oui les cons c'est fatigant. Tres, tres fatigant.

I believe love is a gift and that love is the most important thing in life. As you say to get live we need to love ourselves, not easy if we have been told that we aren't special and so on. Still we have to spend the whole life with ourselves...

I have learned one thing in life and it really is true for me: everything pass, we fall in love again and again. We lose and we cry and then suddenly love finds us again. You look amazing, keep it up you will love again💜

The worst punishment if you ask me: Having to spend a lifetime with a person you barely like - yourself,in some cases...
We sure do - I've been there. And you would think that every next break up gets easier, but no - same bullshit. But then, we rise again!
Thank you girl :*

Bittersweet like a coffee with a little zucchero in it. The melody starts well and ends in wine. Sorry for your loss, it's easy for us to ignore it and forget it and to only see the bitterness and to reject it. When it's dark and we want to move on we crave for a little light.

PS: Found a post that may help: https://busy.org/p/@vm2904/how-to-cope-with-grief-personal-experience-original-photographs-and-thoughts

Thank you dear - even though I dealt with that kind of grief already [cool post though!!!]
I like my coffee with no sugar though ahahaha kidding :D I got what you mean ;)
I'm at this state now - craving for a little light...not knowing though if I want moonlight or sunlight...

people always say, "this too shall pass" it does/can pass but it can leave marks but it does start to fade in time
which isn't really an uplifting thing , I am a realist not one to blow smoke up butts, BUT you are doing great

Sometimes bad stuff leave marks, sometimes they don't.
Personally, I like every 'mark' I have. We are all carrying baggage from the past anyway, right?
My whole life I tried to be a realist BUT I constantly fail 'cause I'm an idiotic romantic who believes in fairy tales and LOVE [ok, not unicorns...uhm...no, yeah I think not :P ] Thank you girl.... :*

I relate with this post so much, from the Chris Isaak song to your words about life, and the meaning of life, and the importance of loving and continue to love even when it hurts. In my situation, I'm a married man with three kids, very much appreciative of my companion, and then... I have this certain intrigue, and it's growing stronger! It's an energetic focal point that feels like a magnet, drawing me closer to this other love... And it feels like my heart is growing larger, and I am increasing my capacity to love. I am fearful of the consequences of this, but more than that I am honoring the feeling. I'm looking at this with a soft gaze, without judgment, and just creating space for it to be exactly what it is, whatever it is. Hope you can understand what I'm saying. Just know that I appreciate you and relate with what you're sharing here.

I followed you already just so you know ;) Not just because of your comment, but also because of the 'Good Viber' at your description! I could really use some good vibes right now ;)
What's 'this other love' you're talking about though...? Is it what I think it is? Because if so, maybe it's just lust and not love...?
Glad you liked and mostly felt close to my post - I really hope it touches a lot of Steemians out there ;)

Very true, everything you say. I know someone who struggles with believing she's pretty. And it's no coincidence that every man she's been involved with tends to ignore her appearance - they don't give her compliments, don't seem to notice that she is, actually, very pretty. And some of the men she's been involved with haven't even been attracted to her. It probably all goes back to her own beliefs about herself. I need to show her this post.

Please do @geke if you think it'll help.
I'm not analyzing science here or saying I'm doing it right - to the contrary, I do it completely wrong. But the realization of a problem is the first step of solving it right?
Thanks for passing by - and I CANNOT believe I wasn't following you.... even though I'm sure I did when you joined @ocd ... Unless it's one of those Steemit games at the time with all the errors and problems with the app, who knows... Hugs steemsugar :*

This is so true, we need to love ourselves first. Every time you allow yourself to love someone else, there is the chance of getting hurt, but it's worth it to love, to take that risk. I hope joy is in your heart, @meanmommy33, even when there is also sadness. Blessings to you!

It's ok to love someone else - as long as you remember that you should love YOU first !
Sadness will always be - otherwise I'll lose my artistic talents haha! But joy...wish me more joy !!!!
Thank you sweetie !!! :*

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