How We Clean Home and Manage It

in #life6 years ago

Hello Friends,

Here I am Lucia again trying to find a good and virtuous topic to inscribe and share on my blog.

So the topic for today is "Clean home tips".

Many have no idea of ​​the cleanliness of the house and how to handle simple tasks that will help their efforts. While no one is an expert, there are some good tips that will make the job much easier. The first of these is organization and good practices. Having the right equipment for storage and making sure that things have a home to go to is part of management practices. Leaving things out there is disastrous and can easily accumulate and cause negligence.


Clutter is the number one enemy of a clean house. Many have the tendency to leave things where they were last used or to drop clothes instead of keeping them. Apart from this, however, there are the collections and many of those are just dust captures.

If one has a collection, then provide a cabinet in which to keep it that is mainly dust free. The glass doors will allow you to be seen and admired. Things like glasses and vases should also be in cupboards along with crockery and such. Make sure everything has a suitable place and be attentive to the way others in the home leave their things out there.

A good cleanup begins with discipline and getting rid of things that do not take place or that are useless. Do not be a hoarder and when something is not used for a long period of time, give it or throw it away.

Pots are a source of annoyance since modern technology has eliminated the need for many of them. Also, when one ages and no longer cooks too much, then they are simply filling the closet space that can be used for other things. The same goes for cleaning products. Do not shelter the ones you never use and do not buy them in excess.

These days, most houses have a dishwasher and microwave. That makes it much easier to keep the kitchen clean. When a meal is finished, the dishes can be rinsed and stacked immediately in the machine. If this main room of a house is kept tidy, the rest usually follows its example.

Do not have things that are useless, such as magazines and newspapers. When they have finished reading, they should be discarded. It is not necessary to treasure wrapping paper, as it can be easily purchased if necessary. However, instead of using it, try using bags that can be reused over and over again. The gifts in nice paper bags are just as good.

Plastic bags are another thing that one can easily do without. If one is used to align the garbage bin in the kitchen, try emptying it in the trash and reusing it instead of depositing it with the garbage. My cotton bags, easily made in a few minutes, replace the plastic in stores. Then they are reused to be in my shopping cart, which eliminates the need to carry bags.

There are many ways to keep a home better and, while these are just a few, there are many other ideas that can be implemented. Without the clutter that gets in the way, it's easy to dust and clean carpets and furniture, and be proud of our efforts.

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Bye for now, Take care...


Regards from: @luciamuresan


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